Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "problems with exporting a chart"
2009 Sep 08
strange results in summary and IQR functions
Dear R users,
Something is strange in summary and IQR. Suppose, I have a data set and I
would like to find the Q1, Q2, Q3 and IQR.
> summary(x)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
2.00 11.25 14.00 20.30 31.00 47.00
> IQR(x)
[1] 19.75
However, I test the same data set in SAS "proc univariate", and SAS shows
2012 Nov 23
Summary statistics for matrix columns
is there a way I can calculate a summary statistics for a columns matrix
let say we have this matrix
x <- matrix(sample(1:8000),nrow=100)
colnames(x)<- paste("Col",1:ncol(x),sep="")
if I used summary
i get the output for each column but I need the output to be in matrix with
rownames and all the columns beside it
this how I want it
2011 Apr 17
Box plot with 5th and 95th percentiles instead of 1.5 * IQR: problems implementing an existing solution...
Hi all,
I'm just getting started with R and I would appreciate some help. I'm having
trouble creating a boxplot with whiskers at the 95th and 5th percentiles
instead of at 1.5 * IQR. I have read the relevant documentation, and checked
existing mails on this topic. I found a small modification that should work
: https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2001-November/016817.html and tried
2016 Apr 19
Interquartile Range
That didn't work Jim!
Thanks anyway
On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 9:02 PM, Jim Lemon <drjimlemon at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> At a guess, try this:
> iqr<-function(x) {
> return(paste(round(quantile(x,0.25),0),round(quantile(x,0.75),0),sep="-")
> }
> .col3_Range=iqr(datat$tenure)
> Jim
> On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at
2002 Jan 27
DBM databases for R?
Can I use DBM databases (as they are used in Perl) for the import of
large datasets in R?
Thanks in advance for your help,
Petra Steiner
Petra Steiner
Arbeitsbereich Linguistik
Universitaet Muenster
Huefferstrasse 27
48149 Muenster
2007 Apr 18
[Bridge] wds not working...help needed
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2009 Feb 24
Polycom Spectralink 8002 Configuration
I have a new Polycom Spectralink 8002 and am having trouble with the
configuration or the unit but I can't see what's wrong. The unit does
not seem to even attempt to register with the Asterisk proxy but I can
make calls to it. I have viewed the syslog from the device which it
will actually write to the asterisk server so I know it can be reached.
I have also run a sip debug and
2009 Mar 30
quantile and IQR do not check for numeric input (PR#13631)
This report follows the post
where it is shown that quantile() and IQR() do not work as documented.
In fact they do not check for numeric input even if the documentation says =
x numeric vectors whose sample quantiles are wanted. Missing
values are ignored.
x a numeric vector.
> quantile(factor(1:9))
2009 Mar 05
quantile(), IQR() and median() for factors
Dear all,
from the help page of quantile:
"x ??? numeric vectors whose sample quantiles are wanted. Missing
values are ignored."
from the help page of IQR:
"x ??? a numeric vector."
as a matter of facts it seems that both quantile() and IQR() do not
check for the presence of a numeric input.
See the following:
x <- rbinom(n=11,size=2,prob=.5)
x <-
2016 Apr 19
Interquartile Range
Are you aware that there *already is* a function that does this?
(also your "function" iqr" is just a character string and would have
to be parsed and evaluated to become a function. But this is a
TERRIBLE way to do things in R as it completely circumvents R's
central functional programming paradigm).
Bert Gunter
"The trouble with having an open mind
2010 May 07
How to pass value to an argument in a function which is an argument to the main function
Dear all,
I constructed this function called my.boxplot.stats by replacing fivnum()
with quantile() in function boxplot.stats(). So I can try different quantile
methods in bwplot(). The problem is I couldn't pass different values to the
"type" argument to my.boxplot.stats, which in turn is an argument in
bwplot(). Now I just have to manually change the "type" value in
2003 Mar 01
density(), with argument of length 1 (PR#2593)
The following is from version 1.6.2 of R under Windows,
or 1.6.1 under Mac OSX/X11
> density(1)
Error in if (!(lo <- min(hi, IQR(x)/1.34))) (lo <- hi) || (lo <- abs(x[1])) || :
missing value where logical needed
I am not sure how this should be handled. I encountered it
in connection with densityplot(). In that connection, it
might be enough to modify density() so that it
2010 May 12
Dear list,
I'm trying to implement the following function, but what I get is an error message and I don't understand where is the error:
where bb is a dataframe
2006 Sep 23
PAM authentication problem: MD5 vs crypt
Here's a strange one. I have Dovecot set up on Solaris 9. The auth portion
of the config is straight out of the box. Using PAM. We have most users in
a dbm file which is just a series of key/value pairs: key is a username,
and value is a string equivalent to a shadow entry. nsswitch.conf entry:
passwd files dbm.
For historical reasons, some users have a classic 13-character Unix crypt
2010 Dec 12
95% CI of a IQR and more
Hi guys!
I have to calculate the 95% CI for the IQR. I have 100samples with
continuous numbers using a compute-intensive method.
1)I can calculate the 95%CI and the IQR, but I don't know how to calculate
the CI of the IQR, does anybody have any idea, which method will be
2)I have a 2x2 table with gender vs blue eyes or not. How do I calculate the
expected two-by-two contingency
2016 Apr 20
Interquartile Range
Again, IQR returns two both a .25 and a .75 value and it failed, which is
why I didn't use it before. Also, the first function just returns tha same
value repeating. Since they are the same, before the second call, using
the mode function is just a way to grab one value. I could have used
average, min, max, they all would have returned the same thing.
On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 7:24 PM,
2011 Feb 23
mgcv: beta coefficient and 95%CI
Hi i am doing an environmental research
The equation is as follow:
gam(y1 ~ x1 + s(x2) + s(x3) + s(x4), family = gaussian, fit = true)
I would like to obtain the beta coefficient and 95CI of x4 (or s(x4)), what
should I do?
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/mgcv-beta-coefficient-and-95-CI-tp3320491p3320491.html
Sent from the R help mailing list
2016 Apr 19
Interquartile Range
> That didn't work Jim!
It always helps to say how the suggestion did not work. Jim's
function had a typo in it - was that the problem? Or did you not
change the call to ddply to use that function. Here is something
that might "work" for you:
data <- data.frame(groupColumn=rep(1:5,1:5), col1=2^(0:14))
myIqr <- function(x) {
2016 Apr 20
Interquartile Range
IQR returns a single number.
> IQR(rnorm(10))
[1] 1.090168
To your 2nd response:
"I could have used average, min, max, they all would have returned the
same thing., "
I can only respond: huh?? Are all your values identical?
You really need to provide a small reproducible example as requested
by the posting guide -- I certainly don't get it, and I'm done
2007 Aug 30
Q: Mean, median and confidence intervals with functions "summary" & "boxplot.stats"
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