similar to: Cleaning database: grep()? apply()?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "Cleaning database: grep()? apply()?"

2012 Jan 22
undefined method `gsub!' for 2012-01-22 17:00:00 -0500..2012-01-23 00:00:00 -0500:Chronic::Span
Hey all, I am getting this error: NoMethodError (undefined method `gsub!'' for 2012-01-22 17:00:00 -0500..2012-01-23 00:00:00 -0500:Chronic::Span): in this code: date_range = Chronic.parse(the_date, :guess => false) reports.sum_distance_by_date(date_range).each do |d| u[:m] << d end def
2008 Jan 07
Polynomial fitting
I wonder how one in R can fit a 3rd degree polynomial to some data? Say the data is: y <- c(15.51, 12.44, 31.5, 21.5, 17.89, 27.09, 15.02, 13.43, 18.18, 11.32) x <- seq(3.75, 6, 0.25) And resulting degrees of polynomial are: 5.8007 -91.6339 472.1726 -774.2584 THanks in advance! -- Jonas Malmros Stockholm University Stockholm, Sweden
2008 Jun 24
Question on passing arguments inside a view.
I''m running into an issue undefined local variable or method `directoryid'' for #<EditorialsController:0x23f1bf8> I have two Models on a legacy database and only one controller called editorials with two actions index and display. I''m trying to pass in a parameter from the results of my search and getting the above error. Example: two tables one is editorial the
2009 Nov 08
MCMC gradually slows down
Hello, I have written a simple Metropolis-Hastings MCMC algorithm for a binomial parameter: MHastings = function(n,p0,d){ theta = c() theta[1] = p0 t =1 while(t<=n){ phi = log(theta[t]/(1-theta[t])) phisim = phi + rnorm(1,0,d) thetasim = exp(phisim)/(1+exp(phisim)) r = (thetasim)^4*(1-thetasim)^8/(theta[t]^4*(1-theta[t])^8) if(runif(1,0,1)<r){ theta[t+1] = thetasim }
2008 Mar 19
How to remove double for loop?
Hello everyone. I use double for loops to fill in matrices, but there are surely better (and computationally faster) ways to perform that task. Could someone show me, given the following example of a double for loop, how this could be done? It is much easier to learn by examples. Val <- matrix(0, nrow=n+1, ncol=n+1) for( i in 0:n){ for(j in 0:i){ Val[j+1, i+1] <- u^j*d^(i-j)
2007 Dec 17
Cannot grasp how to apply "by" here...
I have a data frame named "database" with panel data, a little piece of which looks like this: Symbol Name Trial Factor1 Factor2 External 1 548140 A 1 -3.87 -0.32 0.01 2 547400 B 1 12.11 -0.68 0.40 3 547173 C 1
2004 Mar 19
Moving to 1.8.1: can you transfer your package list?
I prefer to use R on a linux box and ultimately need things to end up there to serve things up using David Firth's excellent CGIwithR and apache, but one step at a time and I've installed 1.8.1 under win2k. Another question that I'm sure is simple: is there a simple way to find the list of installed libraries I had in my 1.7.1 installation and use that to drive install.packages?
2005 Feb 10
I am trying to sample a subset from a matrix using sample. The size of the matrix is 20X 1532. It works fine with this, but when I transpose the matrix and try to sample it, it returns null. pick.set<-sample(tissue.exp.t,5,replace=FALSE,prob=NULL) Is there something that I am missing here ? Thanks ../Murli
2008 Mar 19
How to remove double loop?
Bill, Alberto, Gabor, Thank you for answering my question. Now I learned about outer() function. That was a straightforward example. But what if I had a matrix, where the last column was filled with values first (again, a for loop), and the rest was filled by using a double loop? OVal <- matrix(0, n+1, n+1) for(i in 0:n){ OVal[i+1, n+1] <- max(Val[i+1, n+1]-K, 0) } for(i in seq(n,1,
2008 Sep 14
Help please! How to code a mixed-model with 2 within-subject factors using lme or lmer?
Hello, I'm using aov() to analyse changes in brain volume between males and females. For every subject (there are 331 in total) I have 8 volume measurements (4 different brain lobes and 2 different tissues (grey/white matter)). The data looks like this: Subject Sex Lobe Tissue Volume subect1 1 F g 262374 subect1 1 F w 173758 subect1 1 O g 67155 subect1 1 O w 30067 subect1 1 P g 117981
2007 Feb 14
nested model: lme, aov and LSMeans
I'm working with a nested model (mixed). I have four factors: Patients, Tissue, sex, and tissue_stage. Totally I have 10 patients, for each patient, there are 2 tissues (Cancer vs. Normal). I think Tissue and sex are fixed. Patient is nested in sex,Tissue is nested in patient, and tissue_stage is nested in Tissue. I tried aov and lme as the following, > aov(gene ~ tissue + gender +
2011 Sep 20
A question regarding random effects in 'aov' function
Hi, I am doing an analysis to see if these is tissue specific effects on the gene expression data . Our data were collected from 6 different labs (batch effects). lab 1 has tissue type 1 and tissue type 2, lab 2 has tissue 3, 4,5,6. The other labs has one tissue type each. The 'sample' data is as below:
2008 Sep 13
moving from aov() to lmer()
Hello, I've used this command to analyse changes in brain volume: mod1<-aov(Volume~Sex*Lobe*Tissue+Error(Subject/(Lobe*Tissue)),data.vslt) I'm comparing males/females. For every subject I have 8 volume measurements (4 different brain lobes and 2 different tissues (grey/white matter)). As aov() provides only type I anovas, I would like to use lmer() with type II, however, I have
2010 Apr 23
Problem with parsing a dataset - help earnestly sought
Dear fellow R-help members, I hope to seek your advice on how to parse/manage a dataset with hundreds of columns. Two examples of these columns, 'cancer.problems', and 'neuro.problems' are depicted below. Essentially, I need to parse this into a useful dataset, and unfortunately, I am not familiar with perl or any such language. data <- data.frame(id=c(1:10))
2011 Oct 30
Normality tests on groups of rows in a data frame, grouped based on content in other columns
Dear R users, I have a data frame in the form below, on which I would like to make normality tests on the values in the ExpressionLevel column. > head(df) ID Plant Tissue Gene ExpressionLevel 1 1 p1 t1 g1 366.53 2 2 p1 t1 g2 0.57 3 3 p1 t1 g3 11.81 4 4 p1 t2 g1 498.43 5 5 p1 t2 g2 2.14 6 6 p1 t2 g3 7.85 I
2007 Oct 27
How to make own function load automatically on startup
Dear list members, I have written a function, called say Analysis. I supply an Excel file name as an argument, it does analysis on this file and returns a pdf file with specific plots, and a text file with several statistical models' output (I extract certain values from the output and create my own custom dataframe with output). As of now I have to open the script file and load the function
2010 Nov 25
difficulty setting the random = argument to lme()
My small brain is having trouble getting to grips with lme() I wonder if anyone can help me correctly set the random = argument to lme() for this kind of setup with (I think) 9 variance/covariance components ... Study.1 Study.2 ... Study.10 Treatment.A: subject: 1 2 3 4 5 6 etc. 28 29 30 Treatment.B: subject: 31
2011 Aug 26
how to convert Date to this json format
Hi I have to create a json date like {"startDate":"\/Date(1291145744713-0700)\/","endDate":"\/Date(1293824144713-0700)\/"} This is just an example. My case startdate = enddate = I dont know how to convert this to the above format. Please help Thanks -- Posted via -- You
2007 Jun 05
Can I treat subject as fixed effect in linear model
Hi, There are 20 subjects grouped by Gender, each subject has 2 tissues (normal vs. cancer). In fact, it is a 2-way anova (factors: Gender and tissue) with tissue nested in subject. I've tried the following: Model 1: lme(response ~ tissue*Gender, random = ~1|subject) Model 2: response ~ tissue*Gender + subject Model 3: response ~ tissue*Gender It seems like Model 1 is the correct one
2010 Nov 02
multi-level cox ph with time-dependent covariates
Dear all, I would like to know if it is possible to fit in R a Cox ph model with time-dependent covariates and to account for hierarchical effects at the same time. Additionally, I'd like also to know if it would be possible to perform any feature selection on this model fit. I have a data set that is composed by multiple marker measurements (and hundreds of covariates) at different time