similar to: List operations in R

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "List operations in R"

2004 Aug 19
A question about external time-dependent covariates in co x model
Dear Rui, >From my understanding of time-dependent covariates (not an expert but have been working on a similar problem), it would appear that the coding of the status column is not correct. Unless you have observed an event at each interval you should only have status=1 for the last interval. In your example I see 3 in total. Also, I think that if "end" is proportional to your
2013 Apr 30
R Function to extract columnNames
Hi, May be this helps: funcName<- function(df1, x){ ?whatCol=df1[[x]] ?print("Got it") ?print(whatCol) ?} ? funcName(df,"ColA") #[1] "Got it" #[1] 1 2 3 4 5 ? funcName(df,"ColB") #[1] "Got it" #[1] A B C D E #Levels: A B C D E A.K. >I am trying to extract the 2nd column from a dataframe using a function called funcName. Note this is an
2004 Aug 19
How to convert a vector into a list
1. When you don't know (or are not sure) what an object is, str() is your friend. 2. My guess is that `lidnames' is a character vector with names. 3. If genes.txt has only only column, you might as well use: mygenes <- scan("genes.txt", what="") which reads the data into mygenes as a character vector. Then your command should work. [read.table()
2009 Jul 30
edit.row.names taking row names from the edited dataframe
Hi all, I am struggling to work out how to use the rownames from an edited dataframe rather than the row names from the original dataframe. In my data set i'm trying to extract several rows of data on particular individuals, i don't doubt i'm using the long way round but what i have in the way of a script is this: ##selecting the IDs from the dataframe individually
2007 Mar 13
worker starting twice
Hi gang, Thanks to other help I''ve gotten on this list, I''ve got backgroundrb up and running using postgres alongside my rails app. I''ve designed the system to have several eternally-running workers that periodically poll the database to see if there''s any work for them to do, and set things up in the config file to make them restart quickly if any of them
2018 Feb 16
Sieve to process list mail based on list-ID
Before I spend a lot of time trying to replicate a procmail script that automatically sorts list mail into mailboxes based on the List-ID header (and possibly some other data) I thought I'd check if someone had already done this for sieve. Basically, what I do now in procmail is 1. Get the listname from the List-ID header (or List-post/List-owner if no ID) 2. check against a list of
2008 Dec 05
adding rows as arithmatic calculation on original rows
Dear R users, Suppose I have the following data.frame: myID myType myNum1 myNum2 myNum3 a Single 10 11 12 b Single 15 25 35 c Double 22 33 44 d Double 4 6 8 and I want to have new records: myID myType myNum1 myNum2 myNum3 e Single 12.5 18
2005 Mar 11
no auth.xsl
Hi out there! I?ve set up an Icecast2 (2.2.0) Win32 Server with oddcast DSP 2.0.15 The basics (a simple stream in .ogg) works realy fine. But now I would like to add authentication. So I set up the <mount> section in the icecast-config. It looks like this now: <icecast> <limits> <sources>2</sources> </limits> <authentication>
2006 Mar 20
subsetting and NAs
R-help, I'm getting some unexpected behavior with subsetting a data frame (aircraft flight data) that I can't sort out. Here is a simplified version of my data frame and problem: > flight FlightID TailNo FlightDate HobbsTime FlightCost Date year 1 4497 6009K <NA> 2.2 330.0 <NA> NA 2 4498 6009K <NA>
2006 May 30
Url encoding Help Pls!
Hi guys, it''s me again, I want to come up with the following url: I keep coming up with the following url: require ''uri'' $myurl = URI.escape("webpage?myid=") redirect_to(:action => $myurl + 1 ) what am I doing wrong? I also tried require ''cgi'' $myurl =
2005 Mar 23
Zaphfc + PRI card problem
I have the latest bristuff, a zaphfc card for external calls and a PRI card for connecting to a PBX as a channel bank. With a BRI I would expect to be able to have two incoming calls going at the same time, but when I try it, one call connects and the other gives the following console message, a busy tone, and then a hangup: Mar 23 19:18:35 WARNING[5595]: chan_zap.c:7512 zt_pri_error: PRI:
2014 Oct 07
index problem with only 1 folder of 1 box
Hello, First of all, sorry for my poor english level. I pass to solr indexing. All is OK, except for the inbox of one of the mailboxes. For this inbox (other folders of the same mailbox have no problems), when i do text search, there is always no response. Others mailboxes have no problems. If i do a : "doveadm -Dv fts rescan -u mybox at domain.tld", i can do one and only one
2007 Mar 20
odbcConnect - no data source and default driver
I am trying to connect sybase sql databast from R using RODBC pkg and getting the following error ( i chnaged names to my*** but when I actually execute it, I put down names explicitly not calling some character strings) > channel = odbcConnect(dsn='mydsn',uid='myid',pwd='mypasswd') Warning messages: 1: [RODBC] ERROR: state IM002, code 0, message [iODBC][Driver
2010 Jan 31
DO NOT REPLY [Bug 7083] New: Problems with uppercase extensions on fat32 Summary: Problems with uppercase extensions on fat32 Product: rsync Version: 3.1.0 Platform: x86 OS/Version: Linux Status: NEW Severity: minor Priority: P3 Component: core AssignedTo: wayned at ReportedBy: stephan.nikolaus at
2009 Feb 22
Strange AR error ( column does not exist)
I''m trying to deploy a Rails app on a platform using Thin, after some horrible sessions trying to make it work with fcgi. All is going well, but my Application controller throws this error: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PGError: ERROR: column "firstpeer" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT * FROM "switches" WHERE (firstPeer = 15 OR secondPeer...
2008 Jan 01
Ajax.Updater from within an IFrame
Hello together. I''m trying to call an Ajax.Updater from within an IFrame to update an element in the parent window. It is working, but I receive an error from Firefox when I do so. What I want to do is to upload a file, and then after the file has completed uploading, automatically reload a section of the page with information about the file to post-process it. However, AJAX
2006 Jul 20
replace_html + javascript
Hi all, This is my first post to the list, so I hope it gets through and I don''t do anything wrong :) Here''s the issue I''m having... I have an rjs that''s doing: page.replace_html ''myid'', :partial => ''my_partial'' And in my my_partial I have: <script type="text/javascript">
2008 May 22
how to find out autoincrement id ?
Hi I need to push newly created item id to file. (ie. its autoincrement value) I tried this on controller but it wont work, it cant find id value for the newly created item. def create @imitem =[:imitem]) system "echo \"\" > /tmp/myid" any help ? --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you
2008 Dec 10
How to stop SOAP4R/OpenSSL requiring cert?
Hi I want to consume some web services that are only available over HTTPS. My method looks like this: def lookup_id myid=params[:id] driver ="").create_rpc_driver @p=driver.verifyId(AUTH_TOKEN, PIN, myid) end Although this works fine on my local box (with a warning), when deployed to the staging server I get:
2007 Jun 11
Access Windows AD share From Linux
I am trying to mount and access a Windows share, from one of our Active Directory servers to one of our RedHat Enterprise 4 Linux hosts. I have used Samba in the past to do the opposite, which worked very well. I was successful in mounting the share, using the following: mount -t smbfs -o username=<myid>,password=<mypassword> //<AD Server>/<Share> /mnt/app1