Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "outputting (writing) output into a dataframe"
2007 Oct 02
Calculating proportions from a data frame rather than a table
When one has raw data it is easy to create a table of one variable against
another and then calculate proportions
For example
However, I looked at several papers and created a data frame of the
aggregate data. That means I acually created a table except it is a data
frame. The first column lists the name of the first author and the year.
2006 Nov 29
reshape command is (stats) dropping instances
I would really appreciate it if anyone could determine what is going
on with the following command. It is only half-working and is losing
lots of data. For the life of me I cannot even see the pattern of what
it is losing and what it is not.
I am attaching the R data set which you can use with the Load
Workspace menu function.
2009 Jul 19
space in column name
I read a table from Microsoft Access using RODBC. Some of the variables had
a name with a space in it.
R has no problem with it but I do.
I cannot find out how to specify the space
[1] "ID" "LVL7" "Ref Pv No" "Ref Pv Name" "DOS"
"Pt Last Name" "Pt First Name" "MRN"
2008 Apr 25
Differentiate alphanumeric vs numeric strings
I have a bunch of tables in a Microsoft Access database. An updated database
is sent to me every week containing a new table. I know that is inefficient
and weird but welcome to my life. I want to read the tables whose names are
something such as "040207" but not the ones that have alphanumeric names
such as "everyone". Using RODBC I am easily able to create a character
2008 Dec 15
Reading from Google Docs
I saw a thread from September 24 in which Duncan Temple Lang told us:
- The package currently has no Rd files, but there is a brief "user's
guide". The package is available from
I could not find it by using Tinn-R or RGui's package install tool.
Then when I went to the website I saw that package is only available
2008 Dec 10
converting multiple columns from POSIX* to Date
converting a POSIX class variable to a date class is easy.
dates<-as.Date(x) #where X is of class POSIX
How does one do that to all columns in a data frame that are of POSIX
class and leave all the other columns (integers, factors) as is.
Feel free to reply with just one or two buzzwords that I could then
search for to find how to do it.
Farrel Buchinsky
2009 Mar 24
two different date formats in the same variable
How does one convert to a date format when survey respondents have
used two different date formats whilst entering their data. There were
clearly told to use mm/dd/yyyy but humans being humans some entered
mm/dd/yy. There was even validity checks on the forms but I allowed
them to be overridden since the data is more holy than the format.
The data was downloaded as a csv and read.csv was used to
2006 Nov 24
Sunflower plot error; how to deal with NA
I suspect the problem stems from the fact that there are a couple of NA
> sunflowerplot(lastoto,maxear)
Error in rep.int(i.multi, number[number > 1]) :
invalid number of copies in rep.int()
So I used the subset command to get rid of the cases with NA
Then it worked perfectly
2008 Oct 03
Tinn-R explorer used to be my friend
I have upgraded everything lately and can no longer get the Tinn-R explorer
to work. I think I have had this problem before but cannot recall how I
solved it.I run Tinn-R and Rgui version 2.7.2
When I click on the explorer button I get
> trObjList(envir='.GlobalEnv', pattern='', group='', path=.trPaths[3])
Error in trObjList(envir = ".GlobalEnv",
2007 Jan 09
dimensions of a all objects
Why will the following command not work
What does it say about the objects list? What does it say about the dim
Likewise, the following also does not work
for (f in all) print(dim(f))
Farrel Buchinsky
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Jan 23
forward slash vs double backslash R and Tinn-R
I installed the newest version of R and once again ran into problem
with Tinn-R failing when trying to use the R explorer. I had this
problem once before and solved it when I added the following
.trPaths = c(
'C:/Documents and Settings/fbuchins/Application Data/Tinn-R/tmp/',
'C:/Documents and Settings/fbuchins/Application Data/Tinn-R/tmp/search.txt',
'C:/Documents and
2007 Jan 01
Subset by using multiple values
I have a vector containg about 20 unique values. It is called rejectrs$rs.
It is a factor
I have a data frame with about 100000 rows.
I want to exclude all rows where in variable rs the value is one of the 20
on the exclude list. I thought this would work but none did.
2009 Dec 10
Have you used RGoogleDocs and RGoogleData?
Both of these applications fulfill a great need of mine: to read data
directly from google spreadsheets that are private to myself and one or two
collaborators. Thanks to the authors. I had been using RGoogleDocs for the
about 6 months (maybe more) but have had to stop using it in the past month
since for some reason that I do not understand it no longer reads google
spreadsheets. I loved it. Its
2007 Jun 19
genetics package not working
Has something changed in R that requires an update in the genetics package
by Gregory Warnes? I am using R version 2.5.0
This used to work
> summary(founders[,59])
to prove that it is a genotype class
> class(founders[,59])
[1] "genotype" "factor"
Now when I issue the command:
> summary(founders[,59])
I get:
Error in attr(retval, "which") <- which :
2007 Feb 05
RSNPper SNPinfo and making it handle a vector
If I run an analysis which generates statistical tests on many SNPs I would
naturally want to get more details on the most significant SNPs. Directly
from within R one can get the information by loading RSNPer (from
Bioconductor) and simply issuing a command SNPinfo(2073285). Unfortunately,
the command cannot handle a vector and therefore only wants to do one at a
I tried the lapply and
2006 May 03
Listing Variables
How does one create a vector whose contents is the list of variables in a
dataframe pertaining to a particular pattern?
This is so simple but I cannot find a straightforward answer.
I want to be able to pass the contents of that list to a "for" loop.
So let us assume that one has a dataframe whose name is Data. And let us
assume one had the height of a group of people measured at
2006 Apr 29
Writing responses to the R-Help list
A while back Gabor Grothendieck suggested that I try
http://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.r.general. This was after I asked how
to easily reply to posts on the listserve. Ideally I would like the
functionality that I find in Microsoft Outlook Express newsreader for usenet
groups or what I find in Google Groups.
I started using gmane about 3 weeks ago. I find it fantastic for searching
and for
2007 Dec 14
Analyzing Publications from Pubmed via XML
I would like to track in which journals articles about a particular disease
are being published. Creating a pubmed search is trivial. The search
provides data but obviously not as an R dataframe. I can get the search to
export the data as an xml feed and the xml package seems to be able to read
2007 Sep 27
ifelse and dates do not work together: What workaround?
I encountered the above problem. I went to the help files and
discovered the reason why. My insight as to why it was happening did
not immediately provide me with a solution by which I could accomplish
what I needed to do. I turned to the help archive. I encountered a
thread on which somebody pointed this problem out and was mildly
castigated for not having looked at the help file. Alas no
2006 May 30
sib TDT transmission/disequilibrium test
Does anyone know if the sib TDT has been implemented in R
1. Spielman, R.S., and Ewens, W.J. (1998) A sibship test for linkage in the
presence of association: the sib transmission/disequilibrium test. Am J Hum
Genet 62, 450-458
Farrel Buchinsky, MD
Pediatric Otolaryngologist
Allegheny General Hospital
Pittsburgh, PA