Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "[Fwd: Re: Assigning to multiple variables]"
2002 May 07
passing a matrix to C++ with .C()?
It seems that it is possible to pass a matrix to C++ by using .C()
The R part of the interface should be something like:
('C++function', matrix, numberRows, numberColumns )
...I guess.
The C++ part of the interface could be something like
void C++( double matrix[][], int numberRows, numberColumns )
but C++ requires to indicate the number of columns, that is, instead of
matrix[][], it
2008 Oct 24
Transferring results from R to MS Word
At the moment I am teaching a course on the use of R for data analysis.
Part of course requirements involves the transfer of results from R to
something that resembles the APA (American Psychological Associations)
type tables to MS Word. Until now I have used the HTML function in the
R2HTML library, with a call like this:
HTML(summary(model1), file("clipboard",
2007 Jan 12
Regression lines
My simpleminded understanding of simple regression is that when
plotting regression lines for x on y and y on x in the same plot, the
lines should cross each other at the respective means. But, given the
R function below, abline (lm(y~x)) works fine, but abline (lm(x~y))
does not. Why?
function () {
attach (attitude)
x <- rating
y <- learning
detach (attitude)
plot (x, y)
2006 Feb 09
Tranferring R results to word prosessors
I have just started looking at R, and are getting more and more irritated
at myself for not having done that before.
However, one of the things I have not found in the documentation is some
way of preparing output from R for convenient formatting into something
like MS Word. An example: If you use summary(lm(....)) you get nice
output. However, if you try to paste that output into the word
2007 Nov 02
Permutation test, grouped data
I am perfectly aware that this question is not an R question, at least
not yet, but I have not succeeded in finding what I want in other
ways, so ...
What I am looking for are two algorithms, preferabley in Pascal, but
other languages may do. For (a) systematic (complete) permutations
for grouped data with unequal group sizes, and (b) random permutations
for the same kind of data. I know
2006 Aug 22
Authoring a book
Me and some colleagues are planning to write a textbook together
("Statistics using R") where the target audience for the book is
psychologists and students of psychology.
We thought that it might be a good idea to use a Wiki when writing the
text. Is that a good idea? Does anybody have any experience in that
direction? What alternatives are there?
The tool (Wiki) would have to be
2009 Mar 31
Programming objects in R
I am planning a project where an object-oriented approach would be
appropriate, and for a number of reasons I would prefer using either
Python or R. My problem at the moment is to find out how to do OO
programming in R. Are there any introductory texts anywhere ?
| Tom Backer Johnsen, Psychometrics Unit, Faculty of
2006 Apr 19
I am surprised (and a little irritated)
I have started with using R on Windows, and I am really happy about
the system. Now, one of my other ambitions is to learn how to use
Linux, so yesterday I downloaded OpenSuse and installed that. The
next problem was to try to use R with Linux. And there I met the
wall. I've understood that RPM's are somewhat like installing
programs on Windows, so that was downloaded and started
2008 Nov 07
Agent-based social simulation and R
Do anyone know anything about the use of R for agent-based social
simulation? It should be possible, and would be convenient for the
simple reason that there are several nice packages containing useful
stuff for SNA (Social Network Analysis). Information about packages,
web sites, experienced persons in the field, etc. would be very welcome.
2008 Feb 07
Row percentages for a table object
I an stumbling on something that is probably very simple, but I cannot
see the solution. I have an object generated by the table () function
and want to recompute this table so each cell represents the
percentage of the corresponding row sum.
Of course a dedicated function can be written (which I have done),
containing the necessary loops etc., but there should be a simpler
way. I'd
2008 Oct 26
Transferring results from R to MS Word2
Supposse your Excel file is named "myExcelFile"
Open myExcelFile and SaveAs "myExcelFile.csv" or "myExcelFile.txt"
Then go to the RConsole and type:
#Option # 1
mydata <- read.csv("PathTomyExcelFile.csv",header=T)
# You should be able to see your dataset in R
# Option # 2
# If you saved your Excel file as text then you would do:
2008 Feb 15
Latent class analysis
Which package(s) contain something on latent class analysis?
| Tom Backer Johnsen, Psychometrics Unit, Faculty of Psychology |
| University of Bergen, Christies gt. 12, N-5015 Bergen, NORWAY |
| Tel : +47-5558-9185 Fax : +47-5558-9879 |
| Email : backer at psych.uib.no URL :
2007 Dec 04
Is R portable?
Recently I came across an interesting web site:
http://portableapps.com/. The idea is simple, this is software that
is possible to install and run on some type of USB memory, a stick or
one of these hard disks. I can think of a number of situations where
this could be handy. In addition memory sticks are getting cheaper
and more powerful by the day.
So: Is it possible to run R off one of
2009 Apr 07
Running an R script from Delphi 7
A long time ago I used to be able to start R (version 2.6.1) from a
Delphi 7 program and run a script by using a procedure like the following:
function StartRAndWait (CommandLine : string) : Boolean;
Proc_info: TProcessInformation;
Startinfo: TStartupInfo;
ExitCode: longword;
CreateOK : Boolean;
Result := False;
{ Initialize the structures }
2006 Oct 18
Latex editor recommendations
This question is not oriented towards R, but is posted here because I
have the impression that there are at least some Latex users among the
contributors. The question is: What editors for Latex are to be
recommended? I have located one:
What other alternatives are there? I am (for the most part) using
Windows XP.
2006 Jun 05
significance test and cronbach
Erin Hodgess wrote:
> Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2006 08:05:04 +0200
> From: Tom Backer Johnsen <backer at psych.uib.no>
> User-Agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060516)
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> To: r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
> References: <4481F48B.6090308 at imst.math.uni-magdeburg.de>
> In-Reply-To: <4481F48B.6090308 at imst.math.uni-magdeburg.de>
2006 Feb 09
Transferring R results to word prosessors
There has been an incredible number of responses in a short time, with a
number of different suggestions. With hindsight, I must admit I have not
been quite clear, so additional (somewhat lengthy) explanation is needed.
I want to use R in an introductory course on multiple regression (among
other things) starting in two weeks time for students of psychology at my
University. These students
2006 Jun 03
Problem with pointsizes in Graphics
I have a problem with the sizes of points on the screen (Code tested for
some R versions on a Solaris system and also for Linux). Maybe it is
best to start with an example:
If I do a very simple plot using the character '.' for the points, e.g.,
n<-100; plot(0:n,0:n,pch='.',cex=1+(0:n)/20)
then not all for all the points the horizontal and vertical dimensions
are the
2006 Dec 07
I do not understand this
A few days ago there was a thread on calling R from Delphi to which
there were several useful responses. Now I responded as well, with
what I regard as a useful contribution. Shortly after that, I was not
able to able to see the thread in my newsreader (Thunderbird).
Suddenly, yesterday I could see the thread again, and now it has
vanished, at least from my sight.
Now. Is there an error
2017 Mar 20
Fwd: Possible memory problems with mallloc when called with .C()
I'm trying to calculate a certain distance estimator for my thesis. I have a
program in C that works fine when I call it with .C() in R, but since
I'm dealing with big matrices like 30000x20000 it was getting a stack
overflow. Now I have the same program but more efficeintly coded using
malloc, and it works perfectlry in C, compiles well with R CMD SHLIB
but when I call it with