similar to: FW: RES: bug in axis.Date? was (Re: newbie needs help plottingtimeseries)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "FW: RES: bug in axis.Date? was (Re: newbie needs help plottingtimeseries)"

2008 Jun 30
newbie needs help plotting time series
Dear R help list I have recently started using R to visualize time series of water level measurements. The code I wrote does exactly what I want: plot(x, a$B112, axes=FALSE, ylim=c(405,410), col="red", pch=15, type="o", ylab="metres above sea level", main="Main Plot Title") axis(2, at=405:410, tck=1, col="gray60") axis.Date(1,
2008 Nov 27
Troubles with the format of dates
Dear useRs, I'm struggling again with date-related stuff: I am using R to draw water levels at certain measuring stations. My data comes as a tab-delimited text file and looks like this: DATUM P1 P2 ... 2006-11-16 425.21 423.99 2006-12-15 425.12 423.97 2007-01-16 425.16 424.06 ... (measurements started in July 2004 and still continue on a monthly or bi-weekly basis) This
2008 Oct 30
How to sign off this list
Hi John I had the same problem: signed onto the list, then got flooded by too many emails. So I changed my personal settings to the digest mode (see link below). That means that once a day I get *ONE* email which summarizes the help list email traffic of that day. Then I can fly through its index to see what's going on. There's even an option to turn off delivery of mails from the help
2008 Dec 15
Hi, I am trying to download the new version of R from Bristol University (the UK mirror). However when I have down loaded the files and am trying to 'run' them to install the software but Windows is telling me that the files are corrupted and to 'obtain a new version of the programme'. I need R for a piece of my MSc course work so would really appreciate any help or ideas.
2013 Nov 19
como agrego una linea dibujada con abline() en la leyenda de un grafico ?
Eric Recordé un ejemplo rápido ## Setup up coordinate system (with x == y aspect ratio): plot(c(-2,3), c(-1,5), type = "n", xlab = "x", ylab = "y", asp = 1) ## the x- and y-axis, and an integer grid abline(h = 0, v = 0, col = "gray60") text(1,0, "abline( h = 0 )", col = "gray60", adj = c(0, -.1)) abline(h = -1:5, v = -2:3, col =
2013 Nov 19
como agrego una linea dibujada con abline() en la leyenda de un grafico ?
Estimado Eric En Hmisc la función labcurve puede ser útil, en todos casos crear una curva con valores constantes, habría que intentar, pero labcurve en algunos ejemplos en mi computadora no anda. Ayer envié dos correos, el primero era de latticeextra, usted nombra lattice, pero podría funcionar, en latticeextra: ## horizontal and vertical lines xyplot(ysim ~ xsim) + layer(panel.ablineq(v
2003 Oct 29
Wishlist: user-specified color names for palette() (PR#4836)
Full_Name: Hsiu-Khuern Tang Version: 1.8.0 OS: GNU/Linux (Debian unstable) Submission from: (NULL) ( Hi, I use palette(rgb(red=..., green=..., blue=..., names=mycolors)) to define my own color palette. After doing this, the names `mycolors' are not stored in palette() anymore, so that palette() returns a mix of built-in color names and RGB values. Eg: > palette()
2010 Aug 18
Plot in cartesian plane
Hi all, I'm trying to plot this two curves in a single cartesian plane, but when I plot the first one, the plot appears with no negative "y" value. When I plot the second curve, it almost does not apear in the graph. I was trying the plot.window but with no success. Can someone help me with this? If possible, I'd like to plot this curves in a perfect cartesian plane. f =
2012 Sep 10
Identifying duplicate rows?
Hi, I am trying to identify duplicate values in a column in a date frame. The duplicated function identifies the duplicate rows in the data frame but it only does this for the second record, not both records. Is there a way to mark both rows in the data frame as TRUE? dfA$dups<-duplicated(dfA$Value) dfA Site State Value dups 929 VA 73 FALSE 929 VA 73 TRUE 930 VA 76 FALSE 930 VA 76 TRUE 931
2018 Nov 03
Red Hat is Planning To Deprecate KDE on RHEL By 2024
On Sat, 3 Nov 2018 at 19:22, Nicolas Kovacs <info at> wrote: > My reaction to GNOME 3 has been roughly the same as with systemd. At > first, I hated it with a passion. Then I saw everyone else seemed to use > it. So I started to read the docs and experiment a little bit. And now > I'm using it on a daily basis, and to my bewilderment, I've grown to >
2005 May 27
Newbie here. Tips on setting up 100 phones w anted.
>It will be about 100 phones at about 20 locations all within >about 4 miles of each other. Perhaps a more pressing question might be how you are going to backhaul Ethernet in a 4-mile radius. You can't run a Cat 5 cable more than 100 metres reliably, and using Ethernet repeaters every hundred metres or so isn't practical. You will need a fiber backbone or something like that. What
2008 Aug 22
Coordinate systems for geostatistics in R
Hi, I read somewhere that when carrying out geostatistical analysis in R you should not use latitude and longitude...can anyone expand on this a little for me, and what would be the best coordinate system to use? I have my data in a geographic coordinate system, WGS84, decimal this the wrong format for such analyses? I have also converted my data in the UTM projection and so have
2012 Mar 16
Spatstat - coordinates in observation window
Dear R users, I wish to run spatial point pattern analysis (e.g. pair correlation function, mark correlation function) for which I need to create an observation window (window=owin) from which the spatial analysis is generated. The command I used to create this observation window as follows: X1<- ppp(x, y, window=owin(c(80.58,144.96),c(101.06,165.13)),
2009 Mar 11
Mixed models fixed effects
Dear All, This may sound like a dumb question but I am trying to use a mixed model to determine the predictors of bat activity along hedges within 8 sites. So my response is continuous (bat passes) my predictors fixed effects are continuous (height metres), width (metres) etc and the random effect is site - can you tell me if the fixed effects can be continuous as all the examples I have
2012 Nov 13
Starting the line at zero in ggplot
Hi I have been looking around for a couple of days without being able to find a solution. I am trying to plot the following table using the package ggplot2 Month Mean SEM cry3m 3 -0.05227273 0.1607422 cry6m 6 0.65826087 0.6638734 cry1y 12 0.38333333 0.3062907 cry2y 24 1.04811111 0.4921863 cry3y
2013 Nov 19
como agrego una linea dibujada con abline() en la leyenda de un grafico ?
Hola Javier, tu idea me hubiera solucionado el problema si hubiera estado usando plot() para hacer el grafico, pero como estoy forzado a usar xYplot() del a libreria Hmisc, me arroja un error diciendo que aun no uso plot() ... alguna otra idea si estoy usando Hmisc o lattice ? gracias, eric. On Tue 19 Nov 2013 01:02:50 AM CLST, "Marcuzzi, Javier Rubén" wrote: > Eric >
2006 Feb 23
OT: VoIP over bonded link
I have to provision several dozen * users to a seperate building on our campus in the same subnet. Ordinarily, I'd just run a gigabit cat6 cable to another switch if it doesn't violate the 100 metre rule, but this building is several hundred metres away from my backbone. My only option for cabling to the remote building is copper. My plan is to provision them with a Linux bridge with 4
2010 Jul 20
for loop
Dear list, I'm trying to run the following for loop: I have two list, the first one is $'5684' CFISCALE "5684" RAGSOCB "Brembo" $'4532' CFISCALE "4532" RAGSOCB "Stella" which is this one in terms of dput: dput(kk) structure(list(`5684` = structure(c("5684", "Brembo",
2001 Apr 20
map projections
A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: text/enriched Size: 905 bytes Desc: not available Url :
2010 Feb 10
boxplot label cleanup
The boxplot below is close to what I would like, but needs some clean up. I've been unable to address the following: 1) How can I use the full extent of the plot space (there is white space on either side of the data)? 2) How can I reduce the # of month labels (e.g. every 3rd month Jan Mar Jun...) but still keep them staggered? 3) The year labels at the top of the plot have been positioned