Displaying 20 results from an estimated 120 matches similar to: "Problem with groupedData and lme"
2010 Sep 28
95% confidence intercal with glm
I had to use a glm instead of my basic lm on some data due to unconstant
now, when I plot the model over the data, how can I easily get the 95%
confidence interval that sormally coming from:
> yv <- predict(modelVar,list(aveLength=xv),int="c")
> matlines(xv,yv,lty=c(1,2,2))
There is no "interval" argument to pass to the
2005 Jul 19
When I callculate a linear model, then I can compute via confint the
confidencial intervals. the interval level can be chosen. as result, I get
the parameter of the model according to the interval level.
On the other hand, I can compute the prediction-values for my model as well
with predict(object, type=c("response") etc.). Here I have also the
possibility to chose a level for the
2004 Feb 07
display functions in groupedData and lme
I'm trying to set up a mixed model to solve using lme. It will have 3
fixed effects, two random effects and two interaction terms.
I've been reading Pinheiro's and Bates's book on the nmle library, but
find the part about display functions to be unclear. When creating a
groupedData object from a data.frame, you need to enter a function of the
form: response ~primary|grouping
2007 Mar 04
plot groupedData in nlme
Does anyone know how to make the color of the lines all black when
plotting groupedData with an outer factor:
For example,
plot(Dialyzer, outer=~QB, key=F)
This generated colored curves in R.2.4.1. How to make all the curves black ?
(or how to alter the color (type) of lines for the nlme groupedData
plotting function in general?)
2002 Oct 30
Dear all,
I tried to create a groupedData object, where the grouping factor
is not ordered.
Here ist the code:
> getGroups(test)
Levels: 6 < 7 < 8 < 11 < 3 < 2 < 4 < 9 < 12 < 10 < 1 < 5
I still get an ordered factor. As always thanks for your help
2004 Jul 23
lme4 groupedData is missing
help.search("groupedData") says that it's part of the lme4 package, but it
appears not to be there (details below). Is this because lme4 is new and
(perhaps) still under development?
> update.packages()
trying URL `http://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/contrib/1.9/PACKAGES'
Content type `text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1' length 19113 bytes
opened URL
downloaded 18Kb
2004 Aug 26
Plotting groupedData objects
I am trying to create a plot similar to Figure 3.2 in Bates and Pinheiro.
I have repeated measurements on about 80 subjects from 2 treatment groups.
I would like to have the panels for the two treatment groups in separate
groups and within those groups have the panels ordered on maximum value
(as is the default).
I am ok with getting plots similar to Figs 3.1 and 3.2, but can't see how
2006 Jan 13
update 'groupedData' and 'lme' objects
Dear R users, I have the following code:
myfunc <- function(data, n, m, maxIter = 3){
working <- groupedData(formula = y~x|id, data=data)
val <- NULL
r <- 0
while(r < maxIter){
new.data <- data.frame(x=rnorm(n),y=rnorm(n),id=rep(1:n,each=m))
working <- update(working, data = new.data)
# val <- some
2006 Mar 09
Suppress legend in plotting groupedData
Dear All,
I would be grateful if you can tell how can I suppress the legend (automatically created) when I plot a groupedData.
suppose that I have data farme df_0 which contains the following columns: ID represents the clusters, t represents time of observation, Y: the variable of interest and X a binary covariate. Then:
df_1 <- groupedData(Y ~ t | ID)
2006 Nov 10
Can plot(augPred()) be used with objects that are not groupedData?
Dear Friends,
Is there a workaround to this problem or must the object plotted by
plot(augPred(object, ...)) be a grouped object?
score <- c(108, 103, 96, 84, 118, 110, 129, 90, 84, 96,
105, 113, 96, 117, 107, 85, 125, 107, 128, 84, 104,
100, 114, 117, 110, 127, 106, 92, 125, 96, 123, 101,
100, 103, 105, 132, 122, 133, 107, 99, 116, 91, 128,
113, 88, 105, 112, 130)
2006 Nov 22
plotting a groupedData object
Hello all,
I am plotting a groupedData object and the key at the top of the graph runs
off the page. I don't want to set key=F because it is useful (or would be if
I could see it).
Is it possible to explicitly cause the key to wrap? I have used this
function before with no trouble but now I have just 5 groups with rather
long descriptions (which I can't meaningfully shorten).
2008 Jul 11
GroupedData for three way randomized block. LME
I am trying to fit a formula to my data, but I just can't find the right way
to do it.
My experiment consists of manipulating FRUITS and VEGETATION to two levels
each(intact or removed) on 12 experimental plots.
This leaves me with 4 treatment combinations
Fruit intact Vegetation removed
Fruit int. Veget int.
Fruit rem. Veget rem.
Fruit rem. Veget. intac
those treatements are distributed
2009 Oct 11
Plotting groupedData objects by levels of a factor
I'm trying to plot a grouped data object for modelling maximum branch
size by distance from stem apex:
>MAXBRD.group <- groupedData(MAXBRD ~ Dtop | Type/Site/Tree,
inner=~Status, data=MAXBRD.data).
The following code produces a plot of MAXBRD ~ Dtop for each site type:
>plot(MAXBRD.group, collapse=1, display=1, aspect=1.2, pch=20, inner=~1,
main="MAXBRD with
2007 Feb 07
Plotting groupedData objects
Hi all.
I have what I'm guessing is a fairly easy question.
I want to plot groupedData objects, but there are a large number of subjects in my data. When I use the simple command
where MyData is a groupedData object, there are simply too many individual plots to see anything. I would like, say, 15 per page and for the plots to cover multiple pages. All of the individuals have a
2009 Jul 14
Problem with GroupedData
I have an original data frame with 8 columns of variables, which are stored in 'data1' frame.
data1 <- read.csv("E:\\PHD GLASGOW UNIVERSITY\\Data\\R\\Colin\\Cailness21.csv")
[1] "Date" "d" "m" "y" "Time"
[6] "Depth" "Temp"
2008 Jul 19
wroung groupedData despite reading Bates and Pinheiro 3 times
Hi everyone. I am trying to add a formula to my data using the groupedData
My experiment consists of randomized block design using fruits, vegetation
and time as factors. The idea is to see if fruits, vegetation and time
explain the abundance of mice. I am using tree density as a covariate.
So I tried to fit the following structure to my data.
2000 Jul 24
How to use groupedData() within a function?
Dear Group:
I have been trying to write an R function within which the function
groupedData() would be used.
The following is a sample program:
test1.fun<- function(dat=dat)
groupedData(time ~ trt|sid, data=dat)
2010 Sep 10
lme, groupedData, random intercept and slope
Windows Vista
R 2.10.1
Does the following use of groupedData and lme produce an analysis with both random intercept and slope, or only random slope?
zz<-groupedData(y~time | Subject,data=data.frame(data),
labels = list( x = "Time",
y = "y" ),
units = list( x = "(yr)", y = "(mm)")
2006 Dec 07
groupedData Error Using outer=TRUE
I'm using groupedData from nlme. I set up a groupedData data.frame with
outer=~group1. When I try to plot with outer=TRUE, I get "subscript out
of bounds." This happens most of the time. When it works, I get
spaghetti-type plots for comparing groups. But I don't understand why it
doesn't usually work.
> longa.mod.1.gd <- groupedData(mod1.logit~time|
2004 Jan 17
Multiple groupedData plots in a postscript file using a loop
I want to plot multiple grouped data in a postscript
file using a loop. As I use a loop no plot (or just
one empty plot) is generated. Here an example:
data(Loblolly) # example data from nlme
for (i in 1:1) # just as example
Result: Just an empty PSFile.ps.
(Withoput the loop it works.
May anybody help?