Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "Problem with strptime"
2013 Apr 12
model frame and formula mismatch in model.matrix()
Hello everyone,
I am trying to fit the following model
All X. variables are continuous, while the conditions are categoricals.
model <- lm(X2
2009 Jun 24
change the height or scale of the y axis
Hallo, All,
I have a question about changing the height or scale of the y axis. When I
use following two R codes, I can get two plots. Please look at the y axes,
the number of indices (x1, x2, ?) on the y axis in the first plot is smaller
than that in the second plot, and hence the space between any two indices in
the first plot is wider than that in the second plot. As the number of
2011 Aug 20
a Question regarding glm for linear regression
Hello All,
I have a question about glm in R. I would like to fit a model with glm function, I have a vector y (size n) which is my response variable and I have matrix X which is by size (n*f) where f is the number of features or columns. I have about 80 features, and when I fit a model using the following formula,?
glmfit = glm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 + x10 + x11 + x12 + x13
2011 Jul 12
how to find out whether a string is a factor?
I have two data frames:
> str(ysmd)
'data.frame': 8325 obs. of 6 variables:
$ X.stock : Factor w/ 8325 levels "A","AA","AA-",..: 2702 6547 4118 7664 7587 6350 3341 5640 5107 7589 ...
$ market.cap : num -1.00 2.97e+10 3.54e+08 3.46e+08 -1.00 ...
$ X52.week.low : num 40.2 22.5 27.5 12.2 20.7 ...
2003 Aug 23
help--kernel distribution dynamics
Deall all,
I'm just learning R, but unfortunately I need to
urgently do a rather more complex task so I need some
help. I have just learnt the very basics a few days
ago and am not ready yet to deal with panels and
kernel densities, so a soft guidance would be most
I have a (very) large panel data set (400,000
individuals x50 time periods) and need to display the
evolution of
2011 Jul 05
hash table access, vector access &c
I am confused by the way the indexing works.
I read a table from a csv file like this:
ysmd <- read.csv("ysmd.csv",header=TRUE);
ysmd.table <- hash();
for (i in 1:length(ysmd$X.stock)) ysmd.table[ysmd$X.stock[i]] <- ysmd[i,];
the first column ("X.stock") is a string (factor):
> ysmd$X.stock[[100]]
[1] FLO
2003 Jul 24
inverse prediction and Poisson regression
Hello to all, I'm a biologist trying to tackle a "fish" (Poisson Regression) which is just too big for my modest understanding of stats!!!
Here goes...
I want to find good literature or proper mathematical procedure to calculate a confidence interval for an inverse prediction of a Poisson regression using R.
I'm currently trying to analyse a "dose-response"
2013 Apr 05
Accessing examplars in apcluster (apcluster package)
I was wondering how it was possible to access the actual cluster exemplars
from the APResult class. Currently it only spits it out onto the terminal
if you type the object but there is no other way to see which one is the
Would appreciate any help.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2004 May 11
calling data frames
Dear List,
I've around 1000 *.txt files, I've generate with other software.
I've now done the following code (below).
My question is how can I automate this (with do.call () ?), so it could be
done for all the *.txt files.
Thanks in advance,
names<- list.files()
file <- "BLU_Var_%04d.txt"
for(i in 1:1000){
2017 Jul 27
Error in `[[<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, alt.name, value = integer(0)) with mlogit
Please help about the error I am getting after the h1.dat<- line :
this line worked with much more independant variables and bigger data.
This time I want to work with just 2 variables cteD & cteTh.
What is wrong ?
> setwd("C:/Rstudio/Trot")
> library(mlogit)
> horse1.data<-read.csv("cte2.csv")
2010 May 11
Help with Names
Hi - a newbie question, if someone can please help....
I want to change X1, X2,,.....to X.1 X.2 etc in the names below. I am using
the Principal Component Regression function (pcr) and it seems to want it
this way
> datap3.pcr <- pcr(water ~ X, 10, data = datap3, Validation ="cv")
Error in model.frame.default(formula = water ~ X, data = datap3) :
invalid type (list) for
2018 Mar 14
truncation/rounding bug with write.csv
To my surprise, I can confirm on Windows 10 using R 3.4.3 . As tail is not
recognized by Windows cmd, I replaced with:
system('powershell -nologo "& "Get-Content -Path temp.csv -Tail 1')
The last line shows only 7 digits after the decimal, whereas the first have
15 digits after the decimal. I agree with Dirk though, 1.6Gb csv files are
not the best way to work with
2018 Mar 14
truncation/rounding bug with write.csv
I don't see the issue here. It would be helpful if people would report
their sessionInfo() when reporting whether or not they see this issue.
Mine is
> sessionInfo()
R version 3.4.3 (2017-11-30)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Arch Linux
Matrix products: default
BLAS/LAPACK: /usr/lib/libopenblas_haswellp-r0.2.20.so
[1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8
2009 Aug 18
Transpose a dataset
Hi Everyone,
I have a dataset like this
mean sd 0% 25% 50%
75% 100% n
BODY TEMPERATURE 36.41099 0.4015699 35.1 36.22222 36.5
36.66667 37.1 89
DIASTOLIC BLOOD PRESSURE 73.60079 9.4656186 50.0 67.00000 73.0
80.00000 95.0 253
HEIGHT 171.94000 9.2011670 153.5 166.50000 173.0
176.25000 190.0
2017 Jul 27
Error in `[[<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, alt.name, value = integer(0)) with mlogit
> On 27 Jul 2017, at 18:03 , Jeff Newmiller <jdnewmil at dcn.davis.ca.us> wrote:
> Looks like you need to pay attention to how you read in your data. In general, you should always execute one statement at a time until you know your script is working. All the errors after the first one are unhelpful to you or us.
> If you actually pay attention to what is in your
2009 Apr 23
Loess over split data
Dear R users,
I am having trouble devising an efficient way to run a loess() function
on all columns of a data.frame (with the x factor remaining the same for
all columns) and I was hoping that someone here could help me fix my
code so that I won't have to resort to using a for loop.
(You'll find the upcoming lines of code in a single block near the end
of the message.)
Here's a
2017 Jul 27
Error in `[[<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, alt.name, value = integer(0)) with mlogit
Looks like you need to pay attention to how you read in your data. In general, you should always execute one statement at a time until you know your script is working. All the errors after the first one are unhelpful to you or us.
If you actually pay attention to what is in your horse.data data frame after you have read it in, the columns did not get separated out. The "csv" in in
2017 Jul 28
Error in `[[<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, alt.name, value = integer(0)) with mlogit
There's a typo in your call to mlogit.data, it should be
alt.var="nbChev", not alt.var="noChev".
Then the error is different. You should check the call arguments to see
if they make sense.
Hope this helps,
Rui Barradas
Em 28-07-2017 13:14, sandoz at free.fr escreveu:
> I re post my question with the csv problem fixed.
> Can someone explain the
2007 Apr 19
Error with strptime
Dear All,
I am trying to convert to POSIXct after pasting a date and a time in
character format with strptime.
It is probably obvious but I don't understand why I get an error message
bsamp$spltime<-strptime(test,format="%d-%B-%y %H:%M")
whereas I can get what I want if I do it in 2 steps and rbinding ?
Thanks and best regards, Jean-Louis
This is the R console output
2017 Jul 27
Error in `[[<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, alt.name, value = integer(0)) with mlogit
Em 27-07-2017 20:36, peter dalgaard escreveu:
>> On 27 Jul 2017, at 18:03 , Jeff Newmiller <jdnewmil at dcn.davis.ca.us> wrote:
>> Looks like you need to pay attention to how you read in your data. In general, you should always execute one statement at a time until you know your script is working. All the errors after the first one are unhelpful