similar to: behavior of squishplot in TeachingDemos

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "behavior of squishplot in TeachingDemos"

2004 May 06
Problem with filled.contour/image
Quick question - I am having problems creating an orographic image (similar to volcano example). I have created a map matrix with 3 columns and over 2million rows. I have created the matrix as follows: map<-read.table("map.dat",header=TRUE) long.grid<-sort(unique(map$long) lat.grid<-sort(unique(map$lat) map.matrix<-matrix(map$height,nrow=length(lat.grid),byrow=TRUE) The
2013 Sep 22
Como usas la función image puedes consultar la ayuda ?image o help(image) y encontrarás el siguiente ejemplo donde se usa un diferente color Palette (mencionada por pepeceb en su respuesta). x <- 10*(1:nrow(volcano)) y <- 10*(1:ncol(volcano)) image(x, y, volcano, col = terrain.colors(100), axes = FALSE) # O puedes usar directamente el número para indicar el color image(x, y, volcano, col =
2009 Sep 05
Color index in image function
Dear All, I was looking for the color index in?image function,?such as from topo.colors(n) and etc. but still never found it. For instance, from the help menu. ########################################### # Volcano data visualized as matrix. Need to transpose and flip # matrix horizontally. image(t(volcano)[ncol(volcano):1,]) # A prettier display of the volcano x <- 10*(1:nrow(volcano)) y
2010 Jan 04
Adding a distance scale to a plot?
Do you know what steps I need to take to add a scale to a plot? I'm pulling my example out of "An Introduction to R: Software for StatisticalModelling & Computing" (see the R code around Figure 76). I would like to add a scale to the image produced by the following code.? I would like to the scale to list the distance?and units:? data(volcano) x <- 10*(1:nrow(volcano)) y
2008 Aug 05
Add arrows to a filled.contour margin
Hi, I try to put an arrow to a filled.contour plot. I make this: filled.contour(volcano, color = terrain.colors,key.axes=F) arrows(0.95,0,0.95,1,lwd=2) This work, but the problem is that I find the coordinates at random try, for other graphic with other scale is other fight with coordinates. Anybody know a more easy or more generalized way to make this? Somethink like this
2003 Sep 25
multiple plot layout and filled contour
Hello everybody, Could anybody give me a hint how I can use "layout" and "filled.contour" (or "image" plot with a color legend) together, please? What I want to do is something like the following example (Two or more plots with a legend for each at one page): data(volcano) layout(matrix(1:2, 1, 2, byrow = TRUE)) for (i in 1:2) { filled.contour(i*volcano, color =
2008 Oct 02
Contour Plot Aspect Ratio
Hello there, I have a fairly simple request (I hope!) I have produced a filled contour plot like this: library(grDevices) library(gplots) library(plotrix) filled.contour(contour, axes=F, frame.plot=TRUE, color=terrain.colors, ylab= "Length Along Flume (m)", key.title = title(main="Velocity\n(m/s)"), key.axes = axis(4, seq(0, 0.6, by = 0.1)), asp=2, plot.axes = {
2012 May 02
rgl.Sweave not producing transparency in pdf plots with alpha
Hi Folks, I'm trying to get rgl.Sweave to produce plots with transparency. However, it just seems to produce opaque plots when pdf is the output type. Perhaps this is a known issue? I'll just use .png in the meantime, but wanted to see about this, as I didn't see it in the documentation (though it's possible I missed it). Thanks, Allie \documentclass{article} \title {rgl
2001 Feb 12
3d plots?
Hi all I'm trying to create a three-dimensional wireframe-type plot, much like the screenshot shown at In my case, I'm trying to show a density estimate of two-variable system, using the GenKern package. I've used the image() and contour() to create a nice shaded plot, but I've found a 3d plot is often easier for the
2011 Jul 31
export/import matrix
Hello I have a problem on keeping the format when I export a matrix file with the write.table() function. When I import the data volcano from rgl package it looks like this in R: > data[1:5,] [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12] [,13] [,14] [1,] 100 100 101 101 101 101 101 100 100 100 101 101 102 102 [2,] 101 101 102 102 102 102 102
2009 Mar 27
interactive image graphic
Dear All I want to plot a kind of figures, which can interactive with user. For example, i have a matirx which can be showed by image function. i.e. we can compare the value depend on different colors. However, the change of colors depend on the range of value. Nowaday, i want to set a bar, which can be moved by user such that the user can obtain the appropriate range. Does anyone suggest me which
2004 Jun 07
filled.contour - color palette so z=0 ONLY is blue
I am trying to create a topographic map of an island - the filled.contour function works fine except i am experiencing difficulty trying to represent the sea properly. Basically I want the default colour blue for any instance where z=0, if I simply use the default topo.color I get shades of blue for z values up to 220 metres. Is there a way in which I can specify terrain.color for all values of
2013 Sep 22
¿ como se pueden cambiar estos colores, gray.colors a otros library("KernSmooth") cps_bkde <- bkde2D(cbind(cps$experience, log(cps$wage)), bandwidth = c(3.5, 0.5), gridsize = c(200, 200)) image(cps_bkde$x1, cps_bkde$x2, cps_bkde$fhat, col = rev(gray.colors(10, gamma = 1)), #### pregunta?como se pueden cambiar estos colores xlab =
2003 Aug 01
shading in image()
Is there a way to make a shading interpolation on an image plot? Something similar to matlab 'shading interp', I think it is called Gouraud shading. What I want is to make a image plot look nicer. with image() it looks very facetted, and I would like to make it look smoother. I've tried with interp.surface() in fields package but it (obviously) makes nan values at the borders and
2013 Sep 22
Por favor ver comentario con las las letras mayúsculas data("CPS1985", package = "AER") cps <- CPS1985 cps [1:10,] dim( cps) names( cps) library("quantreg") #regresion usual cps_lm <- lm(log(wage) ~ experience + I(experience^2) + + education, data = cps) #regresion por quantiles, tau son los cuantiles
2011 Jan 14
Problems with TeachingDemos package
Hi, somebody can help me. Idon't understand very well the manual of the this package, I suppose I must enter "wdtxtStart", before I start working, but is supposed that this command should open Word, but nothing happens. I use Rgui, not Rcmdr. Thanks ----- Mario Garrido Escudero PhD student Dpto. de Biolog?a Animal, Ecolog?a, Parasitolog?a, Edafolog?a y Qca. Agr?cola Universidad de
2007 Oct 10
Deleting the White Space in an R graph
Hi All, Is there a way we can delete the empty white space around when we generate any graph/map using R? The final output should be onaly a picture with no white spaces all around. Cheers, Pratap --------------------------------- 5, 50, 500, 5000 - Store N number of mails in your inbox. Click here. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Jul 11
TeachingDemos question: my.symbols() alignment problems in complicated layout
Hello, After usefull suggestions by Paul Murrell, i have been trying to use my.symbols to plot arrows of varying angles on my plot in order to create a time series of wind direction... however,i have been unable to figure out how the allignment of symbols works... below i have included a simplified code that illustrates my problem: (i am creating a .ps file ... so i've included this in my
2000 Feb 03
questions about image()
Hi all, I have a few questions on color image in R (I'm using 0.90.1 on NT4). 1. How do I get a color key on the plot? 2. What I'd like to have is 0=white, 1=red, -1=blue (or any other color), and numbers in between represented by different shade (e.g., 0.1 would be light pink, -0.1 would be light blue, etc.). Is this possible? Thanks for any help any of you can provide. Regards,
2007 Jan 12
image() and nonsquare matrices
How do I draw non-square matrices with image() and get the axes right? Try 1: a <- matrix(rnorm(100),20,5) image(1:20,1:5,a,asp=1,xlab="label here") # No good because the axes don't touch the image Try 2: image(1:20,1:5,a,asp=1,axes=F,xlab="label here") axis(side=1,pos=0) # No good because the x axis label is floating far from the x axis. Try 3: