Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Presenting results from multiple models in LaTeX table"
2010 Nov 02
Question about ggplot2
Dear All,
I am trying to graph a simple scatter plot where the x axis is year
and the y axis is a percentage (percentage of infant death). Instead
of plotting the raw data, I want to plot summary statistics such as
mean and median. Here is the problem: the value range of y is between
0 and 1, but since infant death is a rare event, the mean and median
is very low (something like 5%), which shows
2010 Apr 11
MCMC results into LaTeX
Dear All,
What is the preferred way to get Bayesian analysis results (such as
those from MCMCpacki, MCMCglmm, and DPpackage) into LaTeX table
automatically? I have been using the "apsrtable" package and similar
functions in "memisc" package, but neither seems to handle MCMC output
directly. Many thanks.
2011 Dec 04
LaTeX output for summary.lm object - while displaying the information outside the table
This seemed to me to be basic, but I can't seem to find a solution online,
so I wondered what I might be missing.
I wish to include the output of an lm summary object inside an Sweave
(.Rnw) document. I can either output the summary.lm as is, or use the
xtable/Hmisc packages (through xtable or latex commands).
Is there something like xtable that also gives the summary information
which is
2008 Feb 18
Hazard model with long-term survivor (cure model)
Dear All,
Are there R packages that can estimate survival model with long-term
survivors? This is sometimes known as "cure" model or "split-population"
model. Thanks.
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2010 Dec 02
latex tables for 3+ dimensional tables/arrays
I'm looking for an R method to produce latex versions of tables for
table/array objects of 3 or more dimensions,
which, of necessity is flattened to a 2D display, for example with
ftable(), or vcd::structable, as shown below.
I'd be happy to settle for a flexible solution for the 3D case.
> UCB <- aperm(UCBAdmissions, c(2, 1, 3))
> ftable(UCB)
Dept A B
2009 Apr 08
Sweave problem, with multicolumn tables from R to LaTeX
Hi there,
I have been using the example provided bellow for a while, and It was
working without any problem. Nevertheless, just since 2-3 days is not
working, probably because I did update.packages(). I have tried to
re-install the older versions of the packages Hmisc() and xtable(), but
still does not work. Can you run this example, and tell me if you got
the same problems?
I use
2011 Jul 21
Latex Table Help on R
Hello everyone,
Peter (see my earlier post) recommended the following script for finding the
means and standard deviations and putting them in table form.
However, I would like the standard deviations under the means in brackets.
Can anyone check this code to see how this can be adjusted?
dataset1 = matrix( c(1,2,3,4, 5, 6 ), 2 , 3)
dataset2 = matrix( c(4,3,5,10, 1, 0), 2, 3)
2017 Jun 07
Errors running spdplyr example
Dear All,
When I tried to run the following code (taken from the *spdplyr* package
worldcorner <- wrld_simpl %>%
mutate(lon = coordinates(wrld_simpl)[,1], lat =
coordinates(wrld_simpl)[,2]) %>%
filter(lat < -20, lon > 60) %>%
I got the following error messages:
Error in (function (cl,
2010 Dec 29
RGtk2 compilation problem
Dear All,
I am trying to compile&install the package "RGtk2" on my Ubuntu 10.04
box. I did not have problem with earlier versions, but with the new
version, I got the following error message :
* installing *source* package ?RGtk2? ...
checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config
2010 Dec 29
RGtk2 compilation problem
Dear All,
I am trying to compile&install the package "RGtk2" on my Ubuntu 10.04
box. I did not have problem with earlier versions, but with the new
version, I got the following error message :
* installing *source* package ?RGtk2? ...
checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config
2005 Aug 30
How to set starting values for lmer?
Dear All,
Can anyone give me some hints about how to set starting values for a lmer
model? For complicated models like this, good starting values can help the
numerical computation and make the model converge faster. Thanks!
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2011 Feb 13
Changes titles in ggplot2 plot
Dear Colleagues,
In the following simple ggplot2 code:
m <- ggplot(d.fig, aes(time, prob))
m + stat_summary(fun.data = "median_hilow", conf.int = .95, geom =
"smooth") + facet_wrap(~ Cohort, nrow=1) + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0,
Is there a way to replace the y-axis label from "prob" to
2009 Jul 26
Sweave, cacheSweave, and data frame
Dear All,
I have been using Sweave (mainly via the Sweave.sh script) and really like
it. I am working a paper (using Sweave, of course) which includes several
time-consuming computations, and it gets tedious to re-compile the whoel
thing every time I made changes. Then I discover the "cacheSweave" package,
which seems the right solution to my problem. I only have on problem. Here
2008 Feb 26
Custom LaTeX tables
I am very happy that I have Sweave and R to write my
papers. But I still have to do some tables by hand
since I have not found out how I can customize the
latex tables produced by R further (I mainly use
xtable()). Like for instance, I have a table which
needs an extra row every few rows as a group header
and sometimes I want some extra horizontal lines in
the table and also a multicolumn
2006 Aug 14
Presentation of multiple models in one table using xtable
Consider this situation:
> x1 <- runif(100); x2 <- runif(100); y <- 2 + 3*x1 - 4*x2 + rnorm(100)
> m1 <- summary(lm(y ~ x1))
> m2 <- summary(lm(y ~ x2))
> m3 <- summary(lm(y ~ x1 + x2))
Now you have estimated 3 different "competing" models, and suppose you
want to present the set of models in one table. xtable(m1) is cool,
but doing that thrice would give
2004 Jan 19
ftable to LaTeX
hi there
is there a way to convert objects of class ftable into LaTex code
preserving the 'look' with row and column infomation?
xtable() {xtable} can't handle such objects and latex() {Hmisc} just texify
the number matrix,
without row/column information
regards soren
2011 Jul 20
Latex Table for means and standard deviations in brackets
Hello all,
I am new to xtable. I have several datasets in the form of matrices.
Consider the following two simple datasets which are 2 x 3 matrices. The
rows in both matrices have the same meaning. For example the first row of
both matrices are variable 1 and the second row of both matrices are
variable 2.
dataset1 = matrix( c(1,2,3,4, 5, 6 ), 2 , 3)
dataset2 = matrix( c(4,3,5,10, 1, 0), 2, 3)
2013 Jul 15
tablas de R a latex
El 15/07/13 09:41, José Luis Cañadas Reche escribió:
> Hola. Yo suelo utilizar knitr, con sweave creo qeu había que utilizar
> print(objeto xtable)
> De esta forma, utilizando xtable
> library(xtable)
> tabla.xtable <- xtable ( tutabla)
> print(tabla.xtable)
No es necesario utilizar print, con xtable(tutabla) basta.
Las excepciones son cuando hay que
2012 Mar 22
How to draw table in Latex without using xtable?
I am working on table suing R and Latex. I am writing .Rnw file first in
which i m reading input file and storing into dataframe. After filtering
certain values from this dataframe. I am planning to display it. I don't
want to use xtable since i need to change column names.
*Sample .Rnw file*
2008 Jul 23
Using PrettyR to produce LaTeX output
Hello everyone. I am new to R, so please bear with me. I am trying to find
an easy way to export descriptive statistics and other information about my
data frame to a LaTeX format.
I have found the describe function in PrettyR to be very helpful in
producing results in the exact format I'm looking for. However, the value
of the describe function is a LIST (rather than a data frame) which I