Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "How to schedule R scripts?"
2008 Jan 15
navigating ggplot viewports
I can not get at the grid viewports in a ggplot2 plot.
I know there is supposed to be a viewport called "panel_1_1" but
downViewport() can't find it. Has the viewport been popped?
I had a quick look at the functions involved (eg ggplot_plot)
but there is no obvious problem there.
> library(ggplot2)
> qplot(1:10, 1:10)
> current.viewport()
2008 Mar 27
Recode factors
I know this comes up, but I didn't see my exact issue in the archives. I
have variables in a dataframe that need to be recoded. Here is what I'm
dealing with
I have a factor called aa
> class(aa)
[1] "factor"
> table(aa)
* 0 1 2 3 A B C D L N T
0 0 1908 725 2089 0 0 67 0 0 2 1 6
I need to recode
2008 Jun 30
Plotting question: Problem with strwidth in 2.7.1
R users,
I have a problem with function strwidth in 2.7.1. I'm trying to set
the plot margins in a way that horizontal
column labels will fit to the graph. tmp.t is a list of data.frame
objects. This code works well in 2.6.0.
for (i in names(tmp.t)) {
bmp(filename=paste(i, "_", Sys.Date(), ".bmp", sep=""),
2008 Feb 21
Selecting timestamps
I have two vectors (of timestamps)
d1 <- as.POSIXct(strptime("2.2.2002 07:00", format="%d.%m.%Y %H:%M"))
d2 <- as.POSIXct(strptime("4.2.2002 07:00", format="%d.%m.%Y %H:%M"))
seq1 <- seq(d1, d2, "hours")
d3 <- as.POSIXct(strptime("2.2.2002 15:22", format="%d.%m.%Y %H:%M"))
d4 <-
2008 May 26
SciViews and Tinn-R installation problem
I have just installed R 2.7.0 and re-installed SciViews 0.8-9 and Tinn-R and seem to have broken something along the way as follows.
I double-click on my current .RData file in the Windoze explorer, R
Console and Tinn-R load successfully (?).
I can list objects in my working directory with ls() but, when I attempt
to refresh any list in the R explorer tab of the Tools child
2010 Feb 08
Problem with R on USB-drive
I installed R on USB-drive, but when I run Rgui.exe from bin folder, I get
this error:
R version 2.10.1 (2009-12-14)
Copyright (C) 2009 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
ISBN 3-900051-07-0
R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for
2009 Dec 31
XML and RCurl: problem with encoding (htmlTreeParse)
I'm trying to get data from web page and modify it in R. I have a
problem with encoding. I'm not able to get
encoding right in htmlTreeParse command. See below
> library(RCurl)
> library(XML)
> site <- getURL("http://www.aarresaari.net/jobboard/jobs.html")
> txt <- readLines(tc <- textConnection(site)); close(tc)
> txt <- htmlTreeParse(txt,
2008 Sep 18
PDF fonts problem
Dear List,
I am writing a paper in Hungarian, that I Sweave and than pdfLaTeX.
Everything is fine, except for two accented letters in the graphs that
behave strange, though on the screen and in eps exports they look
perfect. The problem is that I need pdf graphs, since I would like to
have a PDF after LaTeX-ing.
For the example below I downloaded the following two font sets:
1. Latin Modern
2009 Oct 20
Problems importing Unix SAS .ssd04 file to R (Win)
I'm trying to import a SAS file made using SAS on Unix. Currently I'm
using SAS on Windows and I'm trying to import that .ssd04 file to R.
The file name of the file is testfile.ssd04 and it is located in
'M:\sasuser'. I'm using Windows XP and R 2.91. Basically what I'm
doing is
############ r code ##############
> library(foreign)
> sashome <-
2018 Dec 08
Possible encoding bug in sub()
I noticed that sub() gives unexpected results for the following test
case. In the test case, the (initial) input is ASCII but the
replacements are UTF-8. The first sub() produces an UTF-8 result with
an "unknown" Encoding. This makes the result garbled in Windows (no
UTF-8 locale there). The second sub() produces a correct result,
although for some reason it is converted to the native
2010 Jul 23
model.tables call fails with "Error in inherits(object, "formula")"
I noticed that model.tables fails when applied to an aov() fit if called
inside a function. The problem seems to occur when as.formula is used
inside a function on a string containing
"<formula> + Error( x / y )"
The reason I tried to use as.formula is to generate dynamic calls to aov().
Here is a minimal example illustrating the problem:
## Example
test <-
2009 Sep 17
RCurl and Google Scholar's EndNote references
I've performed a Google Scholar Search using a query, let's say "Frank
Harrell", and parsed the links to the EndNote references from the resulting
HTML code. Now I'd like to download all the references automatically. For
this, I have tried to use RCurl, but I can't seem to get it working: I
always get error code "403 Forbidden" from the web server.
2018 Feb 07
Possible bug in package installation when R_ICU_LOCALE is set
On a Windows computer (other platforms not tested), installing a
package from source may fail if the environment variable R_ICU_LOCALE
is set, depending on the package and the locale.
For example, after setting R_ICU_LOCALE to "fi_FI",
install.packages("seriation", type = "source")
(package version 1.2-3) fails with the following error:
** preparing package for
2018 Apr 26
Possible bug in package installation when R_ICU_LOCALE is set
(Belated) thanks for the confirmation, Ista. I just reported this issue on the R bug tracker:
Best regards,
- Mikko
-----Alkuper?inen viesti-----
L?hett?j?: Ista Zahn [mailto:istazahn at gmail.com]
L?hetetty: 7. helmikuuta 2018 17:05
Vastaanottaja: Korpela Mikko (MML)
Kopio: r-devel at r-project.org
Aihe: Re: [Rd] Possible bug in
2009 May 12
different results on linux and windows
Dear R experts,
we are preparing an R-package to compute the Oja Median which contains
some C++ code in which random numbers are needed. To generate the random
numbers we use the following Mersenne-Twister implementation:
// MersenneTwister.h
// Mersenne Twister random number generator -- a C++ class MTRand
// Based on code by Makoto Matsumoto, Takuji Nishimura, and Shawn Cokus
// Richard J.
2008 Feb 01
Accessing the elements of a list
Hi R,
I wanted to know how do we access the elements of a list. In particular,
I want to access all the thirds items of the elements of the list. i.e.,
I want to access the elements, 3,33,333,3333. This can be done through
sapply as:
sapply(v,function(x) x[3])
But I need to access this without using
2008 Mar 04
qplot (ggplot2) faceting histogram with missing values
I've run into a difficulty with qplot function (in the ggplot2
package). I can facet histograms even when the faceting variable
contains missing values, but only so long as the faceting variable is
not a factor.
y1 <- rnorm(10)
x1 <- c(rep(1,5), rep(2,4), NA)
x2 <- factor(c(rep(1,5), rep(2,4), NA))
qplot(y1, geom = "histogram", facets =
2008 Jan 13
Hmisc latex() does not want to work
I seem to have a problem getting latex (Hmisc) to
Any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong?
aa <- data.frame(aa=1:10, bb=rnorm(10, 5, 2),
cc=rnorm(10, 20, 4))
rr <- lm(cc~aa+bb, data=aa); rr
> latex(rr)
'latex' is not recognized as an internal or external
operable program or batch file.
Warning messages:
1: In cbind(cx, cxk) :
2008 Jan 22
install ncdf package on a 64-bit machine
Dear All,
I recently got a 64bit machine and had netcdf-3.6.2 installed. Then I tried
to install ncdf package but got the following error message when using
gcc -std=gnu99 -I/home/ljin/share/R-2.6.1/include
-I. -I/usr/local/include -fpic -g -O2 -c ncdf2.c -o ncdf2.o
gcc -std=gnu99 -I/home/ljin/share/R-2.6.1/include
2008 Jun 17
echo Rprofile.site on startup
I have not been able to find how to have R echo the Rprofile.site
contents to the console on start-up.
Changing the windoze shortcut to include the '--verbose' option does not
show what I am looking for.
I would like to see the options and commands listed, in addition to the
library() loadings, as they are processed. Examples of the type of
options I like and shortcut-commands