similar to: Table to Data-frame

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Table to Data-frame"

2016 May 23
data frame method for as.table()
Hello, Currently it's possible to convert an object of class table to a data frame with, but there's no ready-made function, AFAIK, to do the reverse operation, i.e. conversion of a data frame to a table. Do you think it would be a good idea to add a data.frame method to as.table(), to allow such conversions? The idea is that if `x' is a table and `y <-
2003 Sep 26
polar plotting of complex quantities
Hello to everybody, ... and sorry if the question has already been answered. I am dealing with complex numbers and need a way of plotting them on angular plots (2D and 3D). Is there a package that already manage this, or can somebody in this R-world who could help me with his skill ? Thanks to all. Have a nice week-end ! Olivier Eterradossi Ph.D., "PsychoSensory Properties of
2012 Mar 19
plot method for rasters and layout
Hi list, I thought I was used to layouts, but today I am facing a problem I cannot overcome : On my R installation (Windows 7 Pro, SP1, R version 2.13.0, daily update of packages), I am not able to put raster plots in user defined layouts : > layout.matrix<-matrix(c(1,2,3,4,5,5),2,3) > layout(mat=layout.matrix) > works fine, I get the correct frames in
2012 Apr 17
differents behaviour of packages depending on rJava under 32 and 64 bit versions of R 2.14.2
Hi listeRs, Maybe I have missed something, but I am facing a problem I don't understand even after reading archives and manuals (…maybe not carefully enough !) : On my PC (64-bit OS, Intel Xeon CPU , two L5506@2.13 GHz processors, 12 Go RAM) under Windows 7 SP1, I run both 32-bit (i386-pc-mingw32/i386) and 64-bit (x86_64-pc-mingw32/x64) version 2.14.2 (2012-02-29) of R, packages
2007 Jul 09
about scagnostics
Hi Hadley, thank you for providing this "scagnostics" primer.... I was trying to do some basic testing, and I see that I probably missed some points : first it's not clear for me if the argument of "scagnostics" should be raw data or "processed" data (results of calling "splom" or whatever...). If the first, I thought (from Wilkinson & al.) that if
2007 Feb 08
Re : Re: setting a number of values to NA over a data.frame.
Hi again, Awfully sorry John, I should have been sleeping and did not see your full post.... here is a way, unless I miss the point again : fake<,10,by=1),c(rep(1,4),rep(0,4),rep(2,2)))) # from my previous post # one moree column this time ! fake3<-cbind(fake,fake$V2) index<-c(2,3) fake3[,index][fake3[,index]==0]<-NA not nice, but seems to do the job.
2019 Mar 12
3 does not recognize default.stringsAsFactors()
Reporting a possible inconsistency or bug in handling stringsAsFactors in Here is a simple test > options()$stringsAsFactors [1] TRUE > x<-c("a","b","c","a","b") > d< > d x Freq 1 a 2 2 b 2 3 c 1 > class(d$x) [1] "factor" >
2009 Jul 20
I might be dumb : a simple question about "foreach"
Hi list, My attention was drawn to the foreach package by recent posts...I decided to have a look... I'm using R.2.9.1 on Windows, I have downloaded the foreach package today (v 1.2.1), together with iterators (v. 1.0.1) and codetools (v.0.2-2). Full of hope I try the most simple thing of all out of the package vignette : > x <- foreach(i = 1:3) %do% sqrt(i) and get : > Erreur
2010 Apr 07
behaviour of xls2sep when running read.xls (package gdata) sinceupgrade of R
Hello eveRybody (and probably special regards to Gabor G....), I recently upgraded from R-2.9.2-win32 to R-10.1.0-win32, and I'm using Windows XP Professional 2002 with service pack 3 on a PC with IntelCore Duo CPU@ 3.00 GHz. Last time I used it (some weeks ago, before upgrading), one of my scripts (including the two lines cited below) used to run OK. When I ran it yesterday evening (after
2011 Jan 03
Saving objects inside a list
Hello there, any ideas on how to save all the objects on my workspace inside a list object? For example, say my workspace is as follows ls() [1] "x" "y" "z" and suppose I want to put these objects inside a list object, say object.list <- list() without having to explicitly write down their names as in object.list$x = x object.list$y = y object.list$z = z Is
2007 Jan 08
R scripts to plot Taylor Diagram
Dear All, Are there any existing scripts to plot Taylor Diagram (definition see ) ? Thanks a lot! Linda [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Aug 04
asc class object - how to get positions (coordinates) for a given raster ID?
In a raster asc object, I'd like to take the positions (x and y coordinates) for a given "pixel" ID. Any idea about how to do this? _______________ Paulo E. Cardoso [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Apr 05
Generate a serie of new vars that correlate with existingvar
Hello, list why not add the smart proposal by Greg Snow as a built-in function in {stats}, just changing the "x234" and "newc" lines to allow for more distributions to be generated ? Or do I miss an already existing function to do that ? Regards. Olivier # slight modification of the original code by Greg Snow [mailto:Greg.Snow at] # on April 04, 2007
2011 Jul 08
Efectos aleatorios, interaccions y SNK, LSD o Tukey
Queridos R-users: Tengo una duda que hace mucho tiempo que estoy intentando resolver, os explico a modo de ejemplo: Tengo estos efectos: Año(5 niveles),Localidad (10 niveles) y genotipo (3 niveles), año y localidad son aleatorios y genotipo es fijo (los he escogido yo). Me gustaría hacer obtener una tabla parecida a la Tabla Anova donde aparezca cada factor y sus interacciones y
2006 Jan 17
Kriging for d>3
Hi, I'm looking for software that can perform kriging on systems with dimensionality higher than 3, say d=5. Are anyone aware of packages in R that can do this? Thanks, Eivind Sm??rgrav ------------------------------------------------------------------- The information contained in this message may be CONFIDENTIAL and is intended for the addressee only. Any unauthorised use,
2004 Apr 20
[patch] Raw sockets in jails
Although RAW sockets can be used when specifying the source address of packets (defeating one of the aspects of the jail) some people may find it usefull to use utilities like ping(8) or traceroute(8) from inside jails. Enclosed is a patch I have written which gives you the option of allowing prison-root to create raw sockets inside the prison, so
2007 Mar 30
Using Dovecot LDA with Sendmail
Hi all, After looking at the LDA/Sendmail page in the dovecot wiki, I wanted to contribute another method to easily configure Sendmail to use deliver. Instead of adding a new mailer definition, as already suggested, one can simply use the following line in their file instead: FEATURE(`local_procmail', `/usr/libexec/dovecot/deliver', `deliver -d $u',
2009 Aug 02
Alternatives to rbind()
I'm not sure if there are better methods to create objects such as dataframes with other than rbind function. II usually combine a data.frames created at each loop with a rbind(), specially when I don't know the dimension of the data.frame that will be created. Binding the new to an existing data.frame seems to be the easiest way to build an object that assemble data in a loop.
2007 Feb 16
How is the line in av.plot calculated?
I suspect that the line in the added variable plot (library car) is a SLR of the residuals, but I can't seem to find this written anywhere. Can someone confirm this? Thanks. Tom [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Oct 27
Non-normal residuals.
Hello, I asked a question about what the most likely process to follow if after a time-series fit is performed the residuals are found to be non-normal. One peron responded and offered to help if I supplied a sample data set. Unfortunately now that I have a sample I have lost the emai addressl. If you are that person or have some ideas please email me back at rkevinburton at Thank