similar to: You All Get To Live!

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "You All Get To Live!"

2007 Jun 28
You Will All Die In 1 Week (Mongrel To Require 1.8.6)
Hopefully that gets everyone''s attention. Evan Weaver has whined enough to make me do a release to change the requirements on the Mongrel gem so that it doesn''t need the cgi_multipart_eof_fix anymore. *************************** THIS ALSO MEANS THAT MONGREL WILL HAVE TO REQUIRE RUBY 1.8.6 OR GREATER! NO EXCEPTIONS! *************************** I know Debian guys like to hack
2007 Jun 27
Q on cgi_multipart_eol_fix preqequisite for Mongrel on Win2K
Hi list, I downloaded and tried to install Mongrel (latest stable version) from the -win32 gem. Platform is Win2K. It said it needed daemons so got and installed that. Then it said it needed cgi_multipart_eol_fix (I think that was the name, not at my machine now, can confirm later and repost if needed). Googled for that but couldn''t find it. (Don''t have net connectivitity for a
2007 Aug 08
The (Potentially) New Maintainers
Hello Everyone, Been head down with personal stuff, but I wanted to shoot out this email saying that I''ve collected the list of volunteers and decided that I''d just hand the keys over to them and see how they do. The list of people I have so far is: Ezra Zygmuntowicz <ezmobius at> "Kirk Haines" <wyhaines at> "Wayne E. Seguin"
2008 May 29
Error: Mongrel timed out this thread: too many open files
I just switched to Mongrel, and it''s been working much better than my previous lighttpd/fastcgi setup. So thanks for the awesomeness. My current problem: once or twice an hour, I get following error in production Mongrel timed out this thread: too many open files I never get it in testing or on our staging server. Any ideas what would cause that? It doesn''t *appear*
2007 Nov 22
Gentoo warning
Hi, I''ve done some benchmarking on our new servers (being built now), AMD X2 5600, gentoo-hardened. With the same CFLAGS (safe cflags: -march=k8 -O2) I''ve tested the following configs: 1, emerge ruby rubygems, then gem install mongrel (or emerge mongrel, the performance was similar) 2, download the same ruby version, untar, ./configure, make, make install, download rubygems,
2008 Jun 01
rbx gem
Hello. Some time ago I committed a Rubinius assembly-based HTTP parser generated from Ragel to the Rubinius git repository. Yesterday I made a Mongrel gem which installs and works on Rubinius. This basically involved commenting out anything to do with fastthread or the http11 C extension. If there''s interest in releasing a Rubinius-targeted gem, I can make changes to the Rakefile to
2007 Dec 19
Segmentation fault in Mongrel when run with --debug
I am having a problem with mongrel just stopping inside a periodically_call_remote function so I ran mongrel with debug enabled Mongrel seg faults after a few minutes The mongrel filelog shows 5 files open when this happens. Same log files that are open all the time. Wed Dec 19 15:10:21 -0700 2007 FILES OPEN BEFORE REQUEST /calibration/ackAdjustDistance --- log/mongrel_debug/objects.log: 2
2007 Oct 12
deciphering objects.log
Howdy -- I''ve been tracking down mem leaks (oh, the fun...), and I think there is a clue in objects.log. There are a few mentions of this file, but usually Zed saying "look at this file and it will help you". Can anyone clue me in to what the actual columns mean? 18,Float,143952,256821,112869,,, 18,String,39543,41693,2150,24.727076,55.526376,2308.000000
2008 Mar 18
Mongrel Crashes in Production
I have been getting this error on the production server after rails was updated to 2.0.2 and moreover this worked perfectly in the development mode. This crash occurs when no one is using the app for an hour or so. This is the error that I get in the logs. (nohup.out file). The production log doesnt show anything unusual. Please help me out guys.
2007 Jul 29
Mongrel stops responding after period of inactivity
Hi I posted this to the Ruby on Rails Talk group but I thought I''d post it here too as it''s probably a more appropriate group. Hope this is ok. I''m running a 2-instance Mongrel cluster behind Apache 2.2.4 with Rails 1.2.3. If no requests are received by the application for several hours (this usually happens overnight) then Mongrel stops responding and no requests are
2008 Jun 03
clients hang on large PUTs to Mongrel::HttpHandler-based web service
Hi folks, I have a problem with a storage web service our group wrote using Mongrel::HttpHandler We have a consistent problem when using http PUT to this service when the data is larger than about 4 GB. The web service actually retrieves and processes the data, but the clients hang - the TCP connection is still in the ESTABLISHED state on the client side, but the TCP session no longer exists on
2007 Dec 11
Hey so, People are asking about Mongrel Ruby 1.9 compatibility. Isn''t the point of 1.9 for library developers to have time to get ready for 2.0? It''s not like 1.9 is a production release. Evan -- Evan Weaver Cloudburst, LLC
2007 Dec 28
Arbitrary system files readable in 1.0.4 - 1.1.2
I just found a vulnerability in one of my web apps that was running Mongrel 1.1.2 where I could go to URIs like /.%252e/.%252e/.%252e/.%252e/.%252e/.%252e/.%252e/etc/passwd and it would serve the actual /etc/passwd file. The issue seems to be in lib/mongrel/handlers.rb in the change from 1.0.3 to 1.0.4 req_path = HttpRequest.unescape(path_info) - if @path - req_path =
2007 Nov 05
Mongrel and memory usage
Hello, I''m running a Rails application which must sort and manipulate a lot of data which are loaded in memory. The Rails app runs on 2 mongrel processes. When I first load the app, both are 32Mb in memory. After some days, both are between 200Mb and 300Mb. My question is : is there some kind of garbage collector in Mongrel? I never see the two Mongrel processes memory footprint
2007 Sep 12
Mongrel hangs, consumes all CPU on shutdown
Hi, I''m doing development with Mongrel 1.0.1 on Ruby 1.8.4 / OS X 10.4.10, and I''ve found that often when I shut down my server with ^C, it hangs for a while, gobbling up all CPU. Sometimes it stops after a few seconds, sometimes it''s run for several minutes at least. This happens across all the apps I develop on, but it seems to hang longer after
2007 Aug 19
Possible memory leak problem...
I''m trying to figure out a possible memory leak problem I have in my application. I''ve tested both with mongrel and webrick and the problem remains. So I think it''s not a mongrel problem, but I''m posting here to see if anybody can help me. The RAILS application is quite simple, no special plugins ( no RMagick that has the memory problem ),
2007 Aug 11
The Team is In Place
Hello Everyone, I''d like to just officially announce that the new volunteers are in charge and given control of the project. I won''t be doing anything more than helping them get ramped up, but they''ll be in charge of doing all the stuff you folks want and are basically the owners from now on. Everyone in the new volunteer list will probably do a little announce, but
2007 May 21
swifty fly?
I heard about a new mongrel plugin or version that''s single threaded and uses non-blocking IO with events. It''s called something like "swifty fly". Anyone have a link for it? Thanks.
2007 Dec 14
Some silly benchs (was: 1.9)
Guys, Just for fun, I tried to see (I know, a silly way to test it) how much overhead we have calling the C functions of the extensions. the benchmark script and the results: The naive C extension: I compared 1.8.6 (VC6 and mingw builds) against a fresh checkout of ruby trunk. What I understand from that is 1.9 is slower than 1.8
2007 Aug 06
[Patch] HttpServer.port reports the bound port
This is for when you pass mongrel 0 for the port and the OS assigns an open one. Corey --- mongrel-1.0.1/lib/mongrel.rb 2007-08-05 15:29:59.000000000 -0700 +++ mongrel-1.0.1/lib/mongrel.rb.zero_port_fix 2007-08-05 15:29:23.000000000 -0700 @@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ @socket =, port) @classifier = @host = host - @port = port