similar to: Sampling theory

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Sampling theory"

2010 Aug 06
Latex errors when checking package
Dear listers, I just run R CMD check on an update of one of my packages. All seems fine but after having gone through all the Rd-file and example checking and so on, I get the following kind of errors: LaTeX errors when creating PDF version. This typically indicates Rd problems. LaTeX errors found: ! Font T1/ptm/m/n/10=ptmr8t at 10.0pt not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not found . <to be read
2011 Jun 09
k-nn hierarchical clustering
Hi there, is there any R-function for k-nearest neighbour agglomerative hierarchical clustering? By this I mean standard agglomerative hierarchical clustering as in hclust or agnes, but with the k-nearest neighbour distance between clusters used on the higher levels where there are at least k>1 distances between two clusters (single linkage is 1-nearest neighbour clustering)? Best regards,
2006 Aug 09
R CMD check error
Dear list, R CMD check on my updated package now generated the following error: "LaTeX errors when creating DVI version. This typically indicates Rd problems." But the Rd files (and everything else) were checked as "OK" (I removed the problem about which I asked the list some hours ago, but answers are still appreciated because I rather created a rough workaround than
2010 Oct 10
Package "prabclus" not available?
Hi there, I just tried to install the package prabclus on a computer running Ubuntu Linux 9.04 using install.packages from within R. This gave me a message: Warning message: In install.packages("prabclus") : package ?prabclus? is not available I tried to do this selecting two different CRAN mirrors (same result) and with other packages (installing them works fine). Looking up the
2006 Aug 18
R-update - what about packages and ESS?
Hi there, it seems that if I update R, it doesn't find previously installed packages anymore and is also not found by ESS. Actually the update has been done by our system administrator who assumed that there would be no problems with these things (I don't have root access to this system) and will perhaps not be too keen on installing everything else again. Is there any simple way how
2005 Sep 29
Regression slope confidence interval
Hi list, is there any direct way to obtain confidence intervals for the regression slope from lm, predict.lm or the like? (If not, is there any reason? This is also missing in some other statistics softwares, and I thought this would be quite a standard application.) I know that it's easy to implement but it's for explanation to people who faint if they have to do their own programming...
2006 Aug 09
Rd question: itemize in arguments
Dear list, I'm writing Rd files and I'd like to have a list inside the description of an argument: (...) \arguments{ (...) \item{bootmethod}{vector of strings, defining the methods used for resampling. Possible methods: \itemize{ \item{"boot"} {Nonparametric bootstrap (precise behaviour is controlled by parameters \code{bscompare} and
2006 Aug 02
Summary method needed?
Hi list, I'm updating my fpc package at the moment and will add some new functions. I learned that there should be print and summary methods for the key functions. The purpose of the summary methods seems to be to reduce the possibly incredibly complex information in the function's output and the print method ( should print an overview of the result. But in some
2007 Nov 05
order a matrix
Dear list, order(x,y,z) returns a permutation to order x, ties broken by y, remaining ties broken by z. (And so on.) What I'd like to do is order(X), where X is a matrix (or a list or data frame if necessary) of unspecified size, which orders X[,1], ties broken by X[,2], remaining ties broken by X[,3] and so on - without having to know and to write down how many columns X has. Any
2008 Sep 19
Hi there, any explanation for this? > intToUtf8(66) Error in intToUtf8(66) : argument 'x' must be an integer vector > intToUtf8(c(66,55)) Error in intToUtf8(c(66, 55)) : argument 'x' must be an integer vector > intToUtf8(c(66,55),multiple=TRUE) Error in intToUtf8(c(66, 55)) : argument 'x' must be an integer vector Errr... 66 and c(66,55) are as integer vectorish
2012 Aug 21
R CMD build error with data files
Dear list, I want to update my prabclus package which I haven't done for quite a while. In the previous version, I had .dat files in my data subdirectory, which I read using .R files. Now R CMD check gives me a warning that .dat files are no longer accepted there. So I changed my filenames to .txt, but actually some of these files are only there in order to be read by .R, not in order
2007 Jun 08
0 and Baysian regression
Hi there, two questions. 1) Is there any possibility to look up the help pages within R for more complex combinations of character strings, for example "Bayesian" AND "regression" but not necessarily "Bayesian regression"? 2) Is there a package/command that does fully Bayesian linear regression (if possible with variable selection)? Thanks, Christian *** --- ***
2009 May 14
Bayesian 2*2 table independence test
Dear list, I'd like to test the null hypothesis of independence in a 2*2 contingency table in a Bayesian way. As far as I can see, this can be done by the function ctable in library LearnBayes. (More precisely, a Bayes factor can be computed.) Two questions: 1) Is there any other package/function than can be used for this in a more or less straightforward manner? 2) The ctable help page
2012 Jul 26
lda, collinear variables and CV
Dear R-help list, apparently lda from the MASS package can be used in situations with collinear variables. It only produces a warning then but at least it defines a classification rule and produces results. However, I can't find on the help page how exactly it does this. I have a suspicion (it may look at the hyperplane containing the class means, using some kind of default/trivial
2012 Aug 14
Problems with lda-CV, and collinear variables in lda
Dear R-help list, two issues regarding lda. 1) I'm puzzled by the fact that lda's in-build cross-validation gives results different from the manual cross-validation routine that I run (of course mine may be wrong, but I don't think so). See here: library(MASS) set.seed(12345) n <- 50 p <- 10 # or p<- 200 testdata <- matrix(ncol=p,nrow=n) for (i in 1:p) testdata[,i]
2010 Sep 01
Rd-file error: non-ASCII input and no declared encoding
Dear list, I came across the following error for three of my newly written Rd-files: non-ASCII input and no declared encoding I can't make sense of this. Below I copied in one of the three files. Can anybody please tell me what's wrong with it? Thank you, Christian \name{tetragonula} \alias{tetragonula} \alias{tetragonula.coord} \docType{data} % \non_function{} \title{Microsatellite
2006 Jun 27
Random numbers negatively correlated?
Dear list, I did simulations in which I generated 10000 independent Bernoulli(0.5)-sequences of length 100. I estimated p for each sequence and I also estimated the conditional probability that a one is followed by another one (which should be p as well). However, the second probability is significantly smaller than 0.5 (namely about 0.494, see below) and of course smaller than the direct
2005 Aug 03
R CMD build error
Dear list, I try to update the prabclus package. R CMD check works nicely, no warnings, good results in all tests. However, building the package fails: ginkgo:/disk5/home/chrish/RAusw/libsrc R CMD build prabclus * checking for file 'prabclus/DESCRIPTION' ... OK * preparing 'prabclus': * checking whether 'INDEX' is up-to-date ... OK * removing junk files * building
2008 Jun 13
Dear list, I just tried to use the function cluster.stat in the package fpc. I just have a couple of questions about the syntax: cluster.stats(d,clustering,alt.clustering=NULL, silhouette=TRUE,G2=FALSE,G3=FALSE) 1) the distance object (d) is an object obtained by the function dist() on my own original matrix? 2) clustering is the clusters vector as result of one of the many clustering methods?
2003 Dec 11
cutree with agnes
Hi, this is rather a (presumed) bug report than a question because I can solve my personal statistical problem by working with hclust instead of agnes. I have done a complete linkage clustering on a dist object dm with 30 objects with agnes (R 1.8.0 on RedHat) and I want to obtain the partition that results from a cut at height=0.4. I run > cl1a <- agnes(dm, method="complete")