Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "arima additive vs multiplicative seasonality"
2007 Jun 14
ARIMA with more than one seasonality period
Dear R community,
I have a project with electricity load forecasting, and I got hourly
data for system load. If you haven't worked with electricity before,
seasonality comes in many flavors: a daily pattern, with a peak at
around 7pm; a weekly pattern, in which we use more electricity on
weekdays in comparison to weekends; a winter-summer pattern, with air
conditioning and heaters playing an
2012 Jun 25
x12 ARIMA Moving Seasonality F Test Issue
I'm having a great deal of trouble replicating x12 ARIMA's F-test used to
detect moving seasonality. According to all literature I could find, the
test is apparently a 2-way ANOVA with year and month as factors for the SI
ratios determined by x12's smoothing algorithm. Note the SI ratio is simply
the detrended series. The summary I get from manually running this 2-way
ANOVA using the
2004 Jun 10
Dear All,
I've used the X-12-ARIMA or its earlier versions from S+ and R under both Unix
and Windows platforms for many years using the klugey approach of calling an
executable using in R the system function. I've found this serviceable for the
following reasons.
1) Paul Gilbert's hunch is correct that many of the subroutines have extensive
IO calls (especially the X-11 engine)
2002 Sep 23
arima() in package ts.
I've been trying to get comfy with arima() and associated functions
in the ts() package. I'm thinking seriously about using this
package, and R generally, in a 4th year intro time series course that
I'm teaching this autumn.
I have a couple of questions about arima:
(1) The help file says that residuals component of the value returned
by arima() consists of the
2011 Dec 12
Question about fitting seasonal ARIMA in R?
Hi all,
I just couldn't find a R function which can fit multiple seasonal
patters... i.e. in the following code:
*arima(x = data, order = c(p, d, q), seasonal = list(order = c(P, D, Q),
period = S), ...
there can be only one "period", am I right?
What if the data seem to have three different seasonality cycles, 5, 12, 21?
Thanks a lot!
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2004 Jul 01
[gently off topic] arima seasonal question
Hello R People:
When using the arima function with the seasonal option, are the seasonal
options only good for monthly and quarterly data, please?
Also, I believe that weekly and daily data are not appropriate for seasonal
parm estimation via arima.
Is that correct, please?
Laura Holt
mailto: lauraholt_983 at hotmail.com
2011 Jun 15
Query regarding auto arima
I am using AUTO ARIMA for forecasting. But it is not detecting 'seasonality
term' of its own for any data.
Is there any other method by which we can detect seasonality and its
frequency for any data?
Is there any method through which seasonality and its frequency can be
automatically detected from ACF plot?
Siddharth Arun,
4th Year Undergraduate student
Industrial Engineering and
2011 Jun 15
Problem auto.arima() in R
I am using auto.arima() for forecasting.When I am using any in built data
such as "AirPassangers" it is capturing seasonality. But, If I am entering
data in any other format(in vector form or from an excel sheet) it is not
detecting seasonality.
Is there any specific format in which it detects seasonality or I am doing
some thing wrong?
Does data have to be entered in a specific
2017 Jun 20
How to write an estimated seasonal ARIMA model from R output?
I'm trying to use the following command.
arima (x, order = c(p,d,q), seasonal =list(order=c(P,D,Q), period=s)
How can I write an estimated seasonal ARIMA model from the outputs. To be specifically, which sign to use? I know R uses a different signs from S plus.
Is it correct that the model is:
2005 Aug 27
ARIMA (seasonal) backcasting & interpolation
Thanks for everyone's help with zoo -- I think I've got my data set
ready. (The data consists of surface weather temperatures, from 2002
to 2005, one observation per hour. Some values are missing... i.e. NA)
I have three goals:
GOAL #1:Get the data in proper time series form, preserving frequency
> w4.ts <- as.ts( w3.zoo, frequency=(1/3600) )
I hope that 1/3600
2007 Nov 08
Help me please...Large execution time in auto.arima() function
I using the fuction auto.arima() from package forecast to predict the values
of p,d,q and P,D,Q.
My problem is the execution time of this function, for example, a time
series with 2323 values with seasonality to the week take over 8 hours to
execute all the possibilities.
I using a computer with Windows XP, a processor Intel Core2 Duo T7300 and
2Gb of RAM.
2004 Jan 14
seasonal fractional ARIMA models
does anyone know about:
a) simulating seasonal ARIMA models? arima out of package ts can fit it,
but it does not look like it can simulates data from seasonal models
b) fitting and simulating fractional seasonal ARIMA models?
Hints will be appreciated,
Henning Rust
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Dept. Integrated Systems Analysis
Tel.: #49/331/288-2596
2004 May 24
Seasonal ARIMA question - stat package (formerly ts)
To whom it may concern:
I am trying to better understand the functionality of 'R' when making
arima predictions to avoid any "Black Box" disadvantages.
I'm fitting a seasonal arima model using the following command (having
already loaded 'stat' package).
arimaSeason <-
I can then generate
2011 Jul 04
forecast: bias in sampling from seasonal Arima model?
Dear all,
I stumbled upon what appears to be a troublesome issue when sampling from an
ARIMA model (from Rob Hyndman's excellent 'forecast' package) that contains
a seasonal AR component.
Here's how to reproduce the issue. (I'm using R 2.9.2 with forecast 2.19;
see sessionInfo() below).
First some data:
> x <- c(
0.132475, 0.143119, 0.108104, 0.247291, 0.029510,
2009 Nov 01
problems whit seasonal ARIMA
I have daily wind speed data and need to fit seasonal ARIMA model, problem
is that my period is 365. But when I use arima(...) function, with period
365, I?m getting error message: ?Error in makeARIMA(trarma[[1]],
trarma[[2]], Delta, kappa) : maximum supported lag is 350?. Can someone
help me with this problem?
Thank you
Sincerely yours,
Laura Saltyte
2004 Mar 22
problem with seasonal arima
hallo to all
I've to calculate an arima model and I need only the
first and 365 th parameter and also the sar1 and the
intercept, so I'm traing with:
but the error answer is:
Error in polyroot(z) : polynomial degree too high (49
also there are problems in allocating memory
2005 Sep 08
Crash with seasonal ARIMA
The following command crashes my Mac OS X version of R:
(I'm running R on a PowerMac G5, with 1 GB of RAM and dual processors.)
> arima.0 <- arima(w3.ts,order=c(1,0,0),seasonal=list(order=c
Here is some background:
w3.ts is hourly temperature data with about 20% NA's. It contains
about 3.5 years of data.
I am using period = 365, which makes
2011 Dec 28
Census ARIMA x-12 seasonal adjustment in R?
I am new to usin R - which is a great tool - and would like to know if R
has a seasonal adjustment program for time series and/if it incorporates
the Census Bureau's ARIMA x-12 seasonal adjustment program in any way?
Thanks so much!
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2007 May 29
Is R's implementation of Seasonal ARIMA in the arima() function a
multiplicative or an additive model?
e.g., is an ARIMA(0,1,1)(0,1,1)[12] from arima() the same as Box et al's
ARIMA(0,1,1)x(0,1,1)[12] (from Time Series Analysis 1994, p.333).
From another post http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/help/04/07/0117.html
I suspect it's additive but I'm not sure.
2007 Oct 11
rearrange data columns
Dear R users,
I need to to the the following. Let a= 1 2 3
4 5 6
and b= -1 -2 -3 be (2x3) matrices.
-4 -5 -6
I need to combine the two matrices into a new (2x6) matrix like this:
ab = ( 1 -1 2 -2 3 -3 )
4 -4 5 -5 6 -6
How can this be done in R?
?????? ???