Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "a question for beginner"
2011 Nov 30
Nomogram with stratified cph in rms package, how to get failure probability
I am using Dr. Harrell's rms package to make a nomogram. I was able to make
a beautiful one. However, I want to change 5-year survival probability to
5-year failure probability.
I couldn?t get hazard rate from Hazard(f1) because I used cph for the model.
Here is my code:
f1 <- cph(Surv(retime,dfs) ~
age+her2+t_stage+n_stage+er+grade+cytcyt+Cyt_PCDK2 , data=data11,
2011 Nov 30
formula for calculating the survival probability for nomogram
Hi, I used Dr. Harrell's rms package to make a nomogram.
Below is my code for nomogram and calculate total points and probability *in
original data set* used for building the nomogram. *My question is how I get
the formula for calculating the survival probability for this nomogram. Then
I can use this formula to do validation by using other data set. *
f1 <- cph(Surv(retime,dfs) ~
2009 Aug 01
Cox ridge regression
I have questions regarding penalized Cox regression using survival
package (functions coxph() and ridge()). I am using R 2.8.0 on Ubuntu
Linux and survival package version 2.35-4.
Question 1. Consider the following example from help(ridge):
> fit1 <- coxph(Surv(futime, fustat) ~ rx + ridge(age, ecog.ps, theta=1), ovarian)
As I understand, this builds a model in which `rx' is
2009 Nov 13
survreg function in survival package
Is it normal to get intercept in the list of covariates in the output of survreg function with standard error, z, p.value etc? Does it mean that intercept was fitted with the covariates? Does Value column represent coefficients or some thing else?
tmp = survreg(Surv(futime, fustat) ~ ecog.ps + rx, ovarian,
2009 Feb 06
Using subset in validate() in Design, what is the correct syntax?
I am trying to understand how to get the validate() function in Design
to work with the subset option. I tried this:
ovarian.cph=cph(Surv(futime, fustat) ~ age+factor(ecog.ps)+strat(rx),
time.inc=1000, x=T, y=T, data=ovarian)
#fine when no subset is used, but the following two don't work:
> validate(ovarian.cph, subset=ovarian$ecog.ps==2)
Error in
2005 Nov 27
the output of coxph
Dear All:
I have some questions about the output of coxph.
Below is the input and output:
> coxph(formula = Surv(futime, fustat) ~ age + rx + ecog.ps, data =
+ ovarian, x = TRUE)
coxph(formula = Surv(futime, fustat) ~ age + rx + ecog.ps, data =
ovarian, x = TRUE)
coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p
age 0.147 1.158
2012 Sep 19
write.table: strange output has been produced
Good afternoon all -
While making a steady progress in learning R after Matlab I encountered
a problem which seems to require some extra help to move over.
Basically I want to merge a data from biological statistical dataset
with annotation data extracted from another dataset using an 'id'
crossreference and write it to report file. The first part goes
absolutely fine, I have merged both
2009 Sep 08
Obtaining value of median survival for survfit function to use in calculation
I'm sure this should be simple but I can't figure it out! I want to get the median survival calculated by the survfit function and use the value rather than just be able to print it. Something like this:
lung.byPS = survfit(Surv (time, status) ~ ph.ecog, data=lung)
# lung.byPS
Call: survfit(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ ph.ecog, data = lung)
2011 Nov 29
Nomogram with stratified cph in Design package-- failure probability
I am using Dr. Harrell's design package to make a nomogram. I was able to
make a beautiful one. However, I want to change 5-year survival probability
to 5-year failure probability.
I couldn?t get hazard rate from Hazard(f1) because I used cph for the model.
Here is my code:
f1 <- cph(Surv(retime,dfs) ~
age+her2+t_stage+n_stage+er+grade+cytcyt+Cyt_PCDK2 , data=data11,
2010 Feb 16
survival - ratio likelihood for ridge coxph()
It seems to me that R returns the unpenalized log-likelihood for the ratio likelihood test when ridge regression Cox proportional model is implemented. Is this as expected?
In the example below, if I am not mistaken, fit$loglik[2] is unpenalized log-likelihood for the final estimates of coefficients. I would expect to get the penalized log-likelihood. I would like to check if this is as expected.
2003 Feb 27
interval-censored data in survreg()
I am trying to fit a lognormal distribution on interval-censored
data. Some of my intervals have a lower bound of zero.
Unfortunately, it seems like survreg() cannot deal with lower
bounds of zero, despite the fact that plnorm(0)==0 and
pnorm(-Inf)==0 are well defined. Below is a short example to
reproduce the problem.
Does anyone know why survreg() must behave that way?
Is there an alternate
2011 Oct 29
How to plot survival data from multiple trials (simulations)?
Dear all:
Could anyone please provide some R codes to plot the below survival data to compare two groups (0 vs 1) after 2 simulations (TRL)? need 95% prediction interval on the plot from these 2 trials. I would like to simulate 1000 trials later. Thanks a lot for your great help and consideration!
1 1 1 1 2.2636717 0.255634126 1 1 99.4 F
3 1 2 1
2012 Jun 05
model.frame and predvars
I was looking at how the model.frame method for lm works and comparing
it to my own for coxph.
The big difference is that I try to retain xlevels and predvars
information for a new model frame, and lm does not.
I use a call to model.frame in predict.coxph, which is why I went that
route, but never noted the difference till now (preparing for my course
in Nashville).
Could someone shed light
2008 Mar 03
Problem plotting curve on survival curve
Calum had a long question about drawing survival curves after fitting a Weibull
model, using pweibull, which I have not reproduced.
It is easier to get survival curves using the predict function. Here is a
simple example:
> library(survival)
> tfit <- survreg(Surv(time, status) ~ factor(ph.ecog), data=lung)
> table(lung$ph.ecog)
0 1 2 3 <NA>
63 113 50 1
2011 Jan 24
How to measure/rank ?variable importance when using rpart?
--- included message ----
Thus, my question is: *What common measures exists for ranking/measuring
variable importance of participating variables in a CART model? And how
this be computed using R (for example, when using the rpart package)*
---end ----
Consider the following printout from rpart
summary(rpart(time ~ age + ph.ecog + pat.karno, data=lung))
Node number 1: 228 observations,
2009 Feb 25
I am confused when trying the function survfit.
my question is: what does the survival curve given by plot.survfit mean?
is it the survival curve with different covariates at different points?
or just the baseline survival curve?
for example, I run the following code and get the survival curve
2008 Nov 14
Change Confidence Limits on a plot
I am attempting to set the confidence limits on a ls means plot as follows:
mult<-glht(lm(effectModel, data=statdata, na.action = na.omit),
meanPlot <- sub(".html", "meanplot.jpg", htmlFile)
plot(mult, main=NA, xlab=unlist(strsplit(Args[4],"~"))[1])
This produces 95% CIs by default but I would
2014 Jul 05
Predictions from "coxph" or "cph" objects
Dear R users,
My apologies for the simple question, as I'm starting to learn the concepts
behind the Cox PH model. I was just experimenting with the survival and rms
packages for this.
I'm simply trying to obtain the expected survival time (as opposed to the
probability of survival at a given time t). I can't seem to find an option
from the "type" argument in the predict
2010 Mar 05
Defining a method in two packages
The coxme package has a ranef() method, as does lme4. I'm having
trouble getting them to play together, as shown below. (The particular
model in the example isn't defensible, but uses a standard data set.)
The problem is that most of the time only one of lme4 or coxme will be
loaded, so each needs to define the basic ranef function as well as a
method for it. But when loaded together
2005 Sep 13
coxph.detail() does not work
Hello everyone,
I tried to use coxph.detail() to get the hazard function. But a warning
messge always returns to me, even in the example provided by its help
> ?coxph.detail
> fit <- coxph(Surv(futime,fustat) ~ age + rx + ecog.ps, ovarian, x=TRUE)
> fitd <- coxph.detail(fit)
Warning message:
data length [37] is not a sub-multiple or multiple of the number of