similar to: plot multiple xYplots

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "plot multiple xYplots"

2008 Jun 26
multiple xYplots
Dear All, I'm having trouble ploting multiple xYplots (Hmisc) within the same pg although I've done it before w/ xyplots. I've produced 4 similar plots e.g. rna.h<-xYplot(Cbind(RNA,Lo,Up)~HO|factor(MO,labels=c("April", "May","June")),,method="bars",type="b",
2011 Aug 23
P values for vglm(zibinomial) function in VGAM
Hi , I know this question has been asked twice in the past but to my knowldege, it still hasn't been solved. I am doing a zero inflated binomial model using the VGAM package, I need to obtain p values for my Tvalues in the vglm output. code is as follows > mod2=vglm(dmat~Season+Diel+Tidal.phase+Tidal.cycle,zibinomial, data=mp1) > summary(mod2) Call: vglm(formula = dmat ~ Season +
2011 Feb 15
Relationships between png resolution, axis.text$cex trellis setting, and paddings
Dear R-users, I was wondering if somebody could shed some light on the relationships existing between the resolution of a png device, the axis.text$cex trellis setting, and the paddings of the actual graph. In the following code, I create a custom trellis theme that set (among other thing) axis.text$cex to 1 instead of the default 0.8. Then a lattice graph is created and exported to three png
2000 Apr 28
graphics: par(mfg=c(i,j,r,c)) (PR#529)
Full_Name: Craig A. McKinstry Version: 1.0.0 OS: WinNT4.0 and Win98 Submission from: (NULL) ( When creating a multi-panel graphic, the command par(mfg=c(i,j,r,c)) is supposed to allow the user free movement between graphics panels to develop each panel separately. This works for the first invocation of par(mfg=c()) and for the first panel panel specified, but not for subsequent
2008 May 29
In fact this is a Stats question, but... "The return."
*Thanks* all those who took the time to help me (even if the "question" was not related to - the use of - R). Now I think I can soundly make my point w/ the referee (can I use your replies? If so I intend to properly cite its use?!?). Regards, Eduardo Esteves ps - Sorry for not explaining the "biological details" of my posting: RNA/DNA is the ratio of RNA content to
2008 May 29
In fact this is a Stats question, but...
Dear All, I'me having (much) trouble understanding why it happened and answering a referee's comment to part of a submitted manuscript. I've tried to google for help but... I'm really confident that although this is a R-Help list someone can help me! I used R to do an ANCOVA w/ RNA/DNA as the dep var, sl as the indep var and gut (a factor w/ levels: prey and empty) as the
2010 Mar 19
One main title and One legend for multiple lattice plots
Hi All, Can anyone please help me with getting a "single title" and "legend" for both the plots in the following R code. I'll eventually be using .wmf file. # R code: library(lattice) p1 <- xyplot(decrease ~ treatment, OrchardSprays, groups = rowpos, type = "a", main="Same title / legend", auto.key = list(space = "right",
2010 Sep 25
margin control in lattice package
Hi all, I am difficulty with simple layout of plots in the lattice package I have created a series of levelplots and would like to plot them to a single device, but need to reduce the margin areas. This is easily accomplished with par(oma) and par(mar) in the base graphics package but I am having problems finding the equivalent features in the lattice package. Ideally, I would like to reduce
2010 Dec 17
adding text to the top corner of a lattice plot
Hi, I have a series of lattice plots which I am arranging in a 2x2 grid via print: print(p.preds, split=c(1,1, 2,2), more=TRUE) print(p.comp, split=c(2,1,2,2), more=TRUE) print(, split=c(1,2,2,2), more=FALSE) What I'd like to have is a letter (A, B, ...) in the top corner of each plot. While panel.text lets me add text anywhere within a plot, I can't seem to workout how I could put
2011 Sep 02
post hoc testing of glmer in lme4
I have a mixed model with a binomial response, four factor variables and one random factor. m1=glmer(nbhf.hour~Season+Diel+Tidal.phase+Tidal.cycle+(1|POD.ID),family=binomial,data =bl1,control=list(msVerbose=TRUE)) I have really need to try and find a post hoc test for this model and finding the pariwise comparisons, note the dataset is unbalanced. I had read many questions on this and there
2005 Feb 15
lattice multiple plots per page
Dear R-sters, I was wondering if anyone has encountered the following issues. I've figured out how to get multiple levelplots [library(lattice)] on a single plot. However, when I add text (adding axis labels for the entire four panel plot) the text is missing when I insert the *.eps file I've created into my LaTeX document (via MikTeX-WinEdt). And, I've just upgraded to R
2002 Sep 09
loading data from a specified directory
System info: Linux slackware R Version 1.5.1 (2002-06-17) ESS 5.1.21 Emacs 21.2.1 ------------------- Colleagues I have some text files in a certain directory and want to process them sequentially. So I want to pass the filename identifier into a function and loop through the processing of each file in turn.I've called the file identifier f in this code segment: image.dvm <- function
2010 Aug 09
creating pdf of wireframe
Dear R list, I have written some code to produce several wireframe plots in a panel. They look good, but when I try to create a pdf, many (but not all) of the details I have specified are not reproduced. For example, the line width I have specified is not reproduced, and neither are the font sizes for the axis labels. I'm an R novice, so I could really use some guidance. Here is the code I am
2009 Sep 24
superimposing xyplots on same scale
I have two xyplots that i want to superimpose (code below). By default they are displayed on slightly different y scales (one runs from 10 to 25, the other from 10 to 30). I would like to force them both onto the same scale (10 to 30) so the relation between the two is clear. Is there a way to do this? thanks much pct_compl_chart <- xyplot(pct_compl ~ date, col="red",
2006 Jan 31
Multiple xyplots on the same page
Hi, I am using the "xyplot" function in the "lattice" package to generate multiple plots, but I would like to have them plotted on the same page. I would like to set something equivalent to the command: par(mfrow=c(2,2)), in order that I can plot 4 xyplots on the same page. How can I do this in "xyplot"? I am using R version 2.1.1 on Windows. Thanks very
2008 Jan 30
Concatenate xyplots
Dear R-community, I created 5 different xyplots and graphed all of them with the print command on one page (e.g. print(graph1, split=c(1,1,1,5), more = T) ... print(graph5, split=c(1,5,1,5), more =T) Using the above commands separates each graph by a white space. However, since the graphs do share the same x-axis, I was wondering if there is a way to concatenate graph1 through 5 so
2004 Feb 23
Error in multiple xyplots
Dear R-listers, I got an error when I try to plot two grouped data into a single win.metafile device: library(lattice) trellis.device(device="win.metafile",color=F,filename="Profiles-Var1.wmf") par(mfrow=c(1,2)) # First plot xyplot(log(v)~t|id,data=Con.20, main="Group A: Control, Var-1", xlab="ocasion",ylab="var1", panel=function(x,y) {
2004 Jul 29
Help w/ matrix calc
Dear All, Help is needed! I have a matrix with frequencies of fish larvae per length class (var. sl) and age-group (var. obtained with >k<-table(cut(sl,(5:22)), >k[2:5,1:5] #to ilustrate k 4 5 6 7 (6,7] 3 1 0 0 (7,8] 3 0 1 0 (8,9] 3 4 3 5 (9,10] 3 15 7 13 from this matrix I would like to obtain the mean age per length class i.e.
2016 Aug 09
Equivalent ssh_config setting for "ssh -N"
Oops. That's -T. From the man page, it doesn't really look like there's an ssh_config option for -N. -----Original Message----- From: openssh-unix-dev [ at] On Behalf Of Scott Neugroschl Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2016 1:04 PM To: Volker Diels-Grabsch; openssh-unix-dev at Subject: RE: Equivalent ssh_config
2005 Jan 31
help with vector operation
Dear All, I'm trying to calculate the following: g.rate<-(SL-int)/NO where SL and NO are individual length and counts for the same subject, and the int value is a day-specific value i.e. for each DAY=88, 101..., 172 I'd like to use a different values of int=9.32, 8.43, ..., 9.81. All variables are compiled in a larger data.frame of the form: CODE SL NO DAY (...) 123 12.5 14