Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "installing sn package"
2003 Feb 11
Dynamic Linear Models for Times Series - Implemented?
I was wondering whether a package that can perform dynamic linear models on
times series data was available for R?
Many Thanks,
Gavin Simpson
Gavin Simpson [T] +44 (0)20 7679 5522
ENSIS Research Fellow [F] +44 (0)20 7679 7565
ENSIS Ltd. & ECRC [E] gavin.simpson at
2010 Nov 10
OT : R Applications for Force.com/ Salesforce
No I am not on the payroll for these people.
or any relation of any kind ;) I just like cloud computing thats all
Appreciate your kind consideration Mr Simpson- I was not sure of the
list so mailed all 3- .
The subject line has been modified-hopefully there should be a
technical answer to a technical question.
2003 Mar 11
Interrater and intrarater reliability
Dear R users
The following function is R code for the main compuations in the article:
M. Eliasziw, S Lorraine Young, M Gail Woodbury and Karen Fryday-Field (1994):
Statistical Methodology for the Concurrent Assessment of Intrarater and
Intrarater Reliability: Using Goniometric Measurements as an Example.
Physical Therapy 74 (8); 777-788
The function gives the estimated inter- and intrarater
2009 Aug 28
Plotmath, sweave and lattice graphics interaction problem
Dear List,
I have hit this problem with using a plotmath expression in an axis
label on a lattice plot I'm including in a Sweave document. The actual
document is far too long and boring (unless you are interested in the
hydrochemistry of upland lakes) to include here, but the following
minimal example reproduces the problem; basically, the PDF produced by
Sweave has missing characters in the
2009 Sep 09
"predict"-fuction for metaMDS (vegan)
Dear r-Community,
Step1: I would like to calculate a NMDS (package vegan, function metaMDS) with species data.
Step2: Then I want to plot environmental variables over it, using function envfit.
The Problem: One of these environmental variables is cos(EXPOSURE). But for flat releves there is no exposure. The value is missing and I can't call it 0 as 0 stands for east and west. Therefore I
2005 Jun 01
RESOLVED: R GUI for Linux?
1) As long as the developer version of tcltk is installed, I now have no problem compiling R with tcltk support on Fedora Core 3. After extracting the gunzipped directory, I switch to the new directory and execute the following two commands:
./configure ----enable-R-shlib
2) After compiling JGR as specified on their web site, the JGR program is initialized with the 'run' file.
2004 Jun 07
error during make of R-patched on Fedora core 2
Dear list,
I've just upgraded to Fedora Core 2 and seeing as there wasn't an rpm
for this OS on CRAN yet I thought it was about time I had a go at
compiling R myself. Having run into the X11 problem I switched to trying
to install R-patched. I followed the instructions in the R Installation
& Admin manual to download the sources of the Recommended packages and
place the files in
2009 May 27
"Error: package/namespace load failed"
I am writing my first R package, and I have been getting the following series of errors when I run R CMD check:
* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... WARNING
Error: package/namespace load failed for 'REEMtree'
Call sequence:
2: stop(gettextf("package/namespace load failed for '%s'", libraryPkgName(package)),
call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
1: library(package,
2011 Nov 07
finally R 2.14 runs for me on fedora linux !!!!!! thanks to gavin, marc,
jose and pierre for helping me. but especially gavin. I still have to
clean things up and make install instructions so I can send it to this
list. But first I need to sleep. I will send the instructions later today
since that's absolutely THE LEAST i can do. I haven't gotten much sleep
the last couple of days and my
2004 Nov 04
sub- and superscript in plot labels
Dear List,
I need to add a subscript and a superscript to some of the ions in the
labels on some plots.
I have got to here but now I'm stuck:
plot(1:10, xlab = expression(paste("nm SO"[4], " ", mu, "eq cm"^{-2}, "
Which gives almost what I require. No matter what I tried, however, I
could not get bot a sub script *and* a superscript
2003 Jul 01
Warning message in scatter.smooth (modreg)
Dear list,
In using the scatter.smooth() function (modreg) on a small data set (100
obs) the following error was produced:
> scatter.smooth(Na, S)
Warning message:
k-d tree limited by memory. ncmax= 200
I haven't used scatter.smooth much but when I have, I haven't seen this
message before.
gc() returns
> gc()
used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb)
Ncells 417693 11.2 667722
2009 Mar 26
Extreme AIC in glm(), perfect separation, svm() tuning
Dear List,
With regard to the question I previously raised, here is the result I
obtained right now, brglm() does help, but there are two situations:
1) Classifiers with extremely high AIC (over 200), no perfect separation,
coefficients converge. in this case, using brglm() does help! It stabilize
the AIC, and the classification power is better.
Code and output: (need to install package:
2002 May 31
Matrix-like plot
Dear List,
I have a 47 species * 83 samples matrix containing percentage abundance
data. I have two cluster analyses one of the samples and one of the
species, and have ordered the rows and columns of the species by samples
matrix according to these two cluster analyses. So far so good!
Now what I want to do is create a plot with the species dendrogram at
the top of the plot, the samples
2009 Jan 13
Missing links on Windows and \link[bar]{foo}; clarification
Dear List,
In one of my packages on R-Forge I have a custom panel function for
Lattice graphics. In the Rd file for this panel function I want to
provide links to some lattice functions (in package lattice). My first
instinct was to use:
for example. However, I missed a few references to lattice functions and
just marked them up as \code{\link{panel.xyplot}}.
2004 Jun 11
Sweave and multiple graphs
Dear list,
I am using Sweave to build a small report. I want to produce a series of
figures, each figure containing a number of plots and then have them
included in the Sweave file.
An example would be to :
postscript(file = "ANCbwplot%03d.eps", onefile = FALSE, other options...)
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(2,2))
do lots of plots to produce a number of eps files
2005 May 04
make hanging during compile of r-patched/R-devel on Fedora Core 3
On a new Dell laptop, with a fresh FC3 installation (with latest updates
applied) I am experiencing make hanging consistently after/during
building grDevices. This happens when using the configure flag
--with-lapack (I have the LAPACK rpm distributed with FC3 installed).
The last two lines of output are:
make[5]: Leaving directory
2012 Jul 17
Threshold Quantile Regression code CRASHES in R
I am working on a two stage threshold quantile regression model in R, and my aim is to estimate the threshold of the reduced-form equation (call it rhohat), and the threshold of the structural equation (call it qhat), in two stages. On the first stage, i estimate rhohat by quantile regression and obtain the fitted values. I use these fitted values to estimate qhat on the second stage. The code is
2010 Jan 19
OT: Software for specific visualisation of data...ideas?
Dear List,
A student in the Department where I work would like to produce a graphic
similar to this one:
Does anyone know if the figure in the pdf can be generated in a specific
software application for example? Any suggestions would be most
gratefully received by the student concerned.
Many thanks,
2005 Aug 03
deparse(substitute(x)) and S3 methods
Dear List,
I have the following function:
coca <- function(x, ...)
if(is.null(class(x))) class(x) <- data.class(x)
UseMethod("coca", x)
and a default method
coca.default <- function(x, y, method = c("predictive", "symmetric"),
reg.method = c("simpls", "eigen"), weights =
2009 Jun 05
Bug in print.Arima and patch
Dear List,
A posting to R-Help exposed this problem with the print method for
objects of class Arima:
> set.seed(1)
> x <- arima.sim(n = 100, list(ar = 0.8897, ma = -0.2279))
> mod <- arima(x, order = c(1,0,1))
> coefs <- coef(mod)
> mod2 <- arima(x, order = c(1,0,1), fixed = coefs)
> mod2
arima(x = x, order = c(1, 0, 1), fixed = coefs)