similar to: contrast in lme

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "contrast in lme"

2007 May 03
Package contrast error
Trying to use contrast to look at differences within an lme lme.fnl.REML <- lme(Max ~ S + Tr + Yr + Tr:Yr, random = ~1 |TID, method = "REML") I have three levels of Tr I'm trying to contrast among different years (R, T97, T98), years = 1997-1999, so I'm interested in contrasts of the interaction term. > anova(lme.fnl.REML) numDF denDF F-value
2011 Aug 17
contrast package with interactions in gls model
Hi! I try to explain the efffect of (1) forest where i took samples's soils (* Lugar*: categorical variable with three levels), (2) nitrogen addition treatments (*Tra*: categorical variable with two levels) on total carbon concentration's soil samples (*C: *continue* *variable) during four months of sampling (*Time:* categorical and ordered variable with four levels). I fitted the
2007 May 18
gls() error
Hi All How can I fit a repeated measures analysis using gls? I want to start with a unstructured correlation structure, as if the the measures at the occations are not longitudinal (no AR) but plainly multivariate (corSymm). My data (ignore the prox_pup and gender, occ means occasion): > head(dta,12) teacher occ prox_self prox_pup gender 1 1 0 0.76 0.41 1 2
2006 May 30
Query: lme output
Dear R-Users I have a problem accessing some values in the output from the summary of an lme fit. I fit the model below: ggg <- lme (ST~ -1 + as.factor(endp) + as.factor(endp), data=dat4a, random=~-1 + as.factor(endp) + as.factor(endp)|as.factor(trials), correlation = corSymm(form=~1|as.factor(trials)/as.factor(id)), weights=varIdent(form=~1|endp)) hh
2005 Jun 28
How to extract the within group correlation structure matrix in "lme"
Dear R users, I fitted a repeated measure model without random effects by using lme. I will use the estimates from that model as an initial estimates to do multiple imputation for missing values of the response variable in the model. I am trying to extract the within group correlation matrix or covariance matrix. here is my code: f = lme(y ~x0+x1+trt+tim+x1:tim +tim:trt,random=~-1|subj,
2006 Jun 01
Help: lme
Good day R-Users, I have a problem accessing some values in the output from the summary of an lme fit. The structure of my data is as shown below (I have attached a copy of the full data). id trials endp ST 1 1 -1 -1 42.42884 1 1 1 -1 48.12007 2 1 -1 -1 43.42878 2 1 1 -1
2006 Feb 12
lme, nlsList, nlsList.selfStart
Dear listers, I am trying to fit a model using nlsList() using alternately a SSfol() selfstart function or its developped equivalent formulae. This preliminary trial works well mydata<-groupedData(Conc~Tps|Organ,data=mydata) mymod1<-nls(Conc~SSfol(Dose,Tps,lKe,lKa,lCl),data=mydata) as well as a developped form: mymod2<-nls(Conc~Dose * exp(lKe+lKa-lCl) *
2002 May 29
Extracting intercept and residual std dev from lme results
Greetings- I need to extract, programatically, the standard deviations of the intercept and residuals from an lme model. These are presented by print.lme as: ... (Intercept) Residual StdDev: 1.410635 0.7800512 ... (data taken from ?lme's examples section) I can get the residuals with x$sigma where x is the fitted lme object. I can't find the intercept, though. The closest
2006 Feb 17
trouble with extraction/interpretation of variance struct ure para meters from a model built using gnls and varConstPower
Works perfectly. Thank you. -Hugh Rand -----Original Message----- From: Spencer Graves [mailto:spencer.graves at] Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2006 6:41 PM To: Rand, Hugh Cc: 'r-help at' Subject: Re: [R] trouble with extraction/interpretation of variance structure para meters from a model built using gnls and varConstPower How about this: >
2009 Jan 28
How to stack data sets?
Hi All, I'm generating 10 different data sets with 1 and 0 in a matrix form and writing the output in separate files. Now I need to stack all these data sets in one vector and I know that stack only operates on list or data frame however I got these data sets by converting list to a matrix so can't go backwards now. Is there a way i can still use Stack? Please see the program:
2009 Jan 28
stack data sets
Hi All, I'm generating 10 different data sets with 1 and 0 in a matrix form and writing the output in separate files. Now I need to stack all these data sets in one vector and I know that stack only operates on list or data frame however I got these data sets by converting list to a matrix so can't go backwards now. Is there a way i can still use Stack? Please see the program:
2010 Nov 17
lme weights glht
Dear R-user I used lme to fit a linear mixed model inlcuding weights=varPower(). Additionally I wanted to use glht to calculate Tukey-Kramer multiple comparision. error: > glht(modelF, linfct=mcp(Species="Tukey")) Error in glht.matrix(model = list(modelStruct = list(reStruct = list(SubPlot = -0.305856275920955, : ?ncol(linfct)? is not equal to ?length(coef(model))? >
2010 Sep 30
Problem comparing lme objects with anova using
Hi all, I am running some linear mixed models for longitudinal data using the nlme package. Part of the code I've developed tests for differences among models using the anova function, but I can't simply pass the corresponding lme objects as parameters to the anova function because some of the models do not converge and others are retained for comparison only if certain criteria are met.
2005 Jan 24
Follow-up on nls convergence failure with SSfol
A couple of weeks ago there was a question regarding apparent convergence in nls when using the SSfol selfStart model for fitting a first-order pharmacokinetic model. I can't manage to find the original message either in my archive or in the list archives but the data were time conc dose 0.50 5.40 1 0.75 11.10 1 1.00 8.40 1 1.25 13.80 1 1.50 15.50 1
2006 Mar 07
lme and gls : accessing values from correlation structure and variance functions
Dear R-users I am relatively new to R, i hope my many novice questions are welcome. I have problems accessing some objects (specifically the random effects, correlation structure and variance function) from an object of class gls and lme. I used the following models: yah <- gls (outcome~ -1 + as.factor(Trial):as.factor(endpoint)+
2006 Jan 09
trouble with extraction/interpretation of variance structure para meters from a model built using gnls and varConstPower
I have been using gnls with the weights argument (and varConstPower) to specify a variance structure for curve fits. In attempting to extract the parameters for the variance model I am seeing results I don't understand. When I simply display the model (or use "summary" on the model), I get what seem like reasonable values for both "power" and "const". When I
2005 Jul 20
0 1.1 beta 1 ready
Get it here: Short take on what''s new: -> Autocompletion took a notch up with incremental and local (js array) functionality -> Capability to remove draggables/droppables and redeclare sortables -> Effect.ScrollTo -> Fix memory leaks in IE and Gecko -> Make some 3rd-party js libraries comaptible, namely IE7.js -> Various tweaks and
2008 Dec 26
Simulating dataset using Parallel Latent CTT model?
I am trying to simulate a dataset using Parallel Latent CTT model and this is what i have done so far: (START) #Importing psych library for all the simulation related functions library(psych) # Settting the working directory path to C:/NCME path="C:/NCME" setwd(path) #Using the function to generate the data GenData <- congeneric.sim(N=500, loads =
2010 Feb 24
New version of rms package now on CRAN
Version 2.2-0 of the rms package is now available. This is a somewhat major update. One major change is not downward compatible: Instead of specifying predictor=. or predictor=NA to Predict, summary, nomogram, survplot, gendata, you just specify the name of the predictor. For example, to get predictions for the default range of x1 and for just 2 values of x2 you might specify Predict(fit,
2010 Feb 24
New version of rms package now on CRAN
Version 2.2-0 of the rms package is now available. This is a somewhat major update. One major change is not downward compatible: Instead of specifying predictor=. or predictor=NA to Predict, summary, nomogram, survplot, gendata, you just specify the name of the predictor. For example, to get predictions for the default range of x1 and for just 2 values of x2 you might specify Predict(fit,