Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "converting factors to dummy variables"
2006 Nov 16
.rdata files
Help! I accidentally saved my work as an .rdata format instead of .txt
I need to somehow get it saved as a .txt file otherwise i'm really in trouble!
Does anyone know how to convert .rdata to .txt files??
I also tried re-loading the file into R to see if i can re-save it but it doesnt work!
i've attached it below...
please help me asap! i need to turn it in as a .txt file
2008 Aug 08
Vista problem -- can't type commands at prompt
Hi All -
I recently moved to Vista and reinstalled R. I am able to run R as I
typically do (R.exe from the command prompt), and it can work well.
However, if I switch windows to, say, firefox or excel or anything
else, when I return to the R prompt it no longer works. I am able to
use the up and down arrow keys to access previous commands, but no
other key stroke has any impact.
As long as I
2007 Dec 27
Help with lm and multiple linear regression? (Plain Text version)
(Apologies the previous version was sent as rich text)
I'm new to R, but I've read the intro to R and successfully connected it to an instance of mysql. I'm trying to perform multiple linear regression, but I'm having trouble using the lm function. To start, I have read in a simply y matrix of values(dependent variable) and x matrix of independent variables. It says both
2008 Aug 17
package building problem on windows
I'm trying to compile the package biglm, but when I build it with R
CMD build biglm, it failed :
C:\LOCAL\c-dutang\code\R\biglm2>R CMD build biglm
* checking for file 'biglm/DESCRIPTION' ... OK
* preparing 'biglm':
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ...C:/DOCUME~1/c-dutang/Local:
Can't op
n C:/DOCUME~1/c-dutang/Local: No such file or directory
2009 Feb 19
Questions about biglm
Hello folks,
I am very excited to have discovered R and have been exploring its
capabilities. R's regression models are of great interest to me as my
company is in the business of running thousands of linear regressions
on large datasets.
I am using biglm to run linear regressions on datasets that are as
large as several GB's. I have been pleasantly surprised that biglm
runs the
2010 Oct 31
biglm: how it handles large data set?
I am trying to figure out why 'biglm' can handle large data set...
According to the R document - "biglm creates a linear model object that uses
only p^2 memory for p variables. It can be updated with more data using
update. This allows linear regression on data sets larger than memory."
After reading the source code below? I still could not figure out how
2011 Jul 25
biglm() and NeweyWest()
Dear all,
I am working on a large dataset and need to use biglm() to perform OLS
regressions. I have detected significant ARCH effects which I try to account
for using the Newey-West correction.
So far, I have worked with NeweyWest() in the sandwich package. NeweyWest()
however seems to be unable to handle an object of class "biglm".
Looking into the code, I figured out that
2010 Jun 15
help biglm.big.matrix; problem with weights
Hello colleagues,
I have tried to use the package biglm. I want to specify a
multivariate regression with a weight.
I have imported a large dataset with the library(bigmemory). I load
the library (biglm) and specified a regression with a weight. But I
get everytime a error message like ?object not found? or ?`weights'
must be a formula? or "error in eval(expr, envir, enclos)". I
2009 Mar 17
exporting s3 and s4 methods
If a package defined an S3 generic and an S4 generic for the same function (so as to add methods for S4 classes to the existing code), how do I set up the namespace to have them exported?
in NAMESPACE, the S3 generic is not exported.
> methods("bigglm")
[1] bigglm.RODBC*
2013 May 07
how to read numeric vector as factors using read.table.ffdf
I have a big data set that includes character variables of many different
values. I'm trying to use ff to read the data and then use biglm.big.matrix
to build linear models. However, since big.matrix will convert all
character vectors to factors and the character labels will be lost. I
decided to create a lookup table outside of R for my character columns and
use numbers to represent different
2009 Apr 20
R-Squared with biglm?
I've been working with a rather large data set (~10M rows), and while biglm works beautifully for generating coefficients, it does not report an r-squared. It does report RSS. Any idea on how one could coax an R-squared out of biglm?
Thanks in advance for any help with this!
Bryan Lim
Department of Finance
University of Melbourne
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2006 Nov 01
Position of a specific letter in a character string
Dear useR,
x is a character string
In R:
> x<- '32159_3'
Which function could enable me to determine the position of underscore in x? In here, the underscore is on the 6th digit of x.
Yours Sincerely
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2007 Oct 22
Matrix manipulation
Hi everyone,
suppose I have a 2D matrix, is there a command to snip out a specific
row/column and then remerge the remaining columns/rows back into a
contiguous matrix? I will need to repeat this operation quite a
bit(reverse selection).
Thanks for any insights you can offer.
2007 Oct 26
Accessing scripts in a different directory on a Mac
Hi all. A question for knowledgeable folks using R on an Intel Mac running
OS X 10.4.10
For ease of maintenance, I have broken a large R script into a main script
which ?oversees? things by calling other scripts, using ?source?. Let?s
call the secondary scripts ?sub-scripts.?
I?d like for the sub-scripts to reside in a different directory (again, for
ease of maintenance, and so I can access
2006 Nov 17
Large data Problem
Hi R-Experts,
I'm having a problem with reading a large data file which is
in .csv format and size is 120 MB (app.). I was trying to use RODBC
package but I found RODBCconnectExcel function only. And can I convert
this file to .dbf format? How can I read this file? And also let me
know if this was a file in .sas7bdat format, what should I do? Thanks in
2009 Jul 03
bigglm() results different from glm()
Hi Sir,
Thanks for making package available to us. I am facing few problems if
you can give some hints:
The model summary and residual deviance matched (in the mail below) but
I didn't understand why AIC is still different.
> AIC(m1)
[1] 532965
> AIC(m1big_longer)
[1] 101442.9
chunksize argument is there in bigglm but not in biglm, consequently,
2007 Oct 23
A very simple question
Hi all,
My apologies for a very simple question. I just downloaded
R 2.6.0. I want to bring in all of the objects from 2.5.0
that I see when I type ls(). I have no idea how to do that.
Thanks in advance.
David Kaplan, Ph.D.
Department of Educational Psychology
University of Wisconsin - Madison
2007 Oct 29
lm design matrix bug?
Hi All
Maybe I dont understand it, but I would have expected that the design matrix has
as many rows as there were observations available to fit the model.
Below a small artificial dataset created, then one model fitted and the design
matrix outputted, having 27 rows. Then I delete 6 obs, and fit the model on
these 21 obs, but the design matrix that comes out has 26 rows?
Thanks for your
2006 Nov 08
chisq test with for loop
Hi all.
i am desperating. i need a matrix of p.values from an chi square test. i
had it already work but than my computer collapsed when taking the whole
data set 800x260 into account. i am sure it looked like this but it doesn't
work now. can anybody help me? thanks in advance.
for(i in 1:d)
for(j in 1:d)
2009 Mar 20
Using predict on a biglm object returns NA
Hi R experts,
I used biglm to construct a model (which has categorical variables).
When I run predict on the model output on a new data (for testing) or on the
same data, I get only NA's. I'm able to run predict with some other models
constructed with biglm. One reason I suspect is that the model itself has a
few undefined terms (NA's). I'm wondering if there's any way to