Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "error in dat"
2008 Feb 22
Drawing several pictures on a plot
I want to draw several pictures on one plot and do as follows:
op <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2), pty = "s")
What I need now is to set the size of the pictures within this plot
since there is too much free space among the pictures, making the plot
look not that pretty. How can I do
2008 Jun 21
boxplot problem
Hello everyone,
I am trying to plot a boxplot but am coming up with the error :
"could not find function dat" I have used the following code.
dat<-read.table(file="C:\\Documents and Settings\\.......txt",header=T,row.names=1,blank.lines.skip=F,na.strings="NA")
file.show(file="C:\\Documents and Settings\\......txt")
2001 Oct 19
Hi Folks,
I'm running rsync between an NT client and a Solaris 7 Server (Ver 2.4.6).
I'd like to be able to exclude the following directory:
but retrieve
My setup is:
rsync -av -p -e rsync@server1.cna.com:/opt/IBMHTTPDLOG/
rsync --daemon --exclude-from=/etc/rsync.exclude
What I get is
2010 Apr 12
problems on JGR package and demo() function in Ubuntu linux
Dear R-helpers
I want to express my respect and thankfulness to all of you. I have
ever ask this question about one hour ago. Following Mr. Henrik
Bengtsson's advice I re-submit this query here.
I just switch from windows xp to Ubuntu linux platform. I am facingtwo
problems when I run R in Ubuntu.
I need your helps and advice, thanks in advance.
1. R session info
2008 Apr 22
plot(x) in 2.7.0 (with y=NULL) proposed code correction
Hi all:
following the previous discussion, it looks like plot(x) with y=NULL
still does not work correctly. If one tries for example plot(1:5) it
works, but already for plot(runif(100)) it does not. I posted the
proposed correction for plot.POSIXct and plot.POSIXlt before. Please
voice your opinions whether the following fix for plot.default could be
reasonable? I include the full function and
2003 Oct 15
Strange scope problem
I have come across the following problem which seems to be a scoping
issue but I'm at a loss to see why this is so or to find a good
Suppose I have a function to get a prediction after model selection
using the step function.
step.pred <- function(dat, x0) {
fit.model <- step(lm(y~., data=dat), trace=F)
predict(fit.model, x0, se.fit=T)
This function works
2008 Mar 09
[patch] add=TRUE in plot.default()
Hi all,
As long as I've used R, add=TRUE hasn't worked in contexts like this:
f <- function(x) x^2
X <- seq(0, 1, by=1/4)
plot(f, col="blue")
plot(X, f(X), col="red", type="l", add=TRUE)
I attached a fix for version 2.6.2.
-------------- next part --------------
diff --git a/src/library/graphics/R/plot.R
2003 Mar 10
Problem with example(medpolish) in R-devel
Today's R-devel has a problem in `example(medpolish)'. It appears that
the `plot.medpolish' method is not available. Here is the output and
traceback() after starting `R --vanilla':
> library(eda)
> example(medpolish)
mdplsh> deaths <- rbind(c(14, 15, 14), c(7, 4, 7), c(8, 2,
10), c(15, 9, 10), c(0, 2, 0))
mdplsh> dimnames(deaths) <-
2012 Oct 05
Error in lmer: asMethod(object) : matrix is not symmetric [1, 2]
Dear R Users,
I am having trouble with lmer. I am looking at recombinant versus non
recombinant individuals. In the response variable recombinant
individuals are coded as 1's and non-recombinant as 0's. I built a model
with 2 fixed factors and 1 random effect. Sex (males/females) is the
first fixed effect and sexual genotype (XY, YY, WX and WY) the second
one. Sexual Genotype is
2011 Nov 16
strange behavior from cex="*"
Someone inquired on StackOverflow about apparently non-deterministic
graphics behaviour in R. I noticed that they were using cex="*" and
discovered some potentially weird behavior.
On repeated runs of the same code I can get different PNGs. If I set
the number of runs high enough, I seem to be able to get R to hang.
If I do a single version plotting to an interactive graphics
2001 Dec 08
How Does Rsync Behave ?
Hi All:
I am going thru the documentation and I noticed that there is some talk
returning error codes. Some Q:s
* If rsync encounters a network error, does it do retries ?
Can you control the # of retries ?
* Do the rsync client & server stop running upon encountering an error ?
Can you tell rsync to stop upon the first error encountered ?
* If the remote rsync encounters an
2008 Jul 13
(no subject)
Hello everyone,
I am using the following code to try to calculate the mean :
dat<-read.table(file="C:\\Documents and Settings.....txt")
I am getting the following error message
Error in eval.with.vis(expr,envir,enclos):
(list) object cannot be coerced to type"double'
I do not understand what is wrong as I thought that I have changed
2005 Sep 01
making self-starting function for nls
Hello. Following pages 342-347 of Pinheiro & Bates, I am trying to
write a self-starting nonlinear function (a non-rectagular hyperbola) to
be used in nonlinear least squares regression (and eventually for a
mixed model). When I use the getInitial function for my self-starting
function I get the following error message:
> getInitial(photo~NRhyperbola(Irr,theta,Am,alpha,Rd),dat)
1997 Oct 17
R-alpha: plot(..... sub = 'sub title') does not work.
The `sub' is simply disregarded when given as argument to plot(..)
I think, we'd want it to be passed to title.
In the code of plot.default, it seems clear how this happens.
We have
> plot.default
function (x, y = NULL, type = "p", col = par("fg"), bg = NA,
pch = par("pch"), xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, log = "",
axes = TRUE,
2003 Oct 24
Question About Rsync on HP-UX
Hi All:
I thought the default behaviour for Rsync was that it would only
destination files that have a lesser date than the source file. Instead
have this:
[/csapps115/IBMHTTPD/content-external/cna/html/meet]: ls -al meet.html
-rwxr-xr-x 1 ibmhttpd ibmhttpd 30151 Jul 9 2002 meet.html
2008 Oct 23
xy.coords in text
I want to add text annotation about correlation on "pairs" plots. I
found that I could pass a function to the "panel" argument of pairs :
panel.annot <- function(x, y, ...) {
points(x, y, ...)
c <- cor.test(x, y)
legend("topleft", legend=substitute(rho == r, list(r=sprintf("%.2f",
c$estimate))), bty="n")
And then :
2000 Jun 27
par(lty = "1") -- lty storage-etc bug (PR#584)
Bug report, rather than R-help;
This is at least since 1.0.0; didn't try even older versions ..
Jim> Anon wrote:
Anon> ...However, if I use Fred <- c(1,"33")... Is this a
Anon> bug, or am I missing something?
this made use it essentially something like
par(lty = "1")
Jim> This is an interesting problem. It boils down to the
2012 Jun 04
Plotting with Rgraphviz
Hi All,
After a lengthy battle just to get the package installed, I am not able to
actually use Rgraphviz to generate any plots. I tried just using the sample
code in the documentation
and I get the following:
*> > library(Rgraphviz)
> test.matrix<-matrix(rep(c(0,1,0,0), 9), ncol=6, nrow=6)
2012 Nov 17
transform input argument (matrix) of function
Dear list!
I would like to write a function to transform matrix, which is input argument of a written function. It is easy with new matrix (see below), but my idea is to transform input argument (matrix) of function without any additional matrixes. Here is an example:
fun1 <- function(xy) {
xy <- cbind(xy[,1], xy[,2], xy[,1] + xy[,2])
df1 <- matrix(c(1,2,3,1,2,3), ncol =
2003 May 22
Plot observed vs. fitted values (weighted nls)
Dear WizaRds,
Given the experimental data,
weighted nls is applied,
wt.MM<- function(resp, time,A1,a1,A2,a2)
pred <- A1*exp(-a1*time)+A2*exp(-a2*time)
(resp - pred) / sqrt(pred)
cs.wt <- nls( ~ wt.MM(conc, time,A1,a1,A2,a2), data=csdata,