Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "specifying ranges in scatter plot"
2005 Apr 07
axis colors in pairs plot
The following command produces red axis line in a pairs
pairs(iris[1:4], main = "Anderson's Iris Data -- 3 species",
pch = "+", col = c("red", "green3", "blue")[unclass(iris$Species)])
Trying to fool pairs in the following way produces the
same plot as above:
pairs(iris[1:4], main = "Anderson's Iris Data -- 3
2011 Jan 20
auc function
Hi, there.
Suppose I already have sensitivities and specificities. What is the quick R-function to calculate AUC for the ROC plot? There seem to be many R functions to calculate AUC.
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2010 Jul 13
create variables with indexes
Hi, there:
Suppose I want create variables with indexes in their names, e.g., X_1_1, X_1_2, X_1_3, ..., X_1_10, X_2_1, X_2_2, X_2_3, .. X_2_10,..., X_10_1, X_10_2, ... X_10_10. It looks like I need to use 2 indexes I and J so I is looped from 1 to 10, and J is looped from 1 to 10. But I don't know how to automatically produce X with these combination of indexes. Should I use paste function?
2007 Aug 28
Limiting size of pairs plots
Dear R-users,
I would like to add a legend at the bottom of pairs plots (it's my first
use of this function). With the plot function, I usually add some
additional space at the bottom when I define the size of the graphical
device (using mar); grid functions then allows me to draw my legend as I
Unfortunatley, this technique does not seem to work with the pairs
function as the
2006 Feb 13
bivariate normal distribution
Hi, there.
Does anyone know the R function for calculating the cdf of bivariate
normal distribution function?
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2008 Mar 06
calculate AUC and plot ROC in R
Hi, there:
Could someone tell me a simple function of plot ROC curve and calculate
AUC in R? My setting is very simple, a column of the true binary
response and another column of predicted probabilities.
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2009 Jan 31
display p-values and significance levels
Hi there,
I got a piece of code for the Iris data which allows to display correlation
coefficients for each Iris species in the lower panel (color coded). I would
now like to add e.g. a "*" to show the significance of each correlation next
to the correlation coefficient.
Furthermore I would like to make a t.test between the species "setosa" and
"versicolor" for
2005 Jul 08
pairs() uses col argument for axes coloring
Hi list,
not sure if this is the wanted behavior, but running the following code:
> version
platform i386-pc-mingw32
arch i386
os mingw32
system i386, mingw32
major 2
minor 1.1
year 2005
month 06
day 20
language R
> n <- 500
> d <- 4
> m <- matrix(runif(n*d, -1, 1), ncol=d)
> c <- hsv(apply(m, 1, function(x) {sum(x*x)/d}),
2005 Jul 08
pairs() uses col argument for axes coloring
Hi list,
not sure if this is the wanted behavior, but running the following code:
> version
platform i386-pc-mingw32
arch i386
os mingw32
system i386, mingw32
major 2
minor 1.1
year 2005
month 06
day 20
language R
> n <- 500
> d <- 4
> m <- matrix(runif(n*d, -1, 1), ncol=d)
> c <- hsv(apply(m, 1, function(x) {sum(x*x)/d}),
2005 Sep 26
questions about boxplots
Hi, there.
I have two questions about using R to create boxplots.
1. The function boxplot() plots the outliers. How can I label the exact
values arount these outlier points? Does R have an option allow me to
do that?
2. How can I put two boxplots in one x-y axis?
Yulei He
276 Grove St. Apt 3
Newton, MA 02466
2006 Apr 08
cross product
Hi, there.
How do I calculate the cross-product in the form of
\sum_{i=1}^{n}X_{i}^{t} \Sigma X_{i} using R code without using do loop?
X_{i} is the covariate matrix for subject I, \Sigma is the covariance
Thanks for your help.
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2009 Apr 27
plot estimates and their 95% confidence intervals
Hi, there:
I have a dataset with 50 states and for each state, I have its associated mean estimate (for some parameters) and the lower and upper bound of the 95% CI. The data look like below:
state ami_mean ami_low ami_up
1 MS -0.58630 -0.90720 -0.29580
2 KY -0.48100 -0.75990 -0.19470
3 FL -0.47900 -0.62930 -0.32130
I would like to have a plot the 95% CI (characterized by
2001 Sep 25
pairs() Legend
Is it possible to create a legend in a pairs() plot?
For example, suppose I have the following R codes:
pairs(iris[1:4], main = "Anderson's Iris Data -- 3 species",
pch = 21, bg = c("red", "green3", "blue")[codes(iris$Species)])
How can I created a legend that shows which colour represents to which
Iris species?
2005 Sep 05
Fisher's method in discriminant analysis
I'm using mda library to solve a discriminant
analysis. I get results, but the thing is that I want
to use Fisher's method to obtain the classification
functions and I'm lost in what I should do: libraries
to use, ... Can anybody give me a clue??
Carlos Niharra L??pez
2003 Oct 27
how to set missing values in R
Hi, there.
Can I ask how to set up missing values in R? Suppose I want to assign the
missing value to the elements in vector which is greater than zero like
after the missing value assignment, x becomes (NA,NA,-1,0,NA).
Yulei He
1586 Murfin Ave. Apt 37
Ann Arbor, MI 48105-3135
yuleih at umich.edu
2005 Jan 13
multivariate diagnostics
Hi, there.
I have two questions about the diagnostics in multivarite statistics.
1. Is there any diagnostics tool to check if a multivariate sample is from
multivariate normal distribution? If there is one, is there any function
doing it in R?
2. Is there any function of testing if two multivariate distribution are
same, i.e. the multivariate extension of Kolomogrov-Smirnov test?
Thanks for
2004 Oct 30
(no subject)
Hi, there.
Does anybody know how to plot a smooth density plot for some data
simulated from certain distribution? Thanks.
Yulei He
1586 Murfin Ave. Apt 37
Ann Arbor, MI 48105-3135
yuleih at umich.edu
2005 Feb 05
plot smooth density estimates for bivariate data
Hi, there.
Suppose I have a bivarariate data matrix y1 and y2. I want to plot a 3-D
picture of the estimated density f(y1, y2) against y1 and y2? How can I do
that? Do I use persp() or density()?
Thanks for your help.
Yulei He
1586 Murfin Ave. Apt 37
Ann Arbor, MI 48105-3135
yuleih at umich.edu
2010 Mar 16
labels gone
Dear R users:
I am drawing a graph with the following code:
Pi <- seq(0.19,0.01,-0.01);
par(cex.axis=0.8,ps=9,mar=c(1.5,1,0.5,1), oma=c(1,1,0.2,1) ,tck=-0.01);
plot(Tau,Pi, type='l', xlab="Tau",ylab="Pi",col=4);
I want to make the graph take as little space as possible. Here I run into
two problems. One is that the labels are gone, the
2012 Jan 09
par.plot() for repeated measurements
I am using the package gamlss in R to plot repeated measurements. The
command I am using is par.plot(). It works great except one thing about the
label of the axises. I tried to label both x and y axises using ylab and
xlab options. But the plot only gives variable variables. The labels did not
show up. Below is the code I used. Any comments are appreciated! Thanks.