similar to: replacing zeros by NAs

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "replacing zeros by NAs"

2011 Mar 04
Rstudio question
I really like RStudio ... ... but I wish it wouldn't automatically reload the last .RData it had. Anyone know how to fix this ... ? Also - does anyone know is there an Rstudio-user email-list forum thingy out there ? ta. Robert Kinley [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Sep 14
non-central t : R v.Splus
Hi For bureaucratic reasons beyond my control I need to rewrite an R function (for producing operating characteristic curves) as an Splus function ( version 6 , windows XP ). The R function makes extensive use of the fact that the student's t distribution function pt() has a non-centrality parameter built in ... sadly that parameter is not present in the Splus pt() function .
2010 Nov 25
difficulty setting the random = argument to lme()
My small brain is having trouble getting to grips with lme() I wonder if anyone can help me correctly set the random = argument to lme() for this kind of setup with (I think) 9 variance/covariance components ... Study.1 Study.2 ... Study.10 Treatment.A: subject: 1 2 3 4 5 6 etc. 28 29 30 Treatment.B: subject: 31
2009 May 26
moving from Windows to Linux - need help
hi I've used R for many years on windows machines, but have now acquired an Asus eee 1000 linux machine. In order to get the best out of the machine, I used the '' script, to get the full KDE desktop. The version of Linux is Xandros, which I believe is a close relative of Debian, but sadly I have only a nodding acquaintance with Linux at present. Naturally I want to
2010 Mar 05
running R from Notepad++ in Windows 7
hi Andrew Many thanks for the suggestion. I gave it a try , but still get the same issue - a fresh Rgui window (just one) opens, with an empty .RData, when I submit a script ( Ctrl & F8 ). I also tried running things as administrator, but it made no difference. Apparently windows 7 is selling like hot buns, so there should be enough market pressure before too long , to encourage the
2005 Sep 28
responses to my question on non-central t
The original question is attached at the end of this message ... In the world of R the excellent mvtnorm package answers my original question and many more that I didn't know I needed to ask. In the world of Splus ( version 6 , Windows XP ) this link :- which was provided by Dimitris Rizopoulos, is useful.
2002 Mar 22
sequential t-test - replies
[my original message to s-news & r-help is attached ] No one possessed or knew of any S/R code for the sequential t-test. Also it doesn't appear in the SAS index. One or two suggested obtaining the S+ seqtrial software which may (or may not) cover this, but this seemed to be a bit of a "hammer to crack a nut". I have written a function based on the treatment in Wetheril
2009 Nov 26
JMP <-> R ?
An embedded and charset-unspecified text was scrubbed... Name: not available URL: <>
2005 May 25
time-ordered object list
It's often useful to view objects in time order. In Splus I can do this with > objects.summary(order = "") which delivers this sort of thing ... data.class storage.mode extent object.size reference data.frame list 25 x 4 1700 2004.09.13 15:43 x data.frame list 15 x 4 1175
2012 Mar 05
how to send text output to its own window
platform: R 2.14.2 - Windows XP - Rstudio When I use cat() or print() in a script, the output text is of course mixed up with the lines of the script. I can sink() the output to a textfile and then play the file back at the end of the script, but that's not really what I'm after. It would be nice if the lines of text output could appear in a separate window, in the same
2013 Feb 18
repeated measures anova
Hi I'm having difficulty working out how to get what I think is the appropriate partitioning of variability in a repeated measures setup. I have G=5 treatment-groups, each containing n=6 subjects, and a response is measured on each subject on t=4 occasions. I think the anova degrees of freedom should partition as follows - Between-subjects: G*n-1=29 [ between-groups: g-1 = 4 ,
2006 Oct 23
Cube plots
Hi does anyone know of any R functions or packages for the following :- . generating cube plots for displaying the results from a response surface experiment design . generating ternary plots from a mixture design . tetrahedral plot or quaternary plot for displaying results from a four factor mixture experiment thanks Bob Kinley [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Oct 28
updating a local package
Hi folks I have inherited a package which was created before release 2.10 and I need to have it working in release 2.12 There is a folder containing the Man, Data and R subfolders, and the description file, and there is also the corresponding zip file. I can install the package from the zip file, but when I try to load it I get the message :- Error: package was built before R
2012 Jul 03
saving contour() plot info
{ I think this message got rejected at the 1st attempt - trying again} R 2.15.1 , windows XP I have a very non-stationary bivariate time-series - say {xt,yt} t=1 ... lots. I want to do a bivariate density contour-plot of the whole series and then step through the series 1 second at a time plotting that second's {x,y} subset on top of the contour plot and losing the previous
2010 Mar 01
repeated measures anova, car package
Hello list, I' d very much appreciate some help with a two sample repeated measures ANOVA. I did the analysis yielding sign. main effects (between subj.=site, within subj.=cover) and a sign. interaction: Univariate Type II Repeated-Measures ANOVA Assuming Sphericity SS num Df Error SS den Df F Pr(>F) site 18.7620 1 18.831 10 9.9631 0.010220 *
2007 Jan 26
strange behaviour with equality after simple subtraction
hello, today while trying to extract data from a list for subsequent analysis, i stumbled upon this funny behavior on my system: > x<-c(0.1,0.9) > 1-x[2] [1] 0.1 > x[1] [1] 0.1 > x[1]==1-x[2] [1] FALSE > x[1]>1-x[2] [1] TRUE > x<-c(0.3,0.7) > x[1] [1] 0.3 > x[2] [1] 0.7 > 1-x[2] [1] 0.3 > x[1]==1-x[2] [1] FALSE but: >
2003 Sep 10
Industrial Statistician Job (Basingstoke UK)
We (Eli Lilly & co) have a vacancy for an experienced industrial statistician who is familiar with mainstream statistical software, particularly Splus (or R) and/or SAS and/or JMP. The role is to provide expertise and training in Statistics in support of process-improvement in all areas of the business, particularly Statistical Process Control, Design of Experiments, and Quality
1999 May 04
smbpasswd question
Do you have to enable encrypted passwords for smbpasswd to work? I have yet to enable encryption because I wanted to test everything first, but have enabled 'update encrypted = Yes' so that this will update the smbpasswd file. I also have 'unix password sync = Yes'. However, I cannot get smbpasswd to change the passwords, either by user or root. Any suggestions? Carey
1999 Jul 19
clearcase and samba
FYI:, I'm fairly new to samba (a couple of months now), and have experimented - unsuccessfully - with getting it to work with clearcase. Does anyone have a how-to, or a list of gotcha's for setting up clearcase with samba? Thanks in advance for any information you can send me. Ozzie,
2003 Apr 03
security = problems
Is there a way to have users of the samba server, but not add them by smbpasswd -a <UserID>? I want the samba server to be a domain member and the users to only authentic from the PDC. These are the steps that I have attempted: Users are in both the Windows domain and the UNIX NIS account 1. smbpasswd -j <Domain> -r PDC -U <admin> Joined the Domain 2. edited the