Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "function as.dist failed on large matrix on 64bit machine"
2012 Oct 10
lm on matrix data
I have a question about using lm on matrix, have to admit it is very
trivial but I just couldn't find the answer after searched the mailing
list and other online tutorial. It would be great if you could help.
I have a matrix "trainx" of 492(rows) by 220(columns) that is my x,
and trainy is 492 by 1. Also, I have the newdata testx which is 240
(rows) by 220 (columns). Here is
2005 Sep 15
about cutree
Hi Everyone,
I'm trying to use cutree to get the clusters after hclust. What I used is: mycluster<-cutree(cnclust,h=0.5)
Now, my problem is, how can I get the actual clusters? Thanks!
Baoqiang Cao
2007 Mar 22
"digits" doesn't work in format function
Dear All,
I was trying to format a numeric vector (100*1) by using
outd <- format(x=m, sci=F, digits=2)
> outd[1:10]
[1] " 0.01787758" "-0.14760306" "-0.45806041" "-0.67858525" "-0.64591748"
[6] "-0.05918100" "-0.25632276" "-0.15980138" "-0.08359873" "-0.37866688"
2006 Jan 18
r-help, how can i use my own distance matrix without usin g dist()
Use something like hclust(as.dist(mydist), ...) ought to work.
-----Original Message-----
From: r-help-bounces at stat.math.ethz.ch
[mailto:r-help-bounces at stat.math.ethz.ch] On Behalf Of ucecgxu at ucl.ac.uk
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 4:47 PM
To: r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
Subject: [R] r-help, how can i use my own distance matrix without using
Dear R-helpers,
i am a
2012 Oct 11
extracting groups from hclust() for a very large matrix
I'm having trouble figuring out how to see resulting groups (clusters)
from my hclust() output. I have a very large matrix of 4371 plots and 29
species, so simply looking at the graph is impossible. There must be a
way to 'print' the results to a table that shows which plots were in
what group, correct?
I've attached the matrix I'm working with (the whole thing
2006 Mar 29
which function to use to do classification
Dear All,
I have a data, suppose it is an N*M matrix data. All I want is to classify it into, let see, 3 classes. Which method(s) do you think is(are) appropriate for this purpose? Any reference will be welcome! Thanks!
Baoqiang Cao
2006 Jan 18
r-help, how can i use my own distance matrix without using dist()
Dear R-helpers,
i am a beginner of R and i am using cluster package to do hierarchical
i am wondering if i can use my own distance matrix to do the hierarchical
clustering without using dist() function.
if i have my own distance matrix, how can i ask hclust() function to recongnize
it( as the output of dist() function).
thank you very much and i looking forward to hearing from you.
2005 Jul 13
any reference to get started clustering
Dear All,
Just start to use the long expected R, my focus will be
doing clustering on microarray data, just wonder, anyone can
show me any references to conquer the steep learning curve?
Best regards,
Baoqiang Cao
2012 Nov 27
in par(mfrow=c(1, 2)), how to keep one half plot static and the other half changing
I'm trying to plot something in the following way and would like if
you could help:
I'd like in a same plot window, two plots are shown, the left one is a
bird-view plot of the whole data, the right half keep changing, i.e.,
different plots will be shown up on request, so that when I
select/click on some where in the left plot, the right plot will be
the corresponding plot.
What I
2010 Feb 11
cluster/distance large matrix
Hi all,
I've stumbled upon some memory limitations for the analysis that I want to
I've a matrix of distances between 38000 objects. These distances were
calculated outside of R.
I want to cluster these objects.
For smaller sets (egn=100) this is how I proceed:
A<-matrix(scan(file, n=100*100),100,100, byrow=TRUE)
2011 May 16
about spearman and kendal correlation coefficient calculation in "cor"
I have the following two measurements stored in mat:
> print(mat)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] -14.80976 -265.786
[2,] -14.92417 -54.724
[3,] -13.92087 -58.912
[4,] -9.11503 -115.580
[5,] -17.05970 -278.749
[6,] -25.23313 -219.513
[7,] -19.62465 -497.873
[8,] -13.92087 -659.486
[9,] -14.24629 -131.680
[10,] -20.81758 -604.961
[11,] -15.32194 -18.735
To calculate the ranking
2010 Dec 06
use pcls to solve least square fitting with constraints
I have a least square fitting problem with linear inequality
constraints. pcls seems capable of solving it so I tried it,
unfortunately, it is stuck with the following error:
> M <- list()
> M$y = Dmat[,1]
> M$X = Cmat
> M$Ain = as.matrix(Amat)
> M$bin = rep(0, dim(Amat)[1])
> M$p=qr.solve(as.matrix(Cmat), Dmat[,1])
> M$w = rep(1, length(M$y))
> M$C = matrix(0,0,0)
2010 Nov 30
how to know if a file exists on a remote server?
I'd like to download some data files from a remote server, the problem
here is that some of the files actually don't exist, which I don't
know before try. Just wondering if a function in R could tell me if a
file exists on a remote server? I searched this mailing list and after
read severals mails, still clueless. Any help will be highly
2001 Apr 25
problems with a large data set
I have trouble with a data set that comprises 2136 lines of 20 columns.
I would like to do a hierarchical clustering and I tried the following:
ages.hclust <- hclust(dist(ages, method="euclidean"), "ward")
but I get the following error message:
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 17797 Kb
When I try to do the dist() alone first without the hclust(), I get the
2001 Apr 27
weithed clustering (was: Re: problems with a large data set)
kmeans and clara work great. Thank you for the tip.
I have another question:
Is it possible to weight the observations in a cluster analysis ? I haven't
found any mention of this in the kmeans of clara help texts.
Moritz Lennert
Charg? de recherche
t?l: 32-2-650.65.16
fax: 32-2-650.50.92
email: mlennert at ulb.ac.be
> On Wed, 25 Apr 2001, Moritz Lennert wrote:
2011 Jul 24
setting distance matrix and clustering methods in heatmap.2
heatmap.2 defaults to dist for calculating the distance matrix and hclust for
Does anyone now how I can set dist to use the euclidean method and hclust to
use the centroid method?
I provided a compilable sample code bellow.
I tried: distfun = dist(method = "euclidean"),
but that doesn't work. Any ideas?
2006 Mar 27
Clustering question \ dist(datmat)
Hello everybody. I am trying to cluster circular data (data points which are angles), thus i can not use the "dist" function in "mclust" to generate my distance matrix, I am using the function " Dij = 0.5*( 1 - cos(theta_i - theta_j)). The thing is "hclust" will not accept this distance matrix, i tried to put it in a data frame, but again i get an error message
2005 Jul 22
about nnet package
Dear All,
I'm learning to train a neural network with my training data by using nnet package, then evaluate it with a evaluation set. My problem here is that, I need the trained network to be used in future, so, what should I store? and How? Any other options other than nnet package? Any example will be highly appreciated!
Baoqiang Cao
2009 Jun 26
50993 point distance matrix, too big to as.matrix, looking for another way to calculate point-level summary
Hello, Im working on a 50933 point count bird abundance dataset. I've
succeeded in calculating a distance matrix for this entire set, but I don't
have sufficient memory to convert this to a matrix, as below...
abun.dist <- dist(abun.mat[1:50993,1:235)
test <- rowMeans(as.matrix(abun.dist))
Error in matrix(0, size, size) : too many elements specified
ive been able to run a hclust()
2004 Dec 06
Problems when printing *large* R objects
>>>>> "Simon" == Simon Urbanek <simon.urbanek@math.uni-augsburg.de>
>>>>> on Sun, 5 Dec 2004 19:39:07 -0500 writes:
Simon> On Dec 4, 2004, at 9:50 PM, ap_llywelyn@mac.com
Simon> wrote:
>> Source code leading to crash:
>> library(cluster)
>> data(xclara)