similar to: Prediction with Bayesian Network?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Prediction with Bayesian Network?"

2013 Oct 09
Using "cpquery" function from bnlearn package inside loop
Hi everyone, I'm attempting to use the bnlearn package to calculate conditional probabilities, and I'm running into a problem when the "cpquery" function is used within a loop. I've created an example, shown below, using data included with the package. When using the cpquery function in a loop, a variable created in the loop ("evi" in the example) is not
2007 Oct 04
bnlearn package compilation failure on MacOSX
Hi all. I've recently uploaded a package (bnlearn) to CRAN. It builds fine on both Linux (32 and 64 bit) and Windows, but fails on MacOSX ix86 because of C90 vs C99 issues: Since I've no MacOSX machine at hand, I would like to ask you: why is C99 not the default for gcc on MacOSX ix86? Is it safe to
2017 Jul 13
bnlearn and cpquery
Hi all I have built a Bayesian network using discrete data using the bnlearn package. When I try to run the cpquery function on this data it returns NaN for some some cases. Running the cpquery in debug mode for such a case (n=10^5, method="lw") creates the following output: generated a grand total of 1e+05 samples. > event has a probability mass of 14982.37 out of
2017 Jul 13
bnlearn and cpquery
Dear Ross, This usually happen because you have parameters with a value of NaN in your network, because the data you estimate the network from are sparse and you are using maximum likelihood estimates. You should either 1) use simpler networks for which you can estimate all conditional distributions from the data or 2) use posterior estimates for the parameters. Cheers, Marco On 13 July
2012 Sep 26
Specifying a response variable in a Bayesian network
I'm trying to teach myself about Bayesian Networks and am working with the following data and the bnlearn package. I understand the conceptual aspects of BNs, but I'm not sure how to specify the response variables in R when constructing a dag plot. I've cecked ?hc and done numerous google searches without luck. Can anyone help? library("bnlearn")
2013 Apr 14
Cross validation for Naive Bayes and Bayes Networks
Hi, I need to classify, using Naive Bayes and Bayes Networks, and estimate their performance using cross validation. How can I do this? I tried the bnlearn package for Bayes Networks, althought I need to get more indexes, not only the error rate (precision, sensitivity, ...). I also tried the *e1071* package, but I could not find a way to do cross-validation. Thanks for everyone. Guilherme.
2012 Apr 11
bayesian gene network construction
Hello: I have looked at the bnlearn and deal packages for infering bayesian network. Can anyone suggest any other suitable package for constructing bayesian gene regulatory network using gene expression data? Thanks! John [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Apr 10
bnlearn: how to compute boot strength with mmhc and a blacklist
Dear R-help list: I have two related questions regarding the functions boot.strength and custom.strength in bnlearn. 1) I am using the following commands (on a set of continuous data, the example here run on fake data): > myblacklist<-data.frame(from=c("x1", "x1", "x1", "x2", "x2", "x2")) , to=c("x2",
2013 Nov 30
bnlearn and very large datasets (> 1 million observations)
Hi Anyone have experience with very large datasets and the Bayesian Network package, bnlearn? In my experience R doesn't react well to very large datasets. Is there a way to divide up the dataset into pieces and incrementally learn the network with the pieces? This would also be helpful incase R crashes, because I could save the network after learning each piece. Thank you.
2017 Jun 15
(no subject)
Hi every one I am working on shiny app using bnlearn for Bayesian networks and using r studio I get a fatal error and when I use R GUI I get this error ** caught segfault *** address 0xfffffffc0fcd6248, cause 'memory not mapped' Traceback: 1: .Call("mappred", node = node, fitted = fitted, data = data, n = as.integer(n), from = from, prob = prob, debug = debug) 2:
2008 Jan 29
Expert systems
Hi R-users Is there any functions in R that can implement "expert systems"? The aim of an expert system is to produce a probable diagnosis for a patient with certain symptoms. In the classical expert system a mumber of "experts" are asked to make "statements" on the probabilities for different diseases when a combination of systems would appear. One typical
2010 Dec 15
pmnorm: probabilites don't sum up to 1
Dear list member, I struggle with the problem, why the probabilities of choosing one of three mutually exclusive alternatives don?t sum up to 1! Let?s assume we have three alternatives X, Y, and Z. Let?s further assume we know their respective utilities: uX, uY, uZ. I?m interested in calculating the probability of choosing X, Y, and Z. Since I assume that the alternatives are mutually
2009 Dec 13
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week New packages ------------ * Bergm (1.0) Alberto Caimo Functions implementing Bayesian estimation for exponential random graph models via exchange algorithm Updated packages ---------------- lmtest (0.9-26), logcondens (1.3.5), MTSKNN (0.0-4), pmml (1.2.21), r2lUniv (0.9.4), rattle (2.5.11), rgdal (0.6-23),
2009 Jun 02
cryptic error message from R CMD check
Dear R developers, I've run into a very cryptic error message from R CMD check while working on a new package. This is the relevant output: [fizban@~/Rmap]:R CMD check Rmap * checking for working pdflatex ... OK * using log directory '/home/fizban/Rmap/Rmap.Rcheck' * using R version 2.9.0 (2009-04-17) * using session charset: UTF-8 * checking for file 'Rmap/DESCRIPTION' ...
2008 Jan 03
The iostat command
Hi All, I am learning iostat command to understand disk I/O statistics. We have 2 Centos 4 servers running where oracle is installed.We installed them 2 weeks ago. @ that time, These Servers performed well. But, Now We have come to know that these 2 Machines are quite slow when comparing to the first week. So, Some say, run iostat to see statictics. I am not familiar with comamnd well. I
2009 Jul 10
predict.glm -> which class does it predict?
Hi, I have a question about logistic regression in R. Suppose I have a small list of proteins P1, P2, P3 that predict a two-class target T, say cancer/noncancer. Lets further say I know that I can build a simple logistic regression model in R model <- glm(T ~ ., data=d.f(Y), family=binomial) (Y is the dataset of the Proteins). This works fine. T is a factored vector with levels cancer,
2004 Oct 09
Is it safe? Cochran etc
I have the following contingency table dat <- matrix(c(1,506,13714,878702),nr=2) And I want to test if their is an association between events A:{a,not(a)} and B:{b,not(b)} | b | not(b) | --------+-----+--------+ a | 1 | 13714 | --------+-----+--------+ not(a) | 506 | 878702 | --------+-----+--------+ I am worried that prop.test and chisq.test are not valid given the
2003 May 08
function to compute entropy
Maybe its slightly off-topic, but can anybody help with computing entropy on matrix of probabilities? Guess we have a matrix of probabilites, A, 2x2, something like this: z x 0 1 2 3 4 0 0.063 0.018 0.019 0.016 0.000 1 0.011 0.162 0.040 0.042 0.003 2 0.015 0.030 0.164 0.033 0.002 3 0.012 0.035 0.036 0.159 0.002 4 0.004 0.021 0.018 0.013 0.082 sum(A)=1 Can i
2018 May 03
MCMCglmm - metric of the estimates
Hi, my question is probably amateurish but I can't seem to find the answer anywhere. In what metric are the MCMCglmm package's posterior means for family = "categorical"? I suppose that they can't be odds ratios and probabilites as my numbers are outside their bounds. So I'm thinking ? are they just basic regression coefficients conceptually equal to those obtained by
2007 Feb 27
fitting the gamma cumulative distribution function
Hi. I have a vector of quantiles and a vector of probabilites that, when plotted, look very like the gamma cumulative distribution function. I can guess some shape and scale parameters that give a similar result, but I'd rather let the parameters be estimated. Is there a direct way to do this in R? Thanks, Tim. week <- c(0,5,6,7,9,11,14,19,39) fraction <-