Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "if statement problem"
2005 Nov 29
permutation test for linear models with continuous covariates
Hi I was wondering if there is a permutation test available in R for linear
models with continuous dependent covariates. I want to do a test like the
one shown here.
But I want to use permutation testing to
2011 Oct 06
error messages
Im doing a project using Rcommander. I have a dataset with 5 variables, BMI being one of them. I would like to find the variance, standard deviation, range, median, etc of BMI. However, everytime I type a command into the script window, (such as var(BMI$BMI,na.rm=TRUE) )an error message pops up saying Object "BMI" not found. I can graph it, work it, do t-test, etc,. It's listed as
2011 Jan 23
Creating subsets of a matrix
Say I have 2 columns, bmi and gender, the first being all the values and the
second being male or female. How would I subset this into males only and
females only? I have searched these fora and read endlessly about select[]
and split() functions but to no avail. Also the table is not ordered.
bmi gender -> bmi gender + bmi gender
1 24.78 male
2008 Mar 17
Std errors in glm models w/ and w/o intercept
I am doing a reanalysis of results that have previously been published.
My hope was to demonstrate the value of adoption of more modern
regression methods in preference to the traditional approach of
univariate stratification. I have encountered a puzzle regarding
differences between I thought would be two equivalent analyses. Using a
single factor, I compare poisson models with and without
2015 Aug 02
ayuda con análisis de supervivencia
Hola a todos,
-Estoy estudiando el efecto de dos genotipos (~tratamientos) en la aparición de síndrome metabólico (MetS) con datos longitudinales recogidos a tiempo 0,7,10,15,20 y 25 años.
-He hecho un dataframe con las siguientes variables
MetS: Síndrome Metabólico (Si=1,No=0)
bmi: Indice de masa corporal (IMC) cuando se produce la conversión a MetS+ . Para los que permancen MetS-, esta variable
2005 Jun 02
How to change all name of variables
Dear R-helpers,
First I apologize if my question is quite simple
I have a large datasets which more 100 variables.
For a research I need to change all name of variables with add one or
more letters on each variables.
For example,
> data(Pima.tr)
> Pima.tr[1:5,]
npreg glu bp skin bmi ped age type
1 5 86 68 28 30.2 0.364 24 No
2 7 195 70 33 25.1 0.163 55 Yes
3 5
2006 Aug 03
run self written functions
I'm not sure if I'm in the right place with my question...
I'm running R on Windows and wrote a function and saved it as .R file.
It looks like this:
bmi <- function(weight, height) {
bmi <- weight / height^2
If I want to use this function, I have to mark everything and then press
Ctrl-R. But then everything single line is executed on the command line,
2009 May 15
help with as.numeric
hi everyone, wondering if you could help me with a novice problem. I have a
data frame called subjects with a height and weight variable and want to
calculate a bmi variable from the two. i have tried:
bmi <- (weight)/((height/100)^2)
but it comes up with the error:
Warning messages:
1: In Ops.factor(height, 100) : / not meaningful for factors
2: In Ops.factor((weight),
2012 Jan 26
How do I use the cut function to assign specific cut points?
I am new to R, and I am trying to cut a continuous variable BMI into
different categories and can't figure out how to use it. I would like to cut
it into four groups: <20, 20-25, 25-30 and >= 30. I am having difficulty
figuring the code for <20 and >=30? Please help. Thank you.
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2018 May 21
Bootstrap and average median squared error
Dear R-experts,
I am trying to bootstrap (and average) the median squared error evaluation metric for a robust regression. I can't get it. What is going wrong ?
Here is the reproducible example.
install.packages( "quantreg" )
crp <-c(12,14,13,24,25,34,45,56,25,34,47,44,35,24,53,44,55,46,36,67)
2010 Oct 25
Question on passing the subset argument to an lm wrapper
How would you go about handling the following situation?
This is on R 2.12.0 on Ubuntu 32-bit.
I have a wrapper function to lm. I want to pass in a
subset argument. First, I just thought I'd use "...".
## make example reproducible
df1 <- data.frame(age = rnorm(100, 50, 10),
bmi = rnorm(100, 30, sd = 2))
## create a wrapper using
2011 Feb 11
On-Hold Music
Hi gang,
In 500 words or less (if possible), please explain what is a
legal music-on-hold file? My boss hates the stuff provided with the
distribution and I figure that I'm asking for trouble if I take my Les Mis
tracks and run them through Audacity and SOX to make new files.
Thanks in advance
Danny Nicholas
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2018 Jan 07
Beginner question: Calling intrinsic
I’m not sure if this is the right place to ask beginner questions.
If not, please direct me to the appropriate place.
I’m writing my first llvm program and I’m trying to call an intrinsic, but
So far this is what I have:
declare ccc i32 @llvm.x86.bmi.pdep.32(i32, i32)
@.str2 = private unnamed_addr constant [4 x i8] c"%d\0A\00", align 1
declare i32 @printf(i8*, ...)
2012 Sep 03
select specific rows from regression output
Hello everyone,
I have a data set that contains characteristics of 25,000 patients of 92
different hospitals. I have run a regression to capture the probability
these patients will have a complication after a certain operation. Now, I
actually want to predict the probability per patient, using the outcome of
the regression, but I just certain patients involved in the prediction. So,
I want to use
2005 Mar 18
How to show which variables include in plot of classification tree
Dear all
For my research, I am learning classification now.
I was trying some example about classification tree pakages, such as
tree and rpart, for instance,
in Pima.te dataset have 8 variables (include class=type):
pima.rpart <- rpart(type ~ npreg+glu+bp+skin+bmi+ped+age,data=Pima.te,
plot(pima.rpart, uniform=TRUE)
2011 Jul 26
error in ordgee
I am trying to used "ordgee" from "geepack" for an ordinal dataset.
When I write the code it returns
"Warning message:In binomial(link) : use of binomial(link=link) is deprecated" ,
but the program runs.
Even when I run your example for "ohio" and "respdis", it returns the same error.
Please guide me
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2010 Sep 23
How to pass a model formula as argument to with.mids
I would like to pass a model formula as an argument to the with.mids
function from the mice package. The with.mids functon fits models to
multiply imputed data sets.
Here's a simple example
#Create multiple imputations on the nhanes data contained in the mice
imp <- mice(nahnes)
#Fitting a linear model with each imputed data set the regular way works
2012 Nov 19
Stepwise analysis with fixed variables
How can I run a backward stepwise regression with part of the variables
fixed, while the others participate in the backward stepwise analysis?
Thank you, Einat
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Stepwise-analysis-with-fixed-variables-tp4650015.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2018 May 22
Bootstrap and average median squared error
If you want to bootstrap a statistic, I suggest you use base package boot.
You would need the data in a data.frame, see how you could do it.
bootMedianSE <- function(data, indices){
d <- data[indices, ]
fit <- rq(crp ~ bmi + glucose, tau = 0.5, data = d)
ypred <- predict(fit)
y <- d$crp
median(y - ypred)^2
dat <-
2006 Apr 25
Help needed
I am trying to change a SAS macro to R.
here is my code. I get an error at the last line.
> BMIGRP<-cut(BMI,breaks=3,right=TRUE)
> AGEGRP<-floor(AGE/10)-2
> dset<-cbind(AGEGRP,BMIGRP,DEATH)
> maxage<-max(dset[,1])
> minage<-min(dset[,1])
> #maxcls<-dset[,2]
> #mincls<-dset[,2]