Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "R memory issue / quantreg"
2010 Oct 10
rearrange command in quantreg package
Dear all,
I want to use the "rearrange" command which is based on Chernozhukov et al
paper and is included in the quantreg package. So, I run a quantile
regression in which I included dummy variables for state and years in order
to estimate the respective fixed effects quantile regression. The problems
are the followings:
1. At example that is stated in the help****, I don't
2013 Jun 29
Quantile Regression/(package (quantreg))
Do something like:
dd <- datadist(mydatarame); options(datadist='dd')
f <- Rq(y ~ rcs(age,4)*sex, tau=.5) # use rq function in quantreg
summary(f) # inter-quartile-range differences in medians of y (b/c tau=.5)
plot(Predict(f, age, sex)) # show age effect on median as a continuous
For more help type ?summary.rms and ?Predict
2012 Jul 28
quantreg Wald-Test
Dear all,
I know that my question is somewhat special but I tried several times to
solve the problems on my own but I am unfortunately not able to compute the
following test statistic using the quantreg package. Well, here we go, I
appreciate every little comment or help as I really do not know how to tell
R what I want it to do^^
My situation is as follows: I have a data set containing a
2002 Jun 02
quantreg 3.09
A new version of the quantile regression package (quantreg 3.09) is now
available on CRAN. The new features include:
1. a new fitting method "fnc" for rq() which allow the call to specify
linear inequality constraints on the coefficients.
2. an anova() function for rq objects that implements several F-like tests
for quantile regression models at a given quantile, and other F-like
2017 Jun 19
quantreg::rq.fit.hogg crashing at random
Dear all,
I am using the "rq.fit.hogg" function from the "quantreg" package. I have
two problems with it.
First (less importantly), it gives an error at its default values with
error message "Error in if (n2 != length(r)) stop("R and r of incompatible
dimension") : argument is of length zero". I solve this by commenting four
lines in the code. I.e. I
2011 Oct 14
How to keep a coefficient fixed when using rq {quantreg}?
Hello all,
I would like to compute a quantile regression using rq (from the
quantreg package), while keeping one of the coefficients fixed.
Is it possible to set an offset for rq in quantreg? (I wasn't able to
make it to work)
Contact me: Tal.Galili at gmail.com |? 972-52-7275845
Read me:
2011 Jan 31
Function rearrange (quantreg)
Dear all
How can I obtain the data from the function "rearrange" in package quantreg
More especifically, based on the example below (available in the help of the
rearrange function), how can I access the data generated by
"rearrange(zp)" ?
z <- rq(foodexp ~ income, tau = -1,data =engel)
zp <-
2011 Oct 31
Question on estimating standard errors with noisy signals using the quantreg package
Dear all,
My question might be more of a statistics question than a question on R,
although it's on how to apply the 'quantreg' package. Please accept my
apologies if you believe I am strongly misusing this list.
To be very brief, the problem is that I have data on only a random draw, not
all of doctors' patients. I am interested in the, say, median number of
patients of
2010 Jan 07
Quantreg - 'could not find function"rq"'
Hi all,
I'm having some troubles with the Quantreg package. I am using R
version 2.10.0, and have downloaded the most recent version of Quantreg
(4.44) and SparseM (0.83 - required package). However, when I try to
run an analysis (e.g. fit1<-rq(y~x, tau=0.5)) I get an error message
saying that the function "rq" could not be found. I get the same
message when I try to search
2011 Jul 21
Quantreg-rq crashing trouble
I am using the quantreg package for median regression for a large series
of subsets of data. It works fabulously for all but one subset. When it
reaches this subset, R takes the command and never responds. I end up
having to kill R and restart it.
It appears to be something with the particular data subset, but I can't
pinpoint the problem.
Here are some details
Operating system:
2009 Jun 30
odd behaviour in quantreg::rq
I am trying to use quantile regression to perform weighted-comparisons of the
median across groups. This works most of the time, however I am seeing some
odd output in summary(rq()):
Call: rq(formula = sand ~ method, tau = 0.5, data = x, weights =
Value Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 45.44262 3.64706 12.46007
2014 Nov 15
quantreg speed
Hi all,
I'm using quantreg rq() to perform quantile regression on a large data set.
Each record has 4 fields and there are about 18 million records in total. I
wonder if anyone has tried rq() on a large dataset and how long I should
expect it to finish. Or it is simply too large and I should subsample the
data. I would like to have an idea before I start to run and wait forever.
In addition,
2011 Jan 11
Problems producing quantreg-Tables
Hi Folks,
I've got a question regarding the 'quantreg' package maintained by Roger
I tried to produce LaTeX tables using the longtable and dcolumn options
as decribed in the manual, but the function latex() doesn't seem to
react on _any_ other options than 'digits' and 'transpose'.
To reproduce these results the following minimal example may be used:
2005 Feb 22
Having problems with quantreg
Hi All,
I'm still having significantly difficulty getting the quantreg library
running in R. I'm running R on MEPIS using the debs created by Dirk
Eddelbuettel and placed in apt testing. When I try to install quantreg using
the install.packages() function it fails with: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find
Dirk was nice enough to send me a .deb for quantreg which installs without
2012 May 28
R quantreg anova: How to change summary se-type
He folks=)
I want to check whether a coefficient has an impact on a quantile regression
(by applying the sup-wald test for a given quantile range [0.05,0.95].
Therefore I am doing the following calculations:
for (i in 5:95/100){
a[i]=anova(fitrestricted,fitunrestricted)$table$Tn) #gives the Test-Value
As anova
2005 Feb 19
Problems installing quantreg
Hi All,
I'm trying to install the quantreg library on my MEPIS box (debian-based
linux). When I try >install.packages("quantreg") it fails to loads and
errors with: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lblas-3. I tried installing a ton of
packages to fix the missing part but the only thing I manage to do it cause
problems with another shared library and had to re-install a couple of
2005 Feb 19
Problems installing quantreg
Hi All,
I'm trying to install the quantreg library on my MEPIS box (debian-based
linux). When I try >install.packages("quantreg") it fails to loads and
errors with: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lblas-3. I tried installing a ton of
packages to fix the missing part but the only thing I manage to do it cause
problems with another shared library and had to re-install a couple of
2009 Jul 21
package quantreg behaviour in weights in function rq,
Dear all,
I am having v.4.36 of Quantreg package and I noticed strange behaviour when
weights were added. Could anyone please explain me what if the results are
really strange or the behavioiur is normal. As an example I am using dataset
Engel from the package and my own weights.
w<-c(0.00123, 0.00050, 0.00126, 0.00183, 0.00036, 0.00100,
2008 Feb 05
Got *** caught segfault *** with Quantreg on Mac (PR#10699)
Full_Name: Edward Huang
Version: 2.6.1
OS: Mac OS 10.5.1 Leopard
Submission from: (NULL) (
I'm trying to run quantile regression on my data. I just couldn't make it work.
The same dataset ran okay on STATA 10, tho.
Would you please take a look at it?
Here is the error message:
*** caught segfault ***
address 0x3ff00008, cause 'memory not mapped'
2008 May 15
plot(summary) within quantreg package
Quantreg package allows to plot the summary of models derived by quantile
regression at different taus.
The plot shows the parameters variation by varying taus: intercept and slope
(for a linear model).
Together with these values even confidence intervals may be plotted, based
on the threshold given within the summary (e.g. alpha=0.01 equals 99% CI).
However the graphic even plots the mean of