similar to: Post hoc in repeated measures anova

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Post hoc in repeated measures anova"

2008 May 28
Tukey HSD (or other post hoc tests) following repeated measures ANOVA
Hi everyone, I am fairly new to R, and I am aware that others have had this problem before, but I have failed to solve the problem from previous replies I found in the archives. As this is such a standard procedure in psychological science, there must be an elegant solution to this...I think. I would much appreciate a solution that even I could understand... ;-) Now, I want to calculate a
2009 Oct 15
Two way anova repeated measures and post hoc testing - several questions
Hi, I am fairly new to R and still trying to figure out how it all works, and I have run into a few issues. I apologize in advance if my questions are a bit basic, I'm also no statistics wizard, so part of my problem my be a more fundamental lack of knowledge in the field. I have a dataset that looks something like this: Week Subj Group Readout 0 1 A 352.2 1 1 A
2010 Jun 06
Why did TukeyHSD not work when I used it for post-hoc for 2way within-subjects anova?
Dear R people, I have a couple of questions about post-doc analyses for 2 by 2 within subjects ANOVA. I conducted a psycholinguistic study that combined a 2 by 2 design and a latin square design. Specifically, I had 32 items each of which generated 4 conditions. Participants saw each of the 32 items only once: 8 in Condition A, 8 in B, 8 in C, and 8 in D. The table below serves as an example.
2008 Aug 15
post hoc tests two way repeated measures anova
Hi, is there a specific/appropriate function/package to perform post hoc tests when running a two way repeated measures anova? I'm looking for something that will be equivalent to the 'TukeyHSD()' for between subjects anova (with 'aov()'). For one way repeated measures anova, the 'pairwise.t.test()' function seems to work correctly but the results are questionable for
2010 Jul 07
interaction post hoc/ lme repeated measures
Hi Everyone, I’m trying to figure out how to get R to analyze this experiment properly. I have a series of subjects each with two legs. Within each leg there are two bones that I am interested in. There are also two treatments that I am interested in. That results in four different combinations of treatments. Obviously, since the subjects only have two legs, they can’t receive each
2010 Aug 09
Tukey post hoc test and two way repeated measures ANOVA
Dear all, I have a serious problem in applying Tukey post hoc after a repeated measure ANOVA. I followed the suggestions that I found in this help -list especially this one: //[R] Tukey HSD (or other post hoc tests) following repeated measures ANOVA You want to use lme() in package nlme, then glht() in the multcomp package. This will give you multiplicity adjusted p-values and confidence
2011 Jan 09
Post hoc analysis for ANOVA with repeated measures
Dear all, how can I perform a post hoc analysis for ANOVA with repeated measures (in presence of a balanced design)? I am not able to find a good example over internet in there among you someone so kind to give me an hint with a R example please? For example, the aov result of my analysis says that there is a statistical difference between stimuli (there are 7 different stimuli). ...I
2006 Mar 28
TukeyHSD for repeated measures aov ?
Hi all, I search the archive for finding a simple solution for using TukeyHSD with a multistratum aov result (a repeated emasure anova). The Question have been asked but I've found no clear answer. res<-aov(y~Fa*Fb+Error(Subject/(Fa*Fb)) ) I think that the problem is that res is an aovlist object instead of the "aov" object required by TukeyHSD. Is there an easy solution to
2010 Oct 05
Tukey HSD Test als Post Hoc Test nach einem GLM inkl. Anova
Hallo, zur Analyse von Daten zum Artenreichtum von Pflanzen, habe ich ein Glm (glm) und anschlie?end eine Anova (anova) durchgef??hrt. Nun m??chte ich f??r die signifikanten Einflussfaktoren einen Post Hoc Tukey Test durchf??hren, um zu ermitteln in wie weit die einzelnen Faktorstufen sich signifikant voneinander unterscheiden. Mit dem Befehl (TukeyHSD) komme ich nicht
2012 Oct 19
Post Hoc tests for ANOVA
Hi, I was trying to figure out how to do post-hoc tests for Two Way ANOVAs and found the following 2 approaches: a. Do pairwise t-tests (bonferroni corrected) if one finds significance with the ANOVA. Link- b. Do TukeyHSD on an aov model Link-
2007 Mar 26
Sphericity and post-hoc analysis in a repeated-measure ANOVA
Does anyone have any suggestions for how to test for violation of the sphericity assumption and apply the Huynh-Feldt correction to a repeated-measure model? My model follows the format below: Rep.anova=aov(Y~X1*X2+Error(Subject/(X1*X2),data=DataFile)) I've already looked at the explanations aov() and Error() in Baron's “Notes on the use of R for psychology experiments and
2010 Jun 10
Help with Post-Hoc tests for TWO-WAY within subject ANOVA
Dear R users, I posted a couple of questions and got no response, so I am giving it another shot. I ran an experiment with a TWO-WAY within subject design. A sample dataset is in I already ran ANOVA by using the following formula: aov(RT~Factor1*Factor2 + Error(Subject/(Factor1*Factor2)), data=data) and I obtained the following information: -------------
2008 Jul 30
Repeated Measure ANOVA-Old question
Hi R users, I google the website and I found that there are three ways to perform repeated measure ANOVA: aov, lme and lmer. at But the questions are which one is good to use and how to do post-hoc test? I use the example that is provided in the above link and I try > tt<-aov(*time+Error(subject/time),data=P.PA)
2007 Jun 12
Post-hoc tests for interactions of between- and within-subject factors
Is there a standardized way in R to perform post-hoc comparisons for main adn interaction effects of between- and within-subject factors? For instance, I have a data set of performance of adults of different age groups (20-30, 60-70,70-80) performing a WM task (n-back, with n=1,2,3,4) in two different conditions (while sitting or walking). The corresponding ANOVA produces the following output
2004 Aug 05
Post-hoc t-tests in 2-way repeated measure ANOVA
Hi all I am running a 2-way repeated measure anova with 1 between-subjects factor (Group=treatment, control), and 1 within-subject factor (Time of measurement: time1, time2). I extract the results of the anova with: summary(aov(effect ~ Group*Time + Error=Subj/Time, data=mydata)) Now, this must be clearly a dumb question, but how can I quickly extract in R all the post-hoc t-tests for the
2005 Oct 26
Post Hoc Groupings
Quick question, as I attempt to learn R. For post-hoc tests 1) Is there an easy function that will take, say the results of tukeyHSD and create a grouping table. e.g., if I have treatments 1, 2, and 3, with 1 and 2 being statistically the same and 3 being different from both Group Treatment A 1 A 2 B 3 2) I've been stumbling over the proper syntax for simple effects for a tukeyHSD
2010 May 31
Post-hoc tests for repeated measures in balanced experimental design
Hi, I am performing experiments in the field of visual perception where we often apply balanced designs. Within a group of normal subjects, we vary different stimulus conditions (like contrast, luminance, temporal frequency of stimulation) and derive some psychophysical or electrophysiological results from our subjects. Often, the main question is to test the effect of these parameters
2009 Oct 19
Reposting various problems with two-way anova, lme, etc.
Hi, I posted the message below last week, but no answers, so I'm giving it another attempt in case somebody who would be able to help might have missed it and it has now dropped off the end of the list of mails. I am fairly new to R and still trying to figure out how it all works, and I have run into a few issues. I apologize in advance if my questions are a bit basic, I'm also no
2006 Apr 06
recommendation for post-hoc tests after anova
Greetings all, I've done some ANOVAs and have found significant effects across my groups, so now I have to do some post-hoc tests to ascertain which of the groups is driving the significant effect. Usually one would do something like a Newman-Keuls or Scheffe test to get at this but based on googling and browsing through the r-help archives R doesn't support these and they seem to be
2012 Jan 02
Is using glht with "Tukey" for lme post-hoc comparisons an appropriate substitute to TukeyHSD?
Hello, I am trying to determine the most appropriate way to run post-hoc comparisons on my lme model. I had originally planned to use Tukey HSD method as I am interested in all possible comparisons between my treatment levels. TukeyHSD, however, does not work with lme. The only other code that I was able to find, and which also seems to be widely used, is glht specified with Tukey: