Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Question regarding dataframes, matrix, frame, etc..."
2008 Feb 08
unwanted paragraph (syntax edge-case)
Hi list!
Take this markdown input:
* asdf
* asdf
* asdf
What I want:
But markdown puts the first asdf into a paragraph. There is nothing I can do
2011 Mar 18
Bug using inline code blocks in nested lists?
I am generating a nice document with some inline code blocks and came
around the following error:
1. asdf
- \` asdf `` `asdf` ``
<ul><li>` asdf <code><code>asdf</code></code> </li></ul></li>
instead of:
<ul><li>` asdf
2008 Sep 17
bug in maruku with single-element nested unordered list?
This does not produce the expected output, yet does work on the dingus [1]:
* asdf
* asdf
>> require ''maruku''
=> true
>> doc = Maruku.new("* asdf\n * asdf\n")
=> md_el(:document,[
md_el(:ul,[md_el(:li_span,["asdf *
>> doc.to_html
=> "<ul>\n<li>asdf *
2011 Jan 05
check, that a script is in a folder
$ echo ${PWD##*/}
$ if "${PWD##*/}" -eq "asdf" > /dev/null; then echo "this is the asdf folder"; else exit 1; fi
bash: notthatfolder: command not found...
this is the asdf folder
So i just want to check that i'm in an exact folder. e.g.: "asdf"
What's wrong with my one-liner?
I just want to check, that a script is in a folder,
2011 Jan 02
variable in loop
$ ASDF=hello; a=0; a=$(( 70 - $(echo $ASDF | awk '{print length}') )); echo "$a $ASDF"$(for i in {1..$a}; do printf "."; done)
65 hello.
Why doesn't it print:
65 hello.................................................................
What am i missing?
2007 May 18
naive question about using an object as the name of another object
This is a dumb question, but I'm having trouble finding the answer to this.
I'd like to do the following:
and then have
the object x.y become automatically converted/represented as asdf.y (sort of
akin to macro variables in SAS where you would do:
%let x=asdf and do &x..y)
What is the syntax for having x represented as "asdf" in x.y ?
2012 Jan 24
Password auth scheme question with mysql
Hi, I have a current auth database using mysql with a "password" column
in plain text. The config has "default_pass_scheme = PLAIN" specified
In preparation for a more adaptable system I changed a password entry
from "asdf" to "{PLAIN}asdf", but now auth fails. Works fine if I
change it back to just "asdf". (I don't believe it's a
2009 Jun 12
Creating this vector, any suggetions?
Suppose I have the first vector: c(1, 6, 8, 9)
I will like to create a second vector of size 10 composed of 0 and 1's. The
second vector will be composed of four 1's and six 0's. The position of the
1's will be specificed by the first vector. So essentially, I want a second
vector in the form:
c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0)
Any help is greatly appreciated!
View this message
2011 Sep 23
Anyone can create empty files (v 3.5.11)
I've mounted my cifs partition with a username and password and to
test whether I had my permissions right, I did:
$ sudo su testuser
$ touch asdf
touch: cannot touch `asdf': Permission denied
It says permission denied, but the `asdf' file is still created. I
can't write any data to it, but I can create empty files.
This is because in smbd/open.c if the file doesn't exist
2007 Jun 20
mail_log plugin updates
It supports configuration now in devel version:
# Events to log. Default is all.
#mail_log_events = delete undelete expunge copy mailbox_delete
# Group events within a transaction to one line.
#mail_log_group_events =
# Available fields: uid, box, msgid, size, vsize
# size and vsize are available only for expunge and copy events.
#mail_log_fields = uid box msgid size
2005 Dec 21
random output with sub(fixed = TRUE)
I've noticed what I think is curious behavior in using 'sub(fixed = TRUE)' and
was wondering if my expectation is incorrect. Here is one example:
v <- paste(0:10, "asdf", sep = ".")
sub(".asdf", "", v, fixed = TRUE)
The results I get are
> sub(".asdf", "", v, fixed = TRUE)
[1] "0"
2010 Jun 04
SORT with unknown charset bug?
I'm not sure this is a known bug. I'm using dovecot 1.1.19.
S: + OK
C: asdf HEADER FROM {4}
S: + OK
C: asdf
S: * SORT 1 2 4 5 3 6 7 (... all messages in folder)
S: s NO [BADCHARSET] Unknown charset
I think there shouldn't be "* SORT... " response.
Aleksander 'A.L.E.C' Machniak http://alec.pl gg:2275252
2017 Jun 22
Rows are horizontal, columns are vertical.
You really need to spend some time with an R tutorial.
dta <- read.table( "yourfile", header=TRUE, as.is=TRUE )
dta2 <- dta
dta2$D <- c( "awe", "abcd", "asdf", "xyz" )
dta2 <- dta2[ , c( "A", "D" ) ]
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On June 22, 2017
2017 Jun 22
I am using Spark and the Sparklyr library in R.
I have a file with several lines. For example
awer.ttp.net Code 554
abcd.ttp.net Code 747
asdf.ttp.net Part 554
xyz.ttp.net Part 747
I want to split just column A of the table and I want a new row added to the table D, with values awe, abcd, asdf, and xyz. I am trying to use a command in
2007 Dec 31
episode 73 resulting in error: undefined method `stringify_keys!' for "33":String
I''m working with a similar model in Episode 73, (my scenario is
editing multiple pictures for a product using attachment_fu).
And I''m getting an error when I try the technique suggested:
<% for picture in product.pictures %>
<% fields_for "product[picture_attributes][]", picture do |
picture_form| %>
Title: <%=
2019 Mar 10
Exit status of Rscript when setting options(error=utils::recover)
Hello, I've noticed that Rscript didn't exit with error code if I set
options error = utils::recover in .Rprofile . for example
Rscript -e "asdf"
Error: object 'asdf' not found
No suitable frames for recover()
echo $?
if didn't set options in .Rprofile, Rscript exit with error code 1, is
this expected behavior ?
2007 Jul 19
Merb::Controller#url Usage
I have a question about the usage of Merb::Controller#url. When I
have nested resources, requesting the new action works differently
than I expected. I was wondering what the intended usage is.
For example:
Say I have
r.resources :articles do |article|
article.resources :article_attachments
irb(main):002:0> show_routes
[:articles, "/articles"]
2013 Jan 15
Regular expression
Hello again,
I am having a problem on Regular expression. Let say I have following code:
> gsub("[',]", "", "'asd'f")
[1] "asdf"
This is perfect. However I am having problem if I include "" (i.e. the
double quote) in the first argument as the pattern search:
> gsub("[',"]", "",
2005 May 06
Misspelled German error message: --nosave (PR#7841)
Full_Name: Bernhard Schmalhofer
Version: R 2.1.0
OS: Linux
Submission from: (NULL) (
when I pipe commands into R then I get a misspelled German error message:
scripts> echo $LANG
scripts> R --args asdf < aaa_analyze.R
Fatal error: Sie m?ssen '--save', '--nosave' oder '--vanilla' angeben
scripts> export LANG=C
2010 Aug 04
Carriage return character issue
Hi all,
I imported a file (in CSV format) into R for processing, then imported the
result into MySQL. However, there are *carriage return* characters
(hexadecimal: *0D*) that are appended to the characters in the last field of
the table.
i.e *\r* appended to the character values (as shown below)
Before importing into MySQL: asdf
After importing into MySQL: asdf*\r*
Are there any options