similar to: gam for longitudinal data?

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2010 Aug 04
more questions on gam/gamm(mgcv)...
Hi R-users, I'm using R 2.11.1, mgcv 1.6-2 to fit a generalized additive mixed model. I'm new to this package...and just got more and more problems... 1. Can I include correlation and/or random effect into gam( ) also? or only gamm( ) could be used? 2. I want to estimate the smoothing function s(x) under each level of treatment. i.e. different s(x) in each level of treatment. shall I
2013 Jul 08
error in "predict.gam" used with "bam"
Hello everyone. I am doing a logistic gam (package mgcv) on a pretty large dataframe (130.000 cases with 100 variables). Because of that, the gam is fitted on a random subset of 10000. Now when I want to predict the values for the rest of the data, I get the following error: >, +
2010 Jun 16
mgcv, testing gamm vs lme, which degrees of freedom?
Dear all, I am using the "mgcv" package by Simon Wood to estimate an additive mixed model in which I assume normal distribution for the residuals. I would like to test this model vs a standard parametric mixed model, such as the ones which are possible to estimate with "lme". Since the smoothing splines can be written as random effects, is it correct to use an (approximate)
2006 Dec 04
package mgcv, command gamm
Hi I am an engineer and am running the package mgcv and specifically the command gamm (generalized additive mixed modelling), with random effects. i have a few queries: 1. When I run the command with 1000/2000 observations, it runs ok. However, I would like to see the results as in vis.gam command in the same package, with the 3-d visuals. It appears no such option is available for gamm in the
2010 Jun 18
varIdent error using gam function in mgcv
Hello, As I am relatively new to the R environment this question may be either a) Really simple to answer b) Or I am overlooking something relatively simple. I am trying to add a VarIdent structure to my gam model which is fitting smoothing functions to the time variables year and month for a particular species. When I try to add the varIdent weights to variable Month I get this error returned.
2010 Jan 26
AIC for comparing GLM(M) with (GAM(M)
Hello I'm analyzing a dichotomous dependent variable (dv) with more than 100 measurements (within-subjects variable: hours24) per subject and more than 100 subjects. The high number of measurements allows me to model more complex temporal trends. I would like to compare different models using GLM, GLMM, GAM and GAMM, basically do demonstrate the added value of GAMs/GAMMs relative to
2009 Jan 28
Repeated measures design for GAM? - corrected question...
Dear all, I have a question on the use of GAM with repeated measures. My dataset is as follows: - a number of study areas where bird abundance has been determined. Counts have been performed in 3 consecutive years and there were 2 counts per year (i.e. in total 6 counts). - a number of environmental predictors that do not change over year Xi). When using a GLM, a repeated measures design would
2012 May 03
conducting GAM-GEE within gamm4?
Dear R-help users, I am trying to analyze some visual transect data of organisms to generate a habitat distribution model. Once organisms are sighted, they are followed as point data is collected at a given time interval. Because of the autocorrelation among these "follows," I wish to utilize a GAM-GEE approach similar to that of Pirotta et al. 2011, using packages 'yags' and
2013 Jun 07
gamm in mgcv random effect significance
Dear R-helpers, I'd like to understand how to test the statistical significance of a random effect in gamm. I am using gamm because I want to test a model with an AR(1) error structure, and it is my understanding neither gam nor gamm4 will do the latter. The data set includes nine short interrupted time series (single case designs in education, sometimes called N-of-1 trials in medicine)
2013 Mar 23
Time trends with GAM
Hi all, I am using GAM to model time trends in a logistic regression. Yet I would like to extract the the fitted spline from it to add it to another model, that cannot be fitted in GAM or GAMM. Thus I have 2 questions: 1) How can I fit a smoother over time so that I force one knot to be at a particular location while letting the model to find the other knots? 2) how can I extract the matrix
2004 Oct 26
GLM model vs. GAM model
I have a question about how to compare a GLM with a GAM model using anova function. A GLM is performed for example: model1 <-glm(formula = exitus ~ age+gender+diabetes, family = "binomial", na.action = na.exclude) A second nested model could be: model2 <-glm(formula = exitus ~ age+gender, family = "binomial", na.action = na.exclude) To compare these two GLM
2011 Jun 24
mgcv:gamm: predict to reflect random s() effects?
Dear useRs, I am using the gamm function in the mgcv package to model a smooth relationship between a covariate and my dependent variable, while allowing for quantification of the subjectwise variability in the smooths. What I would like to do is to make subjectwise predictions for plotting purposes which account for the random smooth components of the fit. An example. (sessionInfo() is at
2007 Jun 22
two basic question regarding model selection in GAM
Qusetion #1 ********* Model selection in GAM can be done by using: 1. step.gam {gam} : A directional stepwise search 2. gam {mgcv} : Smoothness estimation using GCV or UBRE/AIC criterion Suppose my model starts with a additive model (linear part + spline part). Using gam() {mgcv} i got estimated degrees of freedom(edf) for the smoothing splines. Now I want to use the functional form of my model
2009 May 18
Predicting complicated GAMMs on response scale
Hi, I am using GAMMs to show a relationship of temperature differential over time with a model that looks like this:- gamm(Diff~s(DaysPT)+AirToC,method="REML") where DaysPT is time in days since injury and Diff is repeat measures of temperature differentials with regards to injury sites compared to non-injured sites in individuals over the course of 0-24 days. I use the following
2009 Jul 08
Comparing GAMMs
Greetings! I am looking for advice regarding the best way to compare GAMMs. I know other model outputs return enough information for R's AIC, ANOVA, etc. commands to function, but this is not the case with GAMM unless one specifies the gam or lme portion. I know these parts of the gamm contain items that will facilitate comparisons between gamms. Is it correct to simply use these values
2010 Aug 05
compare gam fits
Hi folks, I originally tried R-SIG-Mixed-Models for this one (, but I think that the final steps to a solution aren't mixed-model specific, so I thought I'd ask my final questions here. I used gamm4 to fit a generalized additive mixed model to data from a AxBxC design, where A is a random effect (human participants in
2012 Apr 02
gamm: tensor product and interaction
Hi list, I'm working with gamm models of this sort, using Simon Wood's mgcv library: gm<- gamm(Z~te(x,y),data=DATA,random=list(Group=~1)) gm1<-gamm(Z~te(x,y,by=Factor)+Factor,data=DATA,random=list(Group=~1)) with a dataset of about 70000 rows and 110 levels for Group in order to test whether tensor product smooths vary across factor levels. I was wondering if comparing those two
2007 Dec 13
Two repeated warnings when runing gam(mgcv) to analyze my dataset?
Dear all, I run the GAMs (generalized additive models) in gam(mgcv) using the following codes. m.gam <-gam(mark~s(x)+s(y)+s(lstday2004)+s(ndvi2004)+s(slope)+s(elevation)+disbinary,family=binomial(logit),data=point) And two repeated warnings appeared. Warnings$B!'(B 1: In, family = G$family, control = control, gamma = gamma, ... : Algorithm did not converge 2: In,
2009 May 27
Deviance explined in GAMM, library mgcv
Dear R-users, To obtain the percentage of deviance explained when fitting a gam model using the mgcv library is straightforward: summary(object.gam) $dev.expl or alternatively, using the deviance (deviance(object.gam)) of the null and the fitted models, and then using 1 minus the quotient of deviances. However, when a gamm (generalizad aditive mixed model) is fitted, the
2009 Mar 24
help: what are the basis functions in {mgcv}: gam?
I am writing my thesis with the function gam(), with the package {mgcv}. My command is: gam(y~s(x1,bs="cr")+s(x2, bs="cr")). I need help to know what are the default basis funcitons for gam. I have not found any detailed reference for this. Can anyone help me with this?? -- View this message in context: