similar to: Time conversion

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Time conversion"

2009 Sep 15
Viewing Function Code
Hi All, I'd like to see the function code behind the barplots2() function in the gplots package, however i come across a bit of a stumbling block of a hidden function, can anyone help? > library(gplots) > methods(barplot2) [1] barplot2.default* Non-visible functions are asterisked > barplot2 function (height, ...) UseMethod("barplot2") <environment:
2008 Dec 05
Loop swith String replacement
Hi All, I'm trying to split my dataset, into multiple datasets that i'll analyse later, i wanted to do this dynamically as i might need to rerun the code later. I was looking at doing this via a loop, (Are other methods more appropriate? Would a function be better?) However i'm not sure in R how do do string replacement within the loop in order to create unique dataset names based on
2009 Aug 25
Help with nls and error messages singular gradient
Hi All, I'm trying to run nls on the data from the study by Marske (Biochemical Oxygen Demand Interpretation Using Sum of Squares Surface. M.S. thesis, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1967) and was reported in Bates and Watts (1988). Data is as follows, (stored as mydata) time bod 1 1 0.47 2 2 0.74 3 3 1.17 4 4 1.42 5 5 1.60 6 7 1.84 7 9 2.19 8 11 2.17 I then
2008 Jun 06
Merging two dataframes
Hi All, Newbie question for you all but i have been looking at the archieves and the help dtuff to get a rough idea of what i want to do I would like to merge two dataframes together based on a keyed variable in one dataframe linking to the other dataframe. Only some of the cases will match but i would like to keep the others as well. My dataframes have 67 and 28 cases respectively and i would
2008 Oct 13
Timestamps and manipulations
Hi All, I've a couple of questions i've been struggling with using the time features, can anyone help? sample data Timestamp user_id 27/05/08 22:57 763830873067 27/05/08 23:00 763830873067 27/05/08 23:01 763830873067 27/05/08 23:01 763830873067 05/06/08 11:34 763830873067 29/05/08 23:08 765253440317 29/05/08 23:06 765253440317 29/05/08 22:52 765253440317
2011 May 19
2 Days Beijing Will Tour Beijing Tour Cope Beijing
2 Days Beijing Will Tour Beijing Tour Cope Beijing city with development history over 3000 years carries grouped t(blank) Beijing development Beijing city with development history over 3000 yrs has clustered that has a surplus of Beijing Attractions. Regardless of what befits you on Chinese cultural heritages, purely natural sceneries, parks and gardens, modern landmarks or traditional
2009 Oct 12
List mappings and variable creation
Hi All, I have a questions about associative list mappings in R, and if they are possible? I have data in the form show below, and want to make a new 'bucket' variable called combined. Which is the sum of the control and the exposed metric values This combined variable is a many to many matching as values only appear in the file if they have a value > 0. conversion.type filteredID
2009 Jan 28
t.test in a loop
Hi All, I've been having a little trouble with creating a loop that will run a a series of t.tests for inspection, Below is the code i've tried, and some checks i've looked at. I've used the get(paste()) idea as i was told previously that the use of the eval should try and be avoided. I've run a single syntax to check that my systax is correct and works without any problems
2008 Jun 20
Problems with basic loop
I'm having trouble creating a looping variable and i can't see wher ethe problem arises from any hep gratfully appreciated First create a table x<-table(SURVEY$n_0,exposed) > x exposed False True Under 16 24 1 16-19 68 9 20-24 190 37 25-34 555 204 35-44 330 87 45-54 198 65 55-64 67 35 65+
2013 Jul 29
howto avoid Samba
Dear All, I'm replacing an older OpenSuse server with a new Centos6.4 server. So far that goes ok, except that the OpenSuse server is also a samba server with ldap connection. Since I replaced all but 2 machines in the building from Windows to Linux, I was hoping not to install Samba on the new server. ( And also because I can't get it to work on Centos. ) I saw a post on the
2004 Feb 04
Date Time Conversion problems...
At one time (version 1.7), the code below used to work for converting and extracting based on the Date Time. In version 1.8.1, something changed I know, but I cannot for the life of me figure out what... Data: UserName,RequestDate,PO,OrderDate,ExpDelivDate,Vendor,Total "Woody, Jim",12/19/2002,AP15063,1/7/2003,2/10/2003,Ames ,8570 "Harrold,
2008 Jun 17
Calling functions
Another newbie question. I've written a function and saved the file as Xtabs.R, in a central place on a network so others will be able ot use the function, My question is how do i call this function? I've tried to chance the working directory, and tried to load it via; > library(Xtabs, lib.loc="//filer/common/technical/surveys/R_test") but neither seem to work? the function
2003 Dec 15
Week of the Year date conversion
Hello there fellow R-users, I have received some data which comes in the following format: example1<-"200301" The first 4 digits correspond to the year and the remaining 2 digits correspond to the week of the year. I have tried to convert this to a date by using strptime as follows: strptime(example1,format="%Y%U") where U (looking up strptime) is the week of the
2007 Dec 27
Odd time conversion glitch
Hello, all. I ran across an odd problem while working in R 2.6.0. The command line text follows. Basically, I attempted to convert a character vector of length 13 (in a data frame with 13 rows) from a character representation of dates to a POSIX representation using strptime. strptime returned a vector of length 9, which appears to contain 13 values (!) in the appropriate format. I can't
2013 Jan 11
Date time conversion bug (as.POSIXct)?
There is something wrong, I think, with the date-time conversion from a numeric value if you use Central European Time (CET) as timezone. Examples from R: If I use the GMT time zone it is OK, I get the same time back from as.POSIXct as I entered > as.POSIXct(as.numeric(strptime("30/01/2012 13:00:00", format="%d/%m/%Y >
2005 Dec 05
Automatic time zone conversion
Dear R-help, I was trying to convert a date and time record extracted from a fortran subroutine I worte and I encounter some problem. The data read in time and date in a format like "2000-05-11_01:00:00.0000" in fortran output. It is in GMT. I need to convert it to CST (GMT+8). I did the following steps. > cdate [1] "2000-05-11_01:00:00.0000\005\003" # I am not sure
2009 Sep 18
Datetime conversion
I'm relatively new to R .I tried converting the datetime column with values like 01apr1985:00:00:00.000 using strptime(datetime,"%d%b%Y).Could anyone help me in this regard .Please reply ASAP i need . -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2012 May 02
factor conversion to date/time
Hi, I've been trying to convert numbers from an online temperature database into dates and time that R recognizes. I've tried as.Date, as.POSIXlt and strptime the problem is that the database has put a T between the numbers and R will not accept any conversions. currently it sees the date as a factor with the format as 1981-01-02T08:00I would like to keep only the year and month, but my
2008 Dec 31
Paste in a FOR loop
Hi All, I've been having a little trouble using R2HTML and a loop, but can't figure out where the problem lies, any hints gratefully received. My code at the minute, (Which does work) is in the following: library(R2HTML) HTMLStart(outdir = file.path("C://Example_work","R_projects","Dynamic_creative"),filename = "RMDC_mockup",Title="Mock up for
2008 Aug 05
Selecting Variables
Hi All, i have a dataset that i want to dynamically inspect for the number of variables that start with "Exposure_" and then for these count the entries across each case i.e ID Exposure_1 Exposure_2 Exposure_3 1 y y y 2 y y - 3 y - - So the corresponding new variables