Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Find A, given B where B=A'A"
2003 Feb 13
How to solve A'A=S for A ?
Dear R helpers,
is there a function or way within R to solve A'A=S for A, where all
matrices have p x p order and S is a variance-covariance matrix?
Thank you,
Ralf Engelhorn
2003 Feb 14
How to solve A'A=S for A
It is not clear to me that one can. If the singular value decomposition
of A is the triple product P d Q', then the singular value decomposition
of A'A=S is Q d^2 Q'. The information about the orthonormal matrix P is
lost, is it not?
Cliff Lunneborg, Professor Emeritus, Statistics &
Psychology, University of Washington,
2010 Nov 10
prcomp function
I have a short question about the prcomp function. First I cite the
associated help page (help(prcomp)):
SDEV the standard deviations of the principal components (i.e., the square
roots of the eigenvalues of the covariance/correlation matrix, though the
calculation is actually done with the singular values of the data matrix).
ROTATION the matrix of variable loadings
2008 Aug 08
Tcl\tk not supported on this system
In trying to install the pbatR package, I was greeted with the error
Error: package 'tcltk' does not have a name space
Execution halted
Directly installing the package tcltk2 returned the following error:
Loading required package: tcltk
Error in firstlib(which.lib.loc, package) :
Tcl/Tk support is not available on this system
I have seen from previous posts that tcl/tk must be
2001 May 19
Dear R-users,
I computed determinant of a square matrix "var.r" using the SVD output:
detr _ 1
d _ svd(var.r)$d
for (i in 1:length(d)) {
detr _ detr*d[i]
BUT when I tried :
I got :
Is this because SVD output will only give absolute of the eigenvalues ?, If
this is the case
how can I get the original eigenvalues?
2001 Sep 05
spam on R lists --> refuse mail??
We get caught occasionally, and we all receive spam;
sorry for the last one (on R-help). Of course, there will never be a 100%
sure prevention...
Question is what should happen when mail from R-help to an adressee
is refused with the following message : At least I won't be able to easily send
e-mail to them {and am not willing to use a non-easy way}....
----- Transcript of session
2007 Jul 26
offset in coxph
The offset argument used in glm and other functions seems to have been
removed from the argument list for coxph. I am wondering if there is a
reason for this and if there is a possible work-around in order to produce a
cox-ph object without fitting coefficients?
2006 Sep 13
Access Rows in a Data Frame by Row Name
I have created a data frame using the read.table command. I want to be able to access the rows by the row name, or a vector of row names. I know that you can access columns by using the data.frame.name$col.name. Is there a way to access row names in a similar manner?
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2006 Sep 19
I am trying to preprocess a large dataset of affymetrix data. Creating an affybatch is not possible with the computer I am running it on, so I have used the justRMA command to run RMA. I have read the affy document describing the justRMA command and the help documentation but I am unclear as to whether this command uses median polish after normalization. I assume this is the case but would like
2001 Sep 06
svd and eigen
Hello List,
i need help for eigen and svd functions. I have a non-symmetric
square matrix. These matrix is not positive (some eigenvalues are
negative). I want to diagonalise these matrix. So, I use svd and
eigen and i compare the results. eigen give me the "good" eigenvalues
(positive and negative). I compare with another software and the
results are the same. BUT, when i use svd,
2002 Jan 09
Distance matrix by cosine?
a. is there a possibility to obtain a distance matrix with the cosine between vectors?? hclust, hierclust, dist will not work and seem to be hard to extend.
b. if there is not: Is the cosine between vectors implemented somewhere?
Thanks for all hints and advice!
Petra Steiner
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2011 Dec 06
Memory getting eaten up with XML
Hi all. I have an issue that I cannot resolve. I am trying to read in lots of data that are stored in xml files. But after I read them in and copy the relevant data, then remove the document etc, it doesn't free up the memory. When I monitor it in windows task manager the memory usage just climbs with each iteration until R crashes. I can replicate the problem with the small example:
2007 Aug 21
clusterCall with replicate function
I am trying to run a monte carlo process using snow with a MPI cluster. I
have ~thirty processors to run the algorithm on and I want to run it 5000
times and take the average of the output. A very simple way to do this is
to divide 5000 by the number of processors to get a number n and tell each
processor to run the algorithm n times. I realize there are more efficient
ways to manage the
2002 Jan 21
a Bootstrap understanding problem
I tried to reproduce a result from a former colleague which he got
with S-plus bootstrap method. I don't have S-plus at hand.
In R, there are 2 packages related to bootstrap method, bootstrap and
boot. The former has a function called 'bootstrap' but this does not
seem to conform either to the function used in S-plus nor to that
described in MASS, 3d ed., p.144.
The latter seems to be
2009 Jan 07
Understanding dsyrk_ in C code
Hash: SHA1
I'm trying to understand some C code in an R package I'm using. I'm address this question here as
it's matrix algebra...and I'm no pro at that!
the C command reads:
double alpha = 1.0, beta = 0.0;
dsyrk_("L", "N", nGenes, nGenes, & alpha, mat1, nGenes,
& beta, mat2, nGenes);
- From google,
2006 Jan 11
F-test degree of freedoms in lme4 ?
I have a problem moving from multistratum aov analysis to lmer.
My dataset has observations of ampl at 4 levels of gapf and 2 levels of bl
on 6 subjects levels VP, with 2 replicates wg each, and is balanced.
Here is the summary of this set with aov:
>> summary(aov(ampl~gapf*bl+Error(VP/(bl*gapf)),hframe2))
>Error: VP
> Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
2005 Jun 01
smbclient not using winbind to authenticate
Hi All
I am using the samba 3.0.14a RPMs installed on SuSE 9.2.
I have a PDC running on one machine, using tdbsam as a backend - this
has been running fine for months.
I am not trying to set up a standalone server in another office, which
should authenticate with the PDC using winbind, as per the "The 500-User
office" chapter of samba by example :
2006 Aug 07
mysql Date field not getting set correctly
I created a simple test to try and pinpoint my problem but nothing seems
clear to me.
I created a Thing model with fields { id (INT), date (DATE) }
now when I try to create a new "thing" the date does not get stored, and
no errors are reported.
@myNewThing = Thing.new(:date => "2006-08-07")
this results in a new record with a date of
2001 Sep 03
R-1.3.0-1.3.1.diff does not patch correctly
Subj. says it. The patch contains several lines complaining about "No newline".
After removing these the patch was applicable.
Dipl.-Math. Wilhelm Bernhard Kloke
Institut fuer Arbeitsphysiologie an der Universitaet Dortmund
Ardeystrasse 67, D-44139 Dortmund, Tel. 0231-1084-257
r-devel mailing list -- Read
2006 Feb 27
How to build a recursive parenting structure?
I''m just getting used to using HABTM structures. Something I''m trying
to do now is create a site that has "sections" each section then could
have a sub "section".
So I built a "sections" table and in the model I included the line
"has_and_belongs_to_many :sections"
I also made a table called "sections_sections" to build the