similar to: A stats question -- about survival analysis and censoring

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "A stats question -- about survival analysis and censoring"

2008 Mar 12
survival analysis and censoring
In your particular case I don't think that censoring is an issue, at least not for the reason that you discuss. The basic censoring assumption in the Cox model is that subjects who are censored have the same future risk as those who were a. not censored and b. have the same covariates. The real problem with informative censoring are the covaraites that are not in the model; ones that
2010 Jul 27
Samba LDAP ignores group information
Hi. Excuse my English. I've installed Samba+OpenLDAP as a PDC. Everything works fine but Samba ignores completely group information. Linux is ok. Any clue? I'm going crazy here! Here's the sittuation: user: fish1 home dir: /home/reaml/swim/fish1 primary group: swimmers other groups: smokers Directory of smoker's group: /home/realm/smokers Here's an 'ls -l' on
2008 Mar 28
Comparing proportions between groups
Hello there, I have two groups (men and women) and I know per group how many of them smoke or don't smoke (women 40 of 200; men 100 of 300). I would like to know how I can compare in R if men and women differ significantly in their smoking. However, because there are more men in the sample than women I cannot just compare the number of smokers and non-smokers in both groups, right?! (I would
2011 Mar 08
I apologize in advance if this is posted all ready I have not been able to find any information about it. I have this data frame and I want to sort smoking by retlevel. Age Gender BMI Calories Fat Fiber Alc retlevel Smoking 1 64 Female 18.87834 1828.0 63.4 14.7 0.0 Normal Non-Smoker 2 25 Female 20.64102 1517.4 59.1 5.9 0.0 Normal Smoker 3
2006 Sep 20
Stats question - cox proportional hazards adjustments
Hi useRs, Many studies of the link between red meat and colorectal cancer use Cox proportional hazards with (among other things) a gender covariate. If it is true that men eat more red meat, drink more alcohol and smoke more than women, and if it is also true that alcohol and tobacco are known risk factors then why does it make sense to "adjust" for gender? I would think that in this
2011 Aug 31
formatting a 6 million row data set; creating a censoring variable
List, Consider the following data. gender mygroup id 1 F A 1 2 F B 2 3 F B 2 4 F B 2 5 F C 2 6 F C 2 7 F C 2 8 F D 2 9 F D 2 10 F D 2 11 F D 2 12 F D 2 13 F D 2 14 M A 3 15 M A 3 16 M A 3 17
2010 May 25
website address for the pseuso-XLS files Please, paste the website address above shown in your web browser address field. Make sure the whole string is pasted with no space or any other character. Telecom couldn't generate more clumsy website addresses .... Sorry for that. Thank you in advance, Maura tutti i
2007 Apr 25
aggregate similar to SPSS
Hi, Does anyone know if: with R can you take a set of numbers and aggregate them like you can in SPSS? For example, could you calculate the percentage of people who smoke based on a dataset like the following: smoke = 1 non-smoke = 2 variable 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 When aggregated, SPSS can tell you what percentage of persons are smokers based on the frequency of 1's and 2's. Can
2007 Apr 29
how to code the censor variable for "survfit"
Dear r-helpers, This is my first time to run survival analysis. Currently, I have a data set which contains two variables, the variable of time to event (or time to censoring) and the variable of censor indicator. For the indicator variable, it was coded as 0 and 1. 0 represents right censor, 1 means event of interest. Now I try to use "survfit" in the package of "survival". I
2011 Oct 28
Contrasts with an interaction. How does one specify the dummy variables for the interaction
Forgive my resending this post. To data I have received only one response (thank you Bert Gunter), and I still do not have an answer to my question. Respectfully, John Windows XP R 2.12.1 contrast package. I am trying to understand how to create contrasts for a model that contatains an interaction. I can get contrasts to work for a model without interaction, but not after adding the
2007 Dec 14
Analyzing Publications from Pubmed via XML
I would like to track in which journals articles about a particular disease are being published. Creating a pubmed search is trivial. The search provides data but obviously not as an R dataframe. I can get the search to export the data as an xml feed and the xml package seems to be able to read it. xmlTreeParse("
2012 Apr 11
R-help; Censoring
Hello, I wish to?censor 10% of my sample units of 50 from a Weibull distribution. Below is the code for it. I will need to know whether what i have done is correct and if not, can i have any suggestion to improve it? Thank you ?p=2;b=120 n=50 r=45 t<-rweibull(r,shape=p,scale=b) meantrue<-gamma(1+(1/p))*b meantrue cen<- runif(n-r,min=0,max=meantrue) cen Chris Guure Researcher,
2007 Apr 26
select if + other questions
Hi, i am trying to read a .txt file, do a couple of select if statements on my data, and then finally use the ?table function to get frequency counts on the data. Specifically, i am looking at answering the following question: What is the frequency of Grade 7 students in the province of Alberta who are smokers? I am having some problems: 1)i cannot get the column names to show up when print
2011 Jun 27
cumulative incidence plot vs survival plot
Hi, I am wondering if anyone can explain to me if cumulative incidence (CI) is just "1 minus kaplan-Meier survival"? Under what circumstance, you should use cumulative incidence vs KM survival? If the relationship is just CI = 1-survival, then what difference it makes to use one vs. the other? And in R how I can draw a cumulative incidence plot. I know I can make a Kaplan-Meier
2010 Sep 16
Survival Analysis Daily Time-Varying Covariate but Event Time Unknown
Help! I am unsure if I can analyze data from the following experiment. Fish were placed in a tank at (t=0) Measurements of Carbon Dioxide were taken each day for 120 days (t=0,...120) A few fish were then randomly pulled out of the tank at different days, killed and examined for the presence of a disease T= time of examination in days from start (i.e. 85th day), E = 0/1 for nonevent/event My
2015 Jan 23
DMARC test (request)
On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 11:11 AM, Patrick Masotta <masottaus at> wrote: >> As per >> prior discussions, the "From:" field should remain >> with the >> original sender. One (important) >> reason is that frequent participants >> in the >> Syslinux Mailing List tend to use the "From:" >> field, for >> instance
2008 May 08
cpower and censoring
I would like to do some power estimations for a log-rank two sample test and cpower seems to fit the bill. I am getting confused though by the man page and what the arguments actually mean. I am also not sure whether cpower takes into account censoring or not. Could anyone provide a simple example of how I would get the power for a set control/non-control clinical trial where censoring occurs at
2012 Feb 05
Hi there, can somebody give me a guide as to how to generate data from weibull distribution with censoring for example, the code below generates only failure data, what do i add to get the censored data, either right or interval censoring q<-rweibull(100,2,10). Thank you Grace Kam student, University of Ghana [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Jan 03
COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS OF NEXT GENERATION SEQUENCE DATA ( THREE BIOINFORMATICS POSITIONS PROJECT OUTLINE Genomic alterations are major determinant of responses to (targeted) therapies in cancer. In fact, the best positive and negative predictors of responses to targeted therapies are alterations in kinases or their direct downstream effectors. To
2008 Jan 28
KM estimation for interval censoring?
Does anybody know if there is such a function to estimate the distribution for interval censored data? survfit doesn't work for this type of data as I tried various references. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]