similar to: Mixed-effects models: question about the syntax to introduce interactions

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Mixed-effects models: question about the syntax to introduce interactions"

2011 Oct 25
Unlist alternatives?
dfhfsdhf at I ran a simple lme model: modelrandom=lmer(y~ (1|Test) + (1|strain), data=tempsub) Extracted the BLUPs: blups=ranef(modelrandom)[1] Even wrote myself a nice .csv file....: write.csv(ranef(modelrandom)[1],paste(x,"BLUPs.CSV")) This all works great. I end up with a .csv file with the names of my strains in the first column and the BLUP in the second
2011 Nov 11
Combining Overlapping Data
I've scoured the archives but have found no concrete answer to my question. Problem: Two data sets 1st data set(x) = 20,000 rows 2nd data set(y) = 5,000 rows Both have the same column names, the column of interest to me is a variable called strain. For example, a strain named "Chab1405" appears in x 150 times and in y 25 times... strain "Chab1999" only appears 200
2008 Apr 07
problem- Unable To Locate DLL
Hi I am trying to install "lme4" package, but have problems intalling matrix package. I get the following error: RGui: Rgui.exe -Unable To Locate DLL the dynamic link library Rblas could not found in the specified path C:\Program
2005 Oct 26
AOV with repeated measures
Dear R user, I have a question on using R to analyze data with repeated measurements. I have 2 species with several strains (12) per species, each of which has been measured twice with for a given trait. No particular covariance, just two measures. Now I want to analyze the data with an ANOVA (aov) considering these repeated measures to get the MSq and SSq for the species and strain level. I
2010 Apr 01
model set up question
I need to compare gene expression differences between multiple line pairs of alcohol preferring and non-preferring rat lines. I have 5 such line pairs, 3 are unrelated but two were derived independently from the same parent stock. For each line, there are 10 samples. I'll be testing multiple genes, but for simplicity assume just one gene whose expression is measures as geneExpression. Alcohol
2010 Nov 17
Cox model output & hazard ratios
Dear R users, Here is the coxme output I obtain on my survival dataset having 3 strains and 2 infection status (i: infected, ni: non infected) coxme(Surv(lay) ~ infection*strain, data=datalay, random= ~1 |block) Cox mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood Data: datalay n= 1194 Iterations= 3 77 NULL Integrated Penalized Log-likelihood -7270.028 -7223.859 -7218.175
2003 Oct 09
nlme & lme for complex mixed ANOVAs
Dear List, I downloaded R for the first time yesterday, in the hopes that I might deal more effectively with a complex repeated measures experimental design involving inbred strains of laboratory mice. The design below, somewhat simplified, cannot be computed with standard ANOVA, because something called the X'X matrix is too large. The design has the following factors: Between-subject
2008 Jan 22
extension to nlme self start SSmicmen?
Dear list, Has anyone created a version of SSmicmen that allows testing for group differences? The basic Michaelis-Menten equation is: (Bmax * X) / (Kd + X). The nlme package allows modeling of random effects for Bmax and Kd as needed, but I curious how I can build in group differences? I have receptor binding data for strains of mice, and following Pinheiro and Bates' lead in their
2008 Feb 04
Multiple comparisons and letter assignments
Good morning, I'm trying to write a function to assign the mean separation grouping letters to the factors of an experiment. A client wants this so I thought I'd write my own function for future use. But I'm having trouble doing it because I don't understand the logic of the assignment. As a general example, consider the following data and the results from SAS and its weak
2009 Sep 23
re peated measures
Hi, I am performing a repeated measures 2-way ANOVA to assess the influence of plant and leaf on aphid fecundity. Fecundity is measured for each aphid on a single leaf. Here is what I typed. wingless <- reshape(Wingless, varying =
2011 Dec 04
Complex multiple t tests in a data frame with several id factors
I have assayed the concentrations of various metal elements in different anatomic regions of two strains of mice. Now, for each element, in each region, I want to do a t test to find whether there is any difference between the two strains. Here is what I did (using simulated data as an example): # create the data frame > elemconc = data.frame(expand.grid(id=1:3, geno=c('exp',
2012 Feb 10
a) t-tests on loess splines; b) linear models, type II SS for unbalanced ANOVA
Dear all, I have some questions regarding the validity an implementation of statistical tests based on linear models and loess. I've searched the R-help arhives and found several informative threads that related to my questions, but there are still a few issues I'm not clear about. I'd be grateful for guidance. Background and data set: I wish to compare the growth and metabolism
2007 Nov 15
Multiply each column of array by vector component
Hi, I've got an array, say with i,jth entry = A_ij, and a vector, say with jth entry= v_j. I would like to multiply each column of the array by the corresponding vector component, i,e. find the array with i,jth entry A_ij * v_j This seems so basic but I can't figure out how to do it without a loop. Any suggestions? Michal.
2017 Jul 19
Redundancy canonical analysis plot problem in 3D using VEGAN, RGL, SCATTERPLOT3D and SFSMISC
We need to keep the discussion on the list. When I run your code, there are several problems. <- read.xlsx("Dee rhiz.xlsx", sheetName ="strain", header = T, row.names = 1) str( # lists 9 columns at the end with all NAs strain.data1 <- (, sqrt.dist = TRUE) # this is not a valid R line. I get Error: unexpected ',' in
2003 Apr 02
lme parameterization question
Hi, I am trying to parameterize the following mixed model (following Piepho and Ogutu 2002), to test for a trend over time, using multiple sites: y[ij]=mu+b[j]+a[i]+w[j]*(beta +t[i])+c[ij] where: y[ij]= a response variable at site i and year j mu = fixed intercept Beta=fixed slope w[j]=constant representing the jth year (covariate) b[j]=random effect of jth year, iid N(0,sigma2[b]) a[i]=random
2002 Sep 12
Problem with indexing
Dear List I am having a bit of a problem getting a program to work. For each of i=1 to n persons I have a matrix (different for each person) with m rows. What I want to do, is create m new data sets such that the first is made up of the first row for each person from the original matrices, the second contains the second row for each person from the original matrices etc etc up to the mth
2006 Sep 21
survival function with a Weibull dist
Hi I am using R to fit a survival function to my data (with a weibull distribution). Data: Survival of individuals in relation to 4 treatments ('a','b','c','g') syntax: ---- > survreg(Surv(date2)~males2, dist='weibull') But I have some problems interpreting the outcome and getting the parameters for each curve. --------- Value Std.
2010 Dec 16
defining a formula method for a weighted lm()
In the vcdExtra package on R-Forge, I have functions and generic methods for calculating log odds ratios for R x C x strata tables. I'd like to define methods for fitting weighted lm()s to the resulting loddsratio objects, but I'm having problems figuring out how to do this generally. # install.packages("vcdExtra", repos="")
2017 Jul 18
Redundancy canonical analysis plot problem in 3D using VEGAN, RGL, SCATTERPLOT3D and SFSMISC
Hello Sir I am getting problem in plotting in CCA . Could you please help me? I wrote the below command but I don't know why it is taking only first 5 env data rather than all 9. > <- read.xlsx("Dee rhiz.xlsx", sheetName="strain", header = T, row.names = 1) > <- read.xlsx("Dee rhiz.xlsx", sheetName="env", header = T,
2001 Nov 05
apex ??
I would to know if it's possible with R put an apex on a character ( i.e 10-2 or aij ) Thanks in advance Damiano -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: