Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "the "union" of several data frame rows"
2006 Mar 11
Non-linear Regression : Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos)
i have an expression of the form:
model1<-nls(y~beta1*(x1+(k1*x2)+(k1*k1*x3)+(k2*x4)+(k2*k1*x5)+(k2*k2*x6)+(k3*x7)+(k3*k4*x8)+(k3*k2*x9)+(k3*k3*x10)+ (k4*x11)+(k4*k1*x12)+(k4*k2*x13)+(k4*k3*x14)+(k4*k4*x15)+(k5*x16)+(k5*k1*x17)+(k5*k2*x18)+(k5*k3*x19)+
2004 Oct 04
Beginners problem
I'm new to R and have a problem with a little test program (see below).
Why doesn't <<- in function rk4
assign the new value to y so that it is seen in rktest. I thought that
<<- does exactly this. But it seems that I
didn't get it right. I would be very appreciative for an explanation of
that behaviour of <<-. I know how to
write the whole thing so that it
2012 May 15
Renaming names in R matrix
I have the following matrix:
> dat
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
foo 0.7574657 0.2104075 0.02922241 0.002705617
foo 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00000000 0.000000000
foo 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00000000 0.000000000
foo 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00000000 0.000000000
foo 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00000000 0.000000000
foo 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00000000 0.000000000
and given this:
2009 Oct 19
updating columns using other column as reference
Dear R-gurus,
Just supose I have a dara.frame that looks like
I need to update the columns k1-k4 with the namesp, but
considering the math between Kx and codID.
My desired output must looks like:
2006 Nov 29
How to solve differential equations with a delay (time lag)?
I would like to solve a system of coupled ordinary differential equations,
where there is a delay (time lag) term. I would like to use the "lsoda"
function "odesolve" package. However, I am not sure how to specify the
delay term using the syntax allowed by odesolve.
Here is an example of the kind of problem that I am trying to solve:
> library(odesolve)
2011 Jul 27
fitting sine wave
Dear R-helpers
I have 7 data points that I want to fit a continuous curve to, that should look similar to a sine wave
My data points would mark the local minima and maxima respectively.
This is what I?ve got so far. And I would keep doing so, but sadly nls() then says that it has reached the maximum number of Iterations?
2010 Nov 21
solve nonlinear equation using BBsolve
Hi r-users,
I would like to solve system of nonlinear equation using BBsolve function and
below is my code. I have 4 parameters and I have 4 eqns.
mgf_gammasum <- function(p)
t <- rep(NA, length(p))
mn <- 142.36
vr <- 9335.69
sk <- 0.8139635
kur <- 3.252591
rh <- 0.896
# cumulants
k1 <- p[1]*(p[2]+p[3])
k2 <- p[1]*(2*p[2]*p[3]*p[4] +p[2]^2+p[3]^2)
k3 <-
2011 Jul 06
Tables and merge
----- Original Message -----
From: "Silvano" <silvano at uel.br>
To: <r-help at r-project.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 9:07 AM
Subject: Tables and merge
> Hi,
> I have 21 files which is common variable CODE.
> Each file refers to a question.
> I would like to join the 21 files into one, to construct
> tables for each question by CODE.
2020 Apr 07
[ARM] Register pressure with -mthumb forces register reload before each call
If I'm understanding what's going on in this test correctly, what's happening is:
* ARMTargetLowering::LowerCall prefers indirect calls when a function is called at least 3 times in minsize
* In thumb 1 (without -fno-omit-frame-pointer) we have effectively only 3 callee-saved registers (r4-r6)
* The function has three arguments, so those three plus the register we need to hold the
2011 Sep 01
[PATCH 0/5] ARM NEON optimization for samplerate converter
From: Jyri Sarha <jsarha at ti.com>
I optimized Speex resampler for NEON capable ARM CPUs. The first patch
should speed up resampling on any platform that can spare the
increased memory usage. It would be nice to have these merged to the
master branch. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to
help the the merge. The patches have been rebased on top of master
branch in
2005 Nov 12
computation on a table
I have a table (1) of the form
q1 q3 q4 q8 q9
A 5 2 0 1 3
B 2 0 2 4 4
I have another table (2):
q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6 q7 q8 q9
C 10 7 4 2 6 9 3 1 2
I would like to divide the numbers in table (1) by the number of the
appropriate column in table (2):
q1 q3 q4 q8 q9
A 5/10 2/4 0/2 1/1 3/2
B 2/10 0/4 2/2 4/1 4/2
2009 Feb 03
cronbachs alpha - score.items(psych) vs reliability(Rcmdr)
Dear all,
I like the way the Rcmdr package computes reliability. E.g
reliability(cov(d[,c("q1", "q2", "q3", "q4", "q5", "q6")],
will not only give me the alpha score, but also for each variable,
alpha.score if deleted. However - when writing scripts it's very tiresome to
load the whole Rcmdr GUI just
2009 Nov 12
Transforming a dataframe into a response/predictor matrix
I currently have a data frame whose rows correspond to each student and whose columns are different variables for the student, as shown below:
Lastname Firstname CATALOG_NBR Email StudentID EMPLID Start
1 alastname afirstname 1213 *@uark.edu 10295236 # 12/2/2008
2 anotherlastname anotherfirstname 1213 **@uark.edu ## 10295236 9/3/2008
Xattempts Q1
2013 Apr 25
Vectorized code for generating the Kac (Clement) matrix
I am generating large Kac matrices (also known as Clement matrix). This a tridiagonal matrix. I was wondering whether there is a vectorized solution that avoids the `for' loops to the following code:
n <- 1000
Kacmat <- matrix(0, n+1, n+1)
for (i in 1:n) Kacmat[i, i+1] <- n - i + 1
for (i in 2:(n+1)) Kacmat[i, i-1] <- i-1
The above code is fast, but I am curious about
2008 Mar 28
Device problems in a loop.
I have tried the following code to plot and save many box plots in files. The code works by itself, but does not run in a loop. The error indicates that there is no device. The error is printed below the code.
for(i in 1:len)
A = as.numeric(delta[Delta[i,1]])
B = as.numeric(delta[Delta[i,2]])
C = as.numeric(delta[Delta[i,3]])
D = as.numeric(delta[Delta[i,4]])
2009 May 06
'RG' looks like a pre-2.4.0 S4 object: please recreate it
I would like to load ApoAI.RData. During the operation of reading this
data an error occurs. There is also a problem with STF file.
> library (limma)
> load("ApoAI.RData")
Warning message:
'RG' looks like a pre-2.4.0 S4 object: please recreate it
> objects()
[1] "RG"
> names(RG)
[1] "R" "G" "Rb"
2005 May 30
sapply following using by with a list of factors
OS: Linux Mandrake 10.1
release: R 2.0.0
editor: GNU Emacs 21.3.2
front-end: ESS 5.2.3
I am having some trouble extracting results from the function by, used to
average variables in a data.frame first by one factor (depth) and then by a
second factor (station). The real data.frame is quite large
> dim(data.2001)
[1] 32049 11
Here is a
2011 Jan 09
Operating on count lists of non-equal lengths
This is my first post to R-help and I look forward receiving some
advice for a novice like me...
I?ve got a simple repeated (4 periods so far) 10-question survey data
that is very easy to work on Excel. However, I?d like to move the
compilation to R but I?m having some trouble operating on count list
data in a neat way.
The data C
> str(C)
'data.frame': 551 obs. of 13
2012 Jun 14
fixed trimmed mean for j-group
Hello...i want to find the empirical rate for type 1 error using fixed
trimmed mean. To make it easy, i'm referring to journal given by this
I already run the programme and there is no error in it but i got zero for
the empirical rate of type 1 error. The empirical rate for the type 1 error
given in the journal
2012 Jul 07
fixed trimmed mean for group
I haven't found errors in your code. I implemented the test in the paper
(the first, fixed symetric mean) and it also gives me zero Type I
errors, when alpha = 0.05. Try to see the value of min(pv) or to plot
the histogram of 'pv', hist(pv) and you'll see that there are no
significant p-values, at that level.
Anyway I'll continue to look at it, but my first