Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "benchmarker and quotation marks"
2008 Jun 27
use of quotation marks
Dear R Users. I just discovered today a problem in the use of
quotation marks when I'm doing some programs in R. I'm using windows
vista environment.
The programs that I wrote in the University, made in Windows XP
machines run perfectly, but when I run those in my laptop with VISTA,
there are many errors. Those errors are due to the type of quotation
In the university the quotation
2017 Oct 13
Quotation marks hinder for loop
Dear mailing list members,
My question is maybe very basic, but I could not find the solution.
I would like to do the following things
colnames(V1)[2] <- par$V2[1]
colnames(V2)[2] <- par$V2[2]
colnames(V3)[2] <- par$V2[3]
colnames(V37)[2] <- par$V2[37]
V1 <- V1[,-1]
V2 <- V2[,-1]
V3 <- V3[,-1]
V37 <- V37[,-1]
ms <- merge(V1,V2)
ms <- merge(ms,V3)
2013 Nov 17
quotation marks and scan
Dear R People:
I'm sure that this is a very simple problem, but I have been wresting with
it for some time.
I have the following file that has the following one line:
Fair enough. I scan it into R and get the following:
> u
[1] "CRS(\"+init=epsg:28992\")"
> gsub(pattern='\"',replacement='"',x=u)
2012 Jan 24
gsub semicolon with double quotation mark
I would like to substitute a semicolon with two double quotation marks and
a comma inbetween.
It suppose to look like that:
I have:
I would like to have:
I tried with various numbers of backslashes, but noe have worked.
for example:
gsub(";", "\\\",\"",
2010 Sep 12
using read.table, removing extra quotation mark from a text field? (e.g. ""cat" )
I am using read.table to import a text file within R.
There are several "errors" in my text file. An "extra" quotation mark has
inadvertently been included within a few text fields.
e.g. for a pipe (|) delimited text file, I have something similar to this:
1|7|30| "dog"
2|6|25| ""cat"
4|5| 56| "mouse"
2006 May 24
AR many-many join tables - can they have created_on, updated_on ?
Hello all,
I''m creating a many-many join table between ''homes'' and ''users''. Can it
contain created_on? will AR update created_on, updated_on on this table?
CREATE homes_users (
home_id int not null,
user_id int not null,
created_on datetime null,
updated_on datetime null
Thanks for your advice!
Apple MacBook.
2006 Mar 23
YAML inconsistencies...
I figured I''d post here before submitting a ticket, but I''m seeing some
confusing stuff when dealing with YAML now. I was using it to freeze
objects in my database, and so i had some data already around to mess with.
I upgraded both Ruby (1.8.3 -> 1.8.4) and Rails ( -> 1.1RC1) and this junk
started. I''ve outlined the problem in two pastes, which I''ll
2006 May 02
ordering after a inject
My results are getting out of order after I do the following command:
count = result.inject({}) { |hsh, row| hsh[row[''name'']] = row[''count''].to_i;
hsh }
Here are more specifics:
My complete method is this (based off of acts_as_taggable code - not'' DHHs,
but the original one):
def self.sql_to_count_plays(lookback)
sql =
2009 Jul 09
FW: Quotation Request - OpenSSH
Dear Sir,
We would lik to subscribe the support for OpenSSH for a tender project.
Please kindly advise the annual subscription plan (with details of SLA) &
annual fee.
For the price, is it determined by number of server? or number of CPU? or
number of core?
Shall we get quotation/support from you? or please advise the reseller
Since the tender will be closed next week, may we
2004 Nov 26
E&M Digium card quotation
i need a quotation for a E&M Digium card for my asterisk PBX
where i can find it???
thank you in advance
Rodney Acosta Coya.
2015 Mar 30
Quotation 4i1425q
Further to our conversation earlier, please find attached quotation 4i1425q,
data sheet included.
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2003 Apr 12
Channel Banks Quotation
Hi Anton
Some days ago I was talking by phone with you from Bogota, Colombia,
I'am interested in to buy a good and cheap channel bank and I need to
know your models and prices.
Could you send me an e-mail with your best quotation included the
sending price, besides cold you give the Bill like a: Sample unit for
developmente propose without comercial value; COST: 25 usd;
2008 Dec 23
quotation problem/dataframe names as function input argument.
Dear R friends:
Can someone help me with the following problem? Many thanks in advance.
# Problem Description:
# I want to write functions which take a (character) vector of dataframe
names as input argument.
# For example, I want to extract the number of observations from a number of
# I tried the following:
nobs.fun <- function (dframe.vec)
nobs.vec <-
2005 Jun 06
Quotation request: 12 KHz signal generation for billing purposes.
Could anyone quote a price for the following project.
We should be able to generate a specific (say 12Khz) signal at certain
intervals (calculated using a price/rate table on a mySQL database) DURING
an ongoing conversation.
The conversation is to be marked (start and end) with specific signals as
well. This is a requirement for special hotel applications where a device
counts the signals to
2000 Dec 27
Incorrect shell quotation in scp
as the current debian maintainer of the openssh package is a bit busy,
I'm helping him with fixing a part of the bugs in openssh that debian
users found will forward some of the reports to you. This is the first
one and a fix or a comment why this should not be fixed would be
appropriated. Thanks
Space in filename is not correctly passed by scp to other invoked
2006 Feb 25
Dumper, mySQL adapter and TIMESTAMP ... something strange ?
As explained by MiKael Navarro in the following post
(http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/55662#new) it seems that there''s a
problem with the way the mySQL adapter treats the TIMESTAMP column.
Actually, when an SQL schema with for example:
created_on TIMESTAMP
is dumped into ruby schema, it will lead to:
t.column "created_on", :timestamp, :limit => 14
but if we
2006 May 18
How to debug the rendering in Rails?
I have some controller code like this:
def mailing_lists
@ml = MailingList.find_by_identifier(@params[:id])
@messages = @ml.messages
@headers["Content-Type"] = "application/atom+xml"
@response.headers[''Last-Modified''] =
@messages.last.created_on.httpdateunless @
minTime =
2005 Dec 19
created_on, created_at defaulting to 2000/01/01 00:00:00
Hello all,
Rails 1.0.0
created_on is being set to 2000/01/01 00:00:00
Any ideas on this ?
Schema is
create table user_login_history (
id int identity(1,1) not null,
user_id int not null,
created_on datetime default(getdate()) not null,
created_at datetime default(getdate()) not null,
updated_on datetime default(getdate()) not null,
constraint pk_user_login_history primary key clustered
2007 Aug 14
find_by_sql vs connection.select_all
I was trying to do SUM based mySQL query simliar to the following:
SELECT SUM(updated_on - created_on) AS total from signups
If I were to run this command in the mySQL console I would get a
result. However, if I were to run it using the following command in
Signup.find_by_sql("SELECT SUM(updated_on - created_on) AS total from
The query that is written to the log is:
2005 Dec 16
ArgumentError on create
I have several validations applied to my model:
class Quote < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :files
validates_presence_of :title, :source, :quote, :message => "Missing
Field Required"
validates_length_of :title, :source, :maximum => 80, :message =>
"Maximum Length 80 characters"
validates_inclusion_of :year, :in=>1911..2006, :message => "Year must be