similar to: pdf() device uses fonts to represent points - data alteration?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "pdf() device uses fonts to represent points - data alteration?"

2010 Nov 04
Problems with points in plots when importing from pdf to an SVG editor
Dear R-users When trying to import graphics from an pdf-file to a Vector graphics editor (I use Inkscape, but i've confirmed the same problem on adobe products), all points in the graphics turn out as "q"s. This example displays the beaviour: pdf(file="points are weird.pdf") plot(1:5) When importing the file to inkscape, I get five neatly arranged little
2008 Apr 18
Embedding fonts in pdfs
Hi all, I'm having problems embedding fonts in my graphics - and I've tried embedFonts to no avail. I have a pdf file and pdffonts tells me: name type emb sub uni object ID ------------------------------------ ----------------- --- --- --- --------- ZapfDingbats Type 1 no no no 5 0 Helvetica
2006 Dec 06
require(simecol) error
Hi there, I´m trying to use "simecol" package but I got the error showed below. I´m runnig R version 2.4.0 (2006-10-03). Kind regards, miltinho Brazil --- > require(simecol) Loading required package: simecol Error in loadNamespace(package, c(which.lib.loc, lib.loc), keep.source = keep.source) : in 'simecol' methods specified for export, but
2011 Aug 09
embedFonts() does not embed fonts?
Dear helpers, I'm trying out the embedFonts() to embed fonts into my pdf files. However, when I inspect the new pdf with a program designed to look for embedded fonts, I see that the fonts have in fact not been embedded. Below are my calls. R version 2.13.1 (2011-07-08) Copyright (C) 2011 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing ISBN 3-900051-07-0 Platform: i386-pc-mingw32/i386 (32-bit)
2006 Nov 02
Individual Based Model and/or Cellular automata
Um texto embutido e sem conjunto de caracteres especificado associado... Nome: n?o dispon?vel Url:
2005 Dec 04
font inclusions in pdf files
I am stumbling into external font issues here and there. I presume using external lucida fonts is fairly rare, so I am more likely to stumble onto issues here. (of course, I often think I have stumbled onto bugs/features that are not.) So, I hope I am not imposing by reporting the following. [1] can R please not include fonts that it is not using? luafmfiles <-
2008 Nov 09
Arms Race
hey can anybody help me? i have to simulate the richardson Arms race model on R.. for my simulation class...
2008 Nov 07
Agent-based social simulation and R
Do anyone know anything about the use of R for agent-based social simulation? It should be possible, and would be convenient for the simple reason that there are several nice packages containing useful stuff for SNA (Social Network Analysis). Information about packages, web sites, experienced persons in the field, etc. would be very welcome. Tom
2004 Aug 08
[fdo] Inkscape BOF @ Siggraph LOS ANGELES - MON, AUG 9, 4-5 PM
*PLEASE FORWARD* Inkscape: An Open Source Vector Graphics (SVG) Editor Overview Birds of a Feather Meeting in Co-operation with Siggraph 04 at the Los Angeles Convention Center Monday, 9 August 4 - 5 pm Holiday Inn City Center Santa Monica Room Jon Phillips + Jon Cruz ### Inkscape: Draw Freely.
2010 Dec 30
pdf() Export Problem: Circles Interpreted as Fonts from ggplot2 Graphics
Good Evening: I am putting together a large report with plots created in R, V 2.12.0. Most of the plots are created using ggplot2 V0.8.9. I use R's pdf() command to export the plot to a pdf file. I am exporting the plots and attempting to edit the title text in?Inkscape?primarily because ggplot2 does not support superscript or subscript formatting in the title text. For the report I am
2008 Feb 13
Modelling disease spread
I was at a lecture the other day and I saw a presentation of very neat (short) animation modeling epidemic disease spread over a map region. When I ask what software they used they mentioned SAS. Do you know if there are equivalent resources in R to model the spread of disease with animation output? My search in R-help and google didn't lead to any document (though I found a couple of
2015 Nov 05
PDFs and SVGs containing rasterGrobs don't display correctly in some other software
I've just been trying to post-process some R-created heatmaps using Inkscape, but I can't get them to display correctly in that software. To reproduce: library(grid) r <- as.raster(matrix(runif(25), 5, 5)) pdf("test.pdf") grid.newpage() grid.raster(r, interpolate = FALSE) This figure should be a five by five block of grey squares. This is what I see in the R GUI
2007 Dec 13
use ggplot in a function to which a column name is given
Hi everyone, Hi ggplot users in particular, ggplot makes it very easy to plot things given their names when you use it interactively (and therefore can provide the names of the columns). qplot(x,foo,data=A) where A has columns (x,y,foo,bar) for example but I would like to use this from inside a function to which the name of the column is given. I cannot find an elegant way to make this
2007 Sep 20
ggplot and xlim/ylim
Hello everyone, I am (happily) using ggplot2 for all my plotting now and I wondered is there is an easy way to specify xlim and ylim somewhere when using the ggplot syntax, as opposed to the qplot syntax. Eg. qplot(data=mtcars,y=wt, x=qsec,xlim=c(0,30)) <-> ggplot(mtcars, aes(y=wt, x=qsec)) + geom_point() + ??? Indeed the ggplot syntax is in general more flexible and powerful and
2012 Jan 03
Options for generating editable figures?
Hello all, I'm using R to produce figures for people who want to be able to edit the figures directly, and who use PowerPoint a lot. I use a Mac, and I'd appreciate any advice about how to approach this. Here's what I've come up with so far: 1) I can use xfig() and then ask them to install Inkscape to edit the files. Downsides are no transparency and a learning curve with
2007 May 31
Problem with Weighted Variance in Hmisc
The function wtd.var(x,w) in Hmisc calculates the weighted variance of x where w are the weights. It appears to me that wtd.var(x,w) = var(x) if all of the weights are equal, but this does not appear to be the case. Can someone point out to me where I am going wrong here? Thanks. Tom La Bone [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Jun 12
coupled ODE population model
I'm fairly new to R, and I'm trying to write out a population model that satisfies the following; the system consists of s species, i= 1, 2,...,s network of interactions between species is specified by a (s x s) real matrix, C[i,j] x[i] being the relative population of the "ith" species (0 =< x[i] =< 1, sum(x[i]=1) the evolution rule being considered is as follows;
2009 Feb 07
New package test results available
We've added a column at of test results using the Sun Studio compiler: it is intended that these will be updated weekly. The Sun Studio compiler is that used on Solaris: these runs were on the Linux version. All the other platforms are using gcc 4, so this provides an opportunity for checking for use of gcc-specific features and
2007 May 21
plot(......,new=T) vs. par(new=T)
Hello everybody, This is probably a classic but I cannot find an answer to this on the mailing list (i.e. with a google search restricted to the mailing list archive). Setting: par(new=T) plot(x,y) works but plot(x,y,new=T) doesn't while it is said in plot's help that ... arguments are passed to par. What am I missing? JiHO ---
2007 Jul 30
apply, lapply and data.frame in R 2.5
Hello everyone, A recent (in 2.5 I suspect) change in R is giving me trouble. I want to apply a function (tolower) to all the columns of a data.frame and get a data.frame in return. Currently, on a data.frame, both apply (for arrays) and lapply (for lists) work, but each returns its native class (resp. matrix and list): apply(mydat,2,tolower) # gives a matrix lapply(mydat,tolower) # gives