similar to: Extracting Coefficients and Such from mle2 Output

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "Extracting Coefficients and Such from mle2 Output"

2008 Nov 19
mle2 simple question - sigma?
I'm trying to get started with maximum likelihood estimation with a simple regression equivalent out of Bolker (Ecological Models and Data in R, p302). With this code: #Basic example regression library(bbmle) RegData<-data.frame(c(0.3,0.9,0.6),c(1.7,1.1,1.5)) names(RegData)<-c("x", "y") linregfun = function(a,b,sigma) { Y.pred = a+b*x
2012 Apr 18
error estimating parameters with mle2
Hi all, When I try to estimate the functional response of the Rogers type I equation (for the mle2 you need the package bbmle): > RogersIbinom <- function(N0,attackR2_B,u_B) {attackR2_B+u_B*N0} > RogersI_B <- mle2(FR~dbinom(size=N0,prob=RogersIbinom(N0,attackR2_B,u_B)/N0),start=list(attackR2_B=4.5,u_B=0.16),method="Nelder-Mead",data=data5) I get following error message
2012 Jan 12
Function accepted by optim but not mle2 (?)
Dear Sir/ Madam, I'm having trouble de-bugging the following - which works perfectly well with optim or optimx - but not with mle2. I'd be really grateful if someone could show me what is wrong. Many thanks in advance. JSC: gompertz<- function (x,t=data) { a3<-x[1] b3<-x[2] shift<-data[1] h.t<-a3*exp(b3*(t-shift))
2012 Apr 19
non-numeric argument in mle2
Hi all, I have some problems with the mle2 function > RogersIIbinom <- function(N0,attackR3_B,Th3_B) {N0-lambertW(attackR3_B*Th3_B*N0*exp(-attackR3_B*(24-Th3_B*N0)))/(attackR3_B*Th3_B)} > RogersII_B <- mle2(FR~dbinom(size=N0,prob=RogersIIbinom(N0,attackR3_B,Th3_B)/N0),start=list(attackR3_B=1.5,Th3_B=0.04),method="Nelder-Mead",data=dat) Error in dbinom(x, size, prob, log)
2011 Aug 29
Bayesian functions for mle2 object
Hi everybody, I'm interested in evaluating the effect of a continuous variable on the mean and/or the variance of my response variable. I have built functions expliciting these and used the 'mle2' function to estimate the coefficients, as follows: func.1 <- function(m=62.9, c0=8.84, c1=-1.6) { s <- c0+c1*(x) -sum(dnorm(y, mean=m, sd=s,log=T)) } m1 <- mle2(func.1,
2011 Oct 17
simultaneously maximizing two independent log likelihood functions using mle2
Hello, I have a log likelihood function that I was able to optimize using mle2. I have two years of the data used to fit the function and I would like to fit both years simultaneously to test if the model parameter estimates differ between years, using likelihood ratio tests and AIC. Can anyone give advice on how to do this? My likelihood functions are long so I'll use the tadpole
2010 Feb 12
using mle2 for multinomial model optimization
Hi there I'm trying to find the mle fo a multinomial model ->*L(N,h,S?x)*. There is only *N* I want to estimate, which is used in the number of successes for the last cell probability. These successes are given by: p^(N-x1-x2-...xi) All the other parameters (i.e. h and S) I know from somewhere else. Here is what I've tried to do so far for a imaginary data set:
2012 Oct 05
problem with convergence in mle2/optim function
Hello R Help, I am trying solve an MLE convergence problem: I would like to estimate four parameters, p1, p2, mu1, mu2, which relate to the probabilities, P1, P2, P3, of a multinomial (trinomial) distribution. I am using the mle2() function and feeding it a time series dataset composed of four columns: time point, number of successes in category 1, number of successes in category 2, and
2010 Feb 01
Help with multiple poisson regression with MLE2
Hi, I'm trying to make multiple poisson regressions with the MLE2 command. I have used the following expression, but I receive an error message: poisfit <- mle2(y ~ dpois(exp(b0 + b1*x1 + b2*x2)), start=list(b0=1, b1=1, b2=1), data=data1) Error in optim(par = c(1, 1, 1), fn = function (p) : non-finite initial value 'vmmin' I have changed initial values using coefficient values
2013 Jan 23
Pasting a list of parameters into a function
I need to repeat a function many times, with differing parameters held constant across iterations. To accomplish this, I would like to create a list (or vector) of parameters, and then insert that list into the function. For example: q<-("l,a,b,s") genericfunction<-function(q){ } ###### The equivalent code would of course be genericfunction<-function(l,a,b,s){ } Any help
2007 Jul 29
behavior of L-BFGS-B with trivial function triggers bug in stats4::mle
With the exception of "L-BFGS-B", all of the other optim() methods return the value of the function when they are given a trivial function (i.e., one with no variable arguments) to optimize. I don't think this is a "bug" in L-BFGS-B (more like a response to an undefined condition), but it leads to a bug in stats4::mle -- a spurious error saying that a better fit has been
2006 Jun 23
How to use mle or similar with integrate?
Hi I have the following formula (I hope it is clear - if no, I can try to do better the next time) h(x, a, b) = integral(0 to pi/2) ( ( integral(D/sin(alpha) to Inf) ( ( f(x, a, b) ) dx ) dalpha ) and I want to do an mle with it. I know how to use mle() and I also know about integrate(). My problem is to give the parameter values a and b to the
2008 Sep 19
panel data analysis possible with mle2 (bbmle)?
Dear R community, I want to estimate coefficients in a (non-linear) system of equations using 'mle2' from the "bbmle" package. Right now the whole data is read in as just one long time series, when it's actually 9 cross sections with 30 observations each. I would like to be able to test and correct for autocorrelation but haven't found a way to do this in this package.
2007 Dec 06
suggested modification to the 'mle' documentation?
Hello: I wish to again express my appreciation to all who have contributed to making R what it is today. At this moment, I'm particularly grateful for whoever modified the 'mle' code so data no longer need be passed via global variables. I remember struggling with this a couple of years ago, and I only today discovered that it is no longer the case. I'd
2008 Jul 23
mle2(): logarithm of negative pdfs
Hi, In order to use the mle2-function, one has to define the likelihood function itself. As we know, the likelihood function is a sum of the logarithm of probability density functions (pdf). I have implemented myself the pdfs that I am using. My problem is, that the pdfs values are negative and I cann't take the logarithm of them in the log-likelihood function. So how can one take the
2006 Dec 30
wrapping mle()
Hi, How can we set the environment for the minuslog function in mle()? The call in this code fails because the "ll" function cannot find the object 'y'. Modifying from the example in ?mle: library(stats4) ll <- function(ymax=15, xhalf=6) { -sum(stats::dpois(y, lambda=ymax/(1+x/xhalf), log=TRUE)) } fit.mle <- function(FUN, x, y) { <-
2012 Jul 30
confusion over S3/S4 importing
Can anyone help me figure out the right way to import a method that is defined as S3 in one package and S4 in another? Specifically: profile() is defined as an S3 method in the stats package: function (fitted, ...) UseMethod("profile") <bytecode: 0xa4cd6e8> <environment: namespace:stats> In stats4 it is defined as an S4 method: stats4:::profile standardGeneric for
2012 Sep 27
problems with mle2 convergence and with writing gradient function
Dear R help, I am trying solve an MLE convergence problem: I would like to estimate four parameters, p1, p2, mu1, mu2, which relate to the probabilities, P1, P2, P3, of a multinomial (trinomial) distribution. I am using the mle2() function and feeding it a time series dataset composed of four columns: time point, number of successes in category 1, number of successes in category 2, and
2008 Sep 10
using function instead of formula in plm
Hi all, I am trying to use plm to estimate coefficients in a model consisting of a system of equations. So far I used mle2 from the package "bbmle", but now I need to test for autocorrelation and mle2 does not provide for the necessary tests. mle2 needs a function as input that might as well consist of many different equations. plm however requires an object of class formula that needs
2010 Mar 24
optimize a joint lieklihood with mle2
Hi I'm trying to maximize a joint likelihood of 2 likelihoods (Likelihood 1 and Likelihood 2) in mle2, where the parameters I estimate in Likelihood 2 go into the likelihood 1. In Likelihood 1 I estimate the vector logN with length 37, and for the Likelihood 2 I measure a vector s of length 8. The values of s in Lieklihood 2 are used in the Likelihood 1. I have 2 questions: ##1 I manage