Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "composition of a matrix by matches between two data frames"
2007 Jul 18
how to combine presence only data sets to one presence/absence table
Problem: I have a Set of samples each with a list of observed species
(presence only).
Data is stored in a excel spreadsheet and the columns (spl) have
different numbers of observations (spcs).
Now I want to organize the data in a species by sample matrix with
presence/absence style in R.
data style (in excel):
spl_A spl_B spl_C
spcs1 spcs1 spcs2
spcs2 spcs3 spcs3
spcs4 spcs5
2006 May 03
Nested model and variance partitioning
Dear R users,
I face to a nested pattern and despite the numerous examples in the help I am
still confused.
I sampled bugs in different habitats within sites which were within rivers
themselves within different regions.
The habitat correspond to different substrata (not systematically present in all
sites). For rivers and sites, I have environemental variables (e.g. altitude
and slope of
2007 Oct 29
Wilkcoxon with bootstrap
Background: I took roadside samples of avian species richness and I
would like to model the relationship between species richness and
habitat around my 500 + sample locations (in a file called ROADSIDE).
However, one criticism is that roadside habitats do not represent
habitats throughout the study area. I tend to disagree because I detect
birds away from the roads and the pixel size
2016 Dec 05
Marine Spatial Modeler/Quantitative Ecologist position
Marine Spatial Modeler/Quantitative Ecologist position
Full-Time/Exempt (Salaried) contract position with CSS-Dynamac (40 hrs per week)
Job ID: 2016-1790
Location: Silver Spring, MD, USA; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS)
Posted Date: 11/29/2016
Category: Science/Engineering
Security Clearance Level: National Agency Check
2012 Oct 26
Openbugs- Array Index
I'm working on the codes below however every time I run them when they get
to OpenBUGS I keep getting the error message: array index is greater than
array upper bound for hab.
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
ungulate <- read.csv(file.choose ()) #ungulate
ungulate <-
2012 Jul 13
Help with R2 OpenBUGs
Hi, I'm currently working on the below codes however whenever I run it in
openbugs it gives an error message saying: unknown type of logical function
error pos 76. Any help would be appreciated.
## bugs code
sink("C:/Users/CCF/Documents/Suzie Work/PTY Project/Waterhole
# hyperparameters
# habitat effects for each
2006 Jun 05
CCA Plot
I am a beginner with R and have managed to use vegan to run a CCA on
my data. I am evaluating the habitat relationships of select species
in riparian areas around creeks before and after logging across three
sampling intervals (pre-logging, two-years post-logging,. and 10
years post-logging). I sampled from 18 sites of 3 treatments (n = 6
sites for each treatment). When I plot my
2011 Sep 09
NMDS plot and Adonis (PerMANOVA) of community composition with presence absence and relative intensity
Thanks for providing great help in R-related statistics. Now, however I'm
stuck. I'm not a statistics person but I was recommended to use R to perform
a nmds plot and PerMANOVA of my dataset.
Sample(treatment) in the columns and species (OTU) in the rows. I have 4
treatments (Ambient Temperature, Ambient temperature+Low pH, High
temperature, High temperature+low pH), and I have 16
2010 Jul 20
logistic regression with repeated measures for species-habitat associations
I have three years of species presence/absence data for a set of ~100
ponds, with a list of associated habitat characteristics (park, vegetation,
hydroperiod, etc.). The datasets differ slightly by year because some ponds
were dry in some years and not in others. My goal is to look at habitat
associations for a couple focal species.
For each year, I have a data table that looks like
2009 Mar 14
dispcrepancy between aov F test and tukey contrasts results with mixed effects model
I have some conflicting output from an aov summary and tukey contrasts
with a mixed effects model I was hoping someone could clarify. I am
comparing the abundance of a species across three willow stand types.
Since I have 2 or 3 sites within a habitat I have included site as a
random effect in the lme model. My confusion is that the F test given by
aov(model) indicates there is no
2006 Jun 08
nested mixed-effect model: variance components
Dear listers,
I am trying to assess variance components for a nested, mixed-effects
model. I think I got an answer that make sense from R, but I have a
warning message and I wanted to check that what I am looking at is
actually what I need:
my data are organized as transects within stations, stations within
habitats, habitats within lagoons.
lagoons: random, habitats: fixed
the question is:
2009 Oct 26
explalinig the output of my linear model analysis
I am new in statistics and i manage to make the linear model analysis but i
have some difficulties in explaining the results. Can someone help me
explalinig the output of my linear model analysis ? My data are with 2
variables habitat (e,s) and treatment (a,c,p) with multiple trials within.
Thank you in advance
lm(formula = a$wild ~ a$habitat/a$treatment/a$trial)
2008 Mar 27
panel function question
I have two data sets with locations, X, Y of houses (df.house) and
habitats(df.habitat), respectively. In each dataset, there are 3
replicates (Repeat). Because each replicate has different locations of
houses and habitats, I would like to plot them in panels. I wrote
something like this:
2012 Jul 07
replacement has length zero
I have been working on the following code but keep getting an err message. My
current thinking is that the problem is on the indexing but do not know how
to fix it. Any help please?
ungulate <- read.csv("Ungulate.csv",row.names=1)
ungulate <-
habitat <- read.csv("Ungulate_vegetation.csv")
2004 Jun 15
Keywords and Concepts - CTFS package
The package I am writing is for the Center for Tropical Forest Science, CTFS. This "center" is a collaboration of 15+ institutions world wide that are investigating properties of tropical forest dynamics, species diversity, species distributions. The investigation is composed of the same sampling design of the forest: a large 50 hectare plot (usually) in which every tree >= 10 mm in
2013 Oct 09
habitat mapping of sharks
Dear All,
I am trying to model the habitat mapping of 4 sharks species and my data are zero inflated and positively skewed. The zero percentages in my data vary between 56-77%. I did some tests fitting GAMs with negative binomial family (with theta between 1-10). Is this the best way to go? Some people have used VGAM (with zero inflated negative binomial) but my concern is that using the VGAM
2012 Nov 06
Multinomial MCMCglmm
Thanks for your answers Stephen and Ben,
I hope I am posting on the correct list now.
I managed so far to run the multinomial model with random effect with the
following command:
MCMCglmm(fixed=cbind(Apsy,Mygl,Crle,Crru,Miag,empty) ~
(where multiple responses are different species,
2012 Jul 28
Mixed-model with paired design & covariates
Dear all,
I make habitat suitability models for animal species. The purpose of my
research is to investigate the accuracy of different models.
I clearly have a nested design:
- accuracy_measure -> response variable
- 2 model types (model_type) -> fixed effect
- 230 species (species) -> random effect
- 10 replicates/species (replicate) -> random effect
- 10 subreplicate/replicate
2010 Aug 05
Reducing a list of functions by composition fails
Hi All,
I'd like to be able to specify the ordered composition of several
functions. So I defined compose:
compose <- function(f,g){
and some simple test functions:
plus2 <- function(x){x+2}
plus3 <- function(x){x+3}
plus4 <- function(x){x+4}
> (compose(plus2,compose(plus3,plus4)))(3)
[1] 12
Works fine. But trying to reduce a list of functions by
2012 Sep 12
multinomial MCMCglmm
Dear all,
I would like to add mixed effects in a multinomial model and I am trying
to use MCMCglmm for that.
The main problem I face: my data set consits of a trapping data set,
where the observation at eah trap (1 or 0 for each species) have been
aggregated per traplines. Therefore we have a proportion of
presence/absence for each species per trapline.
ID_line mesh habitat Apsy Mygl