similar to: session data and user stories

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "session data and user stories"

2008 Mar 11
Composed Stories/Scenarios
In using stories, I find myself wanting to build scenarios on top of each other, For example I want something like Scenario: The user logs on Given a And b When c And d Then e And f Scenario: The user changes his password Given the user logs on And g Then h In other words, I''d like to write the second scenario starting with the ''state'' produced by
2007 Sep 20
Getting Started with Story Runner
I haven''t found any How To''s to use story runner and I''m not sure how to get started. Should I be looking for resources on how to use rbehave? How do I generate my first Story? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2005 Sep 06
Good Polycom Dealer?
Could any of you provide me information on a good Polycom phone dealers to utilize. One who provides firmwares ..etc Thank you! Kenny ______________________________________________________ Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.
2006 Mar 27
Any Polycom dealer willing to help?
Hi All, We are in search of the latest Polycom firmware SIP 1.6.5 and BootROM 3.1.3as per,,pw-492,00.html Can someone help? We have legitimately obtained these phones but even our official distributor can't get their hands on updated firmware. The only thing we have found is which has only old versions.
2007 Dec 14
RSpec-1.1.0 is released
The RSpec Development Team is pleased as glug (that''s kind of like punch, but more festive) to announce RSpec-1.1.0. Thanks to all who have contributed patches over the last few months. Big thanks to Dan North and Brian Takita for their important work on this release. Dan contributed his rbehave framework which is now the Story Runner. Brian patiently did a TON of refactoring around
2003 Sep 08
Using a Cisco 7960G
Is anyone using the subject phone without the proprietary call setup equipment? How do you configure this phone to use the * pbx? I am hoping to go out and buy a couple of phones but the dealer here says I need to spend another $15K or so for the call manager equipment. Regards, Sean Langley, P.Eng Firmware Engineer General Dynamics Canada (403)730-1482
2007 Dec 21
StoryRunner docs/guidance
Hi all, Are there any plans for better documentation for the new StoryRunner feature? I tried to use it today (with Rails), and had a hard time getting my head around whether I was doing it "right" and exactly what things are appropriate to test at that level (this might be exacerbated by the fact that I''ve never really used integration testing that much). A full example of
2010 May 03
Hierarchical factors
Hello, Hierarchical factors are a very common data structure. For instance, one might have municipalities within states within countries within continents. Other examples include occupational codes, biological species, software types (R within statistical software within analytical software), etc. Such data structures commonly use hierarchical coding systems. For example, the 2007 North
2007 Aug 16
Mocking a non-existent method
I don''t like this: i = mock(Integer) i.should_receive(:asdfasdf).and_return(''foo'') puts i.asdfasdf Shouldn''t rspec check to see that :asdfasdf is a valid message to be sending Integer? Joe
2010 Jul 25
Using Vertical IP2007 phones with Asterisk?
I recently inherited a Vertical Xcelerator IP system with IP2007 phones. I would like to use the phones with an Asterisk system instead, but there doesn't seem to be much information on it on Google. Is it even possible? These phones claim that they are SIP phones. Thanks! Kevin -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Mar 19
rSpec on Rails Integration Testing
I see that there is an integration testing example in the plugin code. What is the thinking about integration specs? Thanks, Steve
2016 Feb 13
Redundant and Geobalancing setup
Hi, I use dovecot for a long time now, but only as a single isolated server each time. I joined a company a few years back. We had trouble with compagnies hosting our mail, supposedly full redundant and so on. The company is small, but we have many dealers around the world, and it's growing. Mail became the fist choice for clients to contact the dealers. No mail, and we loose sales. For
2005 Feb 18
This is NUTS!!
G'Day All; So I purchased a Cisco 7960 and am now trying to get it configured for *. No can do without the variuos files/images through a FTPF server. I configured the TFTP server on my RHES 3 box, now to get the required CISCO files. So I contacted CISCO to purchase the required maintenance contract so as to gain access to the download area for the files/images. -WHAT A FRUSTRATION!!-
2007 Jul 24
Mock or Stub strategy for validates_uniqueness_of
Hi, I''m a bit stuck with mocking a unit test of a join model with regards to a validates_uniqueness_of clause. I have class Book < AR:B has_many :clippings various validates_presence_of etc end class Clip < AR:B has_many :clippings various validates_presence_of etc end class Clipping < AR:B belongs_to :book belongs_to :clip validates_uniqueness_of :clip_id,
2005 Jun 26
Vpn Trouble
I am trying shorewall as my previous post With alisias on eth1 loc and 4 pptp client vpns. The odd thing is when I enter one of the vpns in interfaces such as vpn1 it works. But if I enter the vpn in the hosts file shorewall blocks the vpns. shorewall/hosts #ZONE HOST(S) OPTIONS loc eth1: loctw eth1: locsa eth1: vpntw
2008 May 30
RSpec Post/Get and Sessions in a Story
I''ve got an RSpec story that reads like: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Given that a post exists And I am logged in And I have edit permissions When I visit the post details page Then there should be a link to add a new comment ------------------------------------------------------------------- The issue I''m having is that I can''t
2005 Feb 19
Thanks everyone for your feedback, especially Mark. I now have the ALL the files I need. My order still stands for the $8.00 product from CISCO but the CP7960 dealer sent me all the files. Now I will move on to completeing the setup of the TFTP server. Thanks again -----Original Message----- From: Michael Loftis [] Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 7:51 PM To:
2011 Mar 09
bad comapny 2
hi, im trying to play BC2, but im unable to solve some problems. 1st let me tell my system: ubuntu 10.10 wine 1.3.14 c2d, nvidea gts250, etc... bc2+ steam here is the problem, i can start it and it looks fine, then i go to MP, i can long n etc... i can list the servers, but i cant see my ping, though i already added all the ports to my modem, dunno if i have to do something in ubuntu...
2007 Sep 29
How to write the very first example?
Many posts on this list are about using RSpec with Rails and that''s the way I''m also using RSpec all the time. Unfortunately there isn''t that much info about using RSpec for standalone Ruby projects. I must admit I''m really having a hard time writing the very first example(s) for a fresh standalone Ruby project. I haven''t really got a clue where to
2014 Apr 18
Changing SSL certificates - switching from self-signed to RapidSSL
Hi all, Ok, been wanting to do this for a while, and I after the Heartbleed fiasco, the boss finally agreed to let me buy some real certs... Until now, we've been using self-signed certs with the following dovecot config: ssl = required ssl_cert = </etc/ssl/ourCerts/imap.pem ssl_key = </etc/ssl/ourCerts/imap_key.pem Now, I've created new keys/certs and the CSR, got the new