Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "R ver 2.0.1 NA in Probability Vector Error Messages"
2008 Dec 08
Taylor diagram
Dear Everyone,
I wrote a Taylor diagram program in R, but it was not very general, so I was happy to find the Taylor.diagram in the plotrix package.
On the other hand I can find many problems with the pos.cor=TRUE case, in other words, when we use only the first quarter of the space (positive correlations). (When we choose pos.cor=FALSE, the program seems to me perfect)
1.There is only one line
2010 May 20
How could I restrict and reordered data.frames?
Dear Everyone,
I 've just begun to use the library ncdf and I would like to compare meteorological observational data with forecast data, so to make verification. The netcdf files I'm using contain data of many different parameters in many different stations. I could read easily that I needed, but naturally I do not need the data of all the stations. On the other hand, the order of
2017 Jul 14
Making 2 dimensional vector from the 3 dimensional one
Hi All,
I want to make a 1 dimension vector from the first two dimensions of a 3 dimension array, so make a 2 dimension vector from a 3-dimension one, with "fusing" (making as.vector) the first two dimensions.
It seems to be very easy, but I cannot find the solution, I mean it would very strange, that I would do taking the single 1 dimensional vectors from the 3 dimensional one, make one
2005 Jun 26
(sans objet)
Ma premi??re question: puis-je ??crire en fran??ais, mon anglais est
pire que pire. J'essaie en fran??ais; sinon, j'essaierai une traduction!
Je sduis d??butant. Ma question est donc simple, j'imagine.
Je travaille sur des tableaux de statistiques. Je prends un exemple:
J'ai un "frame" que j'appelle "eurostat" qui me donne des
2008 Jan 16
Probability weights with density estimation
I am a physician examining an NHANES dataset available at the NCHS
Thank you to the R authors and the foreign package authors in
particular. Importing from the SAS export
2008 Mar 09
comment avoir la liste des gems ?
bonjour ,
je voudrais savoir de quelle façon est ce qu''on peut savoir les gems
installés dans un serveur hebergeur sans avoir acces au SSH ?
pour les informations sur rails ou ruby c''est fait ;)
en utilisant la commande suivante dans une view :
mais le probleme ça donne pas de detail sur les gems !!!!
une idée ?
2009 Mar 07
Download and Import xls files in R
Dear List,
I am trying to solve a problem: I have approximately 100 Excel
spreadsheets each with approximately 4 sheet each that I would like to
download and import in R for analysis.
Unfortunately i realized (i also sent an email to the author or
xlsReadWrite() ) that the read.xls() doesn't allow to import the file in
R from internet.
Here it is the the code:
2006 Feb 24
preloading children of child rows
I am working on a rails app to serve as the admin app for an existing
java webapp. For this reason, I am constrained by the current database
structure, which does not by any means conform to the ideal rails
Anyway, I have the following models:
class Provider...
belongs_to: login
class Login...
has_and_belongs_to_many :demographics
class Demograpics...
Everyone has a
2012 Mar 07
Demographic Variables in AIDS (Demand System)
Hi all,
I am using aidsEst( ) in "micEconAids" package to estimate Demand system.
But I would like to add more demographic variables in demand system. How can
I add those information?
for example:
2008 Sep 15
Help... Organizing multiple spreadsheets data into a huge R data structure!
Hello R users,
I am relatively new to the R program, and I hope some of you can offer
me some suggestions on how to organize my data in R using some of the
more advanced data structuring technique. Here's my scenario:
I have date set of 50 participants (each with conditions and
demographic data), each participant performed 2x16 trials, for each
trial, there was specific information about the
2015 Jul 01
installing Cents os server 7.0
On Wed, Jul 01, 2015 at 09:56:18AM -0600, Chris Murphy wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 12:52 AM, Michael Wright
> <michael_j.w09 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi all I have downloaded centos and burn the iso file every time I install centos it deletes my windows 7 what am I doing wrong mike
> This lacks sufficient detail to answer your question, I can only
> speculate
2002 Apr 26
spreadsheet data import
Hi colleages!
I want to import data from ms-excel and other spreadsheet formats (lotus, etc). Does exist any way to do it within
R? The main problem is that many spreadsheet data use comma as decimal separator and not the point as needed in R
(and many software for Linux), so importing data first as a tab separated values does not solve this problem.
Tom?s Revilla
2003 Oct 23
GIS re-mapping / polygon overlap
In Germany the Unemployment Agency uses a sectioning of the german map that
is different from the usual Administrative Boundaries.
Some demographic data are available in Administrative Boundaries only, some
in Unemployment Boundaries only.
I would like to generate estimates in one boundary system of data availabe
in the other boundary system, and would appreciate advice concerning the
2006 Jan 13
first derivative of a time series
I need to derive a time series that represents the first derivative of an
original time series. The function coefDeriv in the cyclones package seemed to
be the ticket, but I'm not sure if I am interpreting the output of the function
correctly...or even using the function correctly.
This is a snipbit of what I've been trying:
## read in my 1-column of
2008 Aug 14
Comparison of demographics between 2 study samples
Dear All:
I have a clinical study where I would like to compare the demographic information for 2 samples in a study. The demographics include both categorical and continuous variables. I would like to be able to say whether the demographics are significantly different or not.
The majority of papers that I have read use multiple techniques to achieve this (e.g., t-test for the continuous
2004 Jul 30
optimisation procedure with flat log-likelihood
Dear R-friends,
I use
optim(par=c(mystartingpoints), fn=myloglikelihoodfunction, gr=NULL,
method=c("L-BFGS-B"), ## I would like to do not use any
control=list(trace=6, ## just to see what it's going on
maxit=c(20000)), ## to be sure the it
doesn't stop reaching the max iterations
2005 May 15
Save parameters from optim during iteration procedure
Dear R-users,
I am going to try to be as clearer as possible, showing also an example.
1) I have a function (in my real case it's much more complex)
2) I use "optim" to minimize
3) I want to use as method L-BFGS-B for several reasons
4) I know I could use "trace=6" (in "control") in order to see "live"
the procedure
5) I would like to see separately the
2009 Apr 08
persp3d and rgl.viewpoint for rotating 3D plots
Dear R-users,
within the rgl-package, I would have a question about the usage of persp3d in combination of rgl.viewpoint.
I am not able to figure out how to let a 3D plot rotating around likewise the example in ?rgl.viewpoint. It seems that when I use persp3d(...) I see something on my screen, which is different from what I get when it's rotating. Is there any different behavior between
2011 Nov 04
Decision tree model using rpart ( classification
Hi Experts,
I am new to R, using decision tree model for getting segmentation rules.
A) Using behavioural data (attributes defining customer behaviour, ( example
balances, number of accounts etc.)
1. Clustering: Cluster behavioural data to suitable number of clusters
2. Decision Tree: Using rpart classification tree for generating rules for
segmentation using cluster number(cluster id) as target
2009 Mar 19
two plots side-by-side with persp3d(rgl)
Dear R-users,
I would like to place two 3D plots side-by-side in a rgl-setting. It would nice to have something like "par(mfrow=c(1,2))" for basic plots, or an array framework for wireframe(lattice) (see example below). I only managed to overlap two persp3d plots.
My final idea would be to animate both surfaces using play3d(rgl).
Thanks in advance for any help.
Carlo Giovanni