Displaying 11 results from an estimated 11 matches similar to: "difference between 2 ecdfs"
2009 Dec 10
Multivariate ECDFs
Hey R people,
I have just put a package on CRAN, mecdf 0.2.1.
It computes multivariate ECDFs.
i.e. Estimates (or perhaps I should say evaluates) a multivariate
cumulative distribution function, using data, without any assumptions
per se.
Plus contrary to my own advise, the vignette contains some pretty
pictures of the bivariate normal...
The current package is relatively simple.
However, I have
2009 Dec 10
Multivariate ECDFs
Hey R people,
I have just put a package on CRAN, mecdf 0.2.1.
It computes multivariate ECDFs.
i.e. Estimates (or perhaps I should say evaluates) a multivariate
cumulative distribution function, using data, without any assumptions
per se.
Plus contrary to my own advise, the vignette contains some pretty
pictures of the bivariate normal...
The current package is relatively simple.
However, I have
2004 Feb 18
Area between CDFs
Dear List:
I am trying to find the area between two ECDFs. I am examining the gap in performance between two groups, males and females on a student achievement test in math, which is a continuous metric.
I start by creating a subset of the dataframe
male<-subset(datafile, female="Male")
female<-subset(datafile, female="Female")
I then plot the two CDFs via
2011 Jun 02
[Plea to the R Gods] Theoretical and Empirical CDFs
http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/file/n3567636/ecdfs.jpg ecdfs.jpg
http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/file/n3567636/ecdf_curve.gif ecdf_curve.gif
I have generated a plot of two empirical CDFs (attachment 1). As a result,
they are stepwise when plotted. The following code was used:
> plot(ecdf(mut), do.points=FALSE, verticals=TRUE, xlim=range(mut, non),
> col="red")
2003 Jan 10
Superposed histograms
I woud like to plot cumulative histograms. Specifically,
I have data like
Sex M M F M F F M F
Height 6 6.3 6.1 5.5 7.2 6.2 5.9 6.0 ....
and I want to plot a histogram of the distribution of all heights,
colouring the histogram bars according to sex, for example
| o
| oo o
| o oo ** o o = observations of women
| o o*o***o * = observations of
2013 Oct 24
TR: problem with ecdf : "missing C_R_approxfun" message
Hi again, this is a follow-up of my previous post :
I've noticed that
> attr(first.list[[1]]$size.ecdf,"call") gives ecdf(test.moms[, "m.pxs"]) and that there is no "test.moms" field in my records (a local variable named test.moms was used inside a function, but it was stored under another name in the list, outside the function)
May this be the answer (and
2004 Nov 16
Adding mean and SEM in Hmisc ecdf
Dear R Gurus,
Sorry if this has been asked before but I did not find it in the
I would like to add a horizontal display of mean and SEM on Hmisc ecdf
plots done by group (ie variate~treatment).
Has anyone written some code to do that ?
Thanks and kind regards,
2007 Nov 16
Extracting x-values from an ecdf
Dear R users,
Quick question on the use of ecdf for producing a cumulative
distribution function.
After having produced a cumulative distribution using ecdf, I would
like to extract the exact x-value for a given percentile. For example
I can ascertain the 1st and 3rd quartile using the summary function:
cawa.cdp <- ecdf(cawaocc$LEFF80)
plot(cawa.cdp, ylab="Fn(x)")
2003 Sep 15
question regarding ks.test()
I'm using the ks.test() on two vectors. I looked up the reference and
also coded up a version of the two sample Smirnov test. My question is
that how can I decide from the output of R that the two vectors x & y
come from the same distribution?
Am I correct in assuming that smaller D values indicate that they come
from the same distribution? In addition how can I use the p value that
2006 Apr 20
smooth the ecdf plots
Hi All,
I have codes as follows to get the ecdf plots:
> f<-ecdf(day.hos2)
> plot(f,col.p='red',col.h='red')
2000 Dec 19
what script or command makes the codebooks? (fwd)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 15:50:05 -0500 (EST)
From: Erik Kruus <kruus@on2.com>
Reply-To: vorbis-dev@xiph.org
To: vorbis-dev@xiph.org
Subject: Re: [vorbis-dev] what script or command makes the codebooks?
I've been through the entire vq table process during the last week. Some folks
have already suffered through listening to .ogg files encoded with a