similar to: Rcmdr scatter3d

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Rcmdr scatter3d"

2005 Oct 04
Rcmdr and scatter3d
Hi folks, I'd like to use scatter3d (which is in R commander) to plot more than one dataset in the same graph, each dataset with a different color. The kind of stuff you would do with "holdon" in Matlab. I read a recent message that was posted to this list with a similar problem, but I couldn't understand the reply. Could someone give me one example? How do you plot subgroups
2006 Sep 29
scatter3d() model.summary coefficients?
Hello All, I am a R newbie and am probably misinterpreting something really obvious... In the Rcmdr package there is a scatter3d() function that can fit a curve and also provide coefficients for the model. If I'm understanding this right, I think it's calling the lower level stats package function lm(), which is the part that actually does the curve fitting. Anyway, what has me
2012 Feb 16
Is there a function for scatter3d with Categorical responses?
Hello, I'm working with a series (30+) of hydrologic metrics and 10 vegetation communities and I need to determine which of the metrics provide the best separability for each of the vegetation communities. The hydrologic metrics are highly correlated, therefore the need to reduce the number of them considered is critically important. I've been looking at the scatter3d function in the
2008 Oct 03
3D scatter, groups, RdbiPgSQL...
hello, I wish to create some 3d scatter diagrams visualising different grouped data set by a given field in the database. I tried the scatterplot3d package, as well as the plot3d and scatter3d functions (both within the rgl resp. Rcmdr package). My first question is, whether is it possibe to group data in the scatterplot3d and plot3d, because I did not succeed to use the groups = ...
2010 Jun 22
Remove squares from scatter3D
Dear All, I?ve been trying to find an option to scatter3D from rcmdr to remove the individual points from the plots but to no help so far. Removing the residuals is easy, but I cannot find a similar point option. Is there such an option that can be set to FALSE? Best, //M
2009 Dec 02
scatter3d with groups
Dear R users, I'm currently visualizing my data using scatter3d from the "Rcmdr" package. I have data points which can be separated in two classes. Data points from class 'A' should be colourised red and data points in class 'B' should be colourised 'blue'. No matter what I try, the data points are always blue. I attached a (very) minimal example to
2012 Apr 12
scatter3d: problem with spheres-color
Dear List, I don't get scatter3d to color the sheres according to the '|' argument. library(car) scatter3d(prestige ~ income + education|type, data=Prestige) The spheres on my screen are all colored the same and they are not conditional on Prestige$type. On the other hand: Fit3d and Ellipse3d are colored according to the group argument. rgl_0.92.879 car_2.0-12 R version 2.15.0
2011 Jan 04
Print plot to pdf, jpg or any other format when using scatter3d error
Hi, I have been trying to output my graphs to a file (jpeg, pdf, ps, it doesnt matter) but i cant seem to be able to get it to output. I tried a few things but none of them worked and am lost as what to do now. I am using the scatter3d function, and it prints out the graphs on tot he screen without any problems, but when it comes to writing them to a file i cant make it work. Is there any
2006 Feb 02
is there a way to visualize 3D normal distributions?
Hi all, How do I visualize a contour of a tri-variate normal distribution? I just like to see the ellipsoid very much. I hope there is a easy way or existing method in R. Thank you a lot! Michael. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 May 12
selecting points on 3D scatterplots
Hello Everyone, I am new to R and need some help. I have a matrix of x,y,z coordinates that I would like to interactively plot in 3D and then using the cursor select points on the plot and have the coordinates sent to a matrix. I am using the rgl package to plot the data at the moment because it allows me to rotate and zoom. I also tried cloud and scatterplot3D. I am looking for a function like
2005 Feb 01
Rcmdr doesn't seem to work
Context: Windows XP - R 2.0.1 with the latest updated packages (including Rcmdr) I'm trying to load Rcmdr to use the 3d plots (e.g. scatter3d) but here it is what happens: > library(Rcmdr) Loading required package: zoo Loading required package: strucchange Loading required package: sandwich Loading required package: relimp Loading required package: mvtnorm Loading required package:
2007 Jun 05
biplot package
Dears, I've been learning biplot (Gabriel, 1971) and I found the function 'biplot', inside of the package 'stats', useful but, a bit limited. So, I'm thinking to start a colaborative package to enhance this methods to other multivariate methods. In this way, I would like to start it, making public a new function (biplot.pca, still in development, but running) that make
2008 Nov 26
Smoothed 3D plots
DeaR list, I'm trying to represent some information via 3D plots. My data and session info are at the end of this message. So far, I have tried scatterplot3d (scatterplot3d), persp3d (rgl), persp (graphics) and scatter3d (Rmcdr) but any of them gave me what I'd like to have as final result (please see [1] for a similar 3D plot changing PF by ypred, pdn by h4 and pup by h11). In general
2012 Apr 09
Calculating the overlapping area of ellipsoides
I'm generating several scatter3d visualizations of vegetation community distribution against a number parameters using the scatter3d function car package, The visualizations are fantastic and they provide great support for the analysis. As far as I can determine, scatter3d does not save the output of the routine as an object so I can not x <- scatter3d(MADep2010 ~ Day7Max2010 +
2004 Oct 11
Diagnosing trouble with R-2.0, Fedora Core 2, and Rcmdf
Greetings, R-help! On 2 Fedora Core 2 Linux systems, i've completely erased the previous R and all packages and then installed R-2.0 and installed fresh packages. In using Rcmdr, I see some trouble and I wonder if other people see this and if it is due to the tcl/tk, or R, or Rcmdr. (If readers have not yet tried Rcmdr, I recommend it not just because of the GUI it provides, but also
2009 Nov 01
Calculate Volume in a PCA
Hi, my data frame consist of 8 Variables and 120 000 observations. With those datas I am running a PCA and after I want to calculate the Volume of the PCA-cloud of certain subsets of my data. Does anyone have an idea about a function that can do this? Thanks [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Mar 31
Surface plot for polynomial regression
Dear R-experts, my goal is to visualize the following polynomial regression as a 3D-surface: Z = b0 + b1*X + b2*Y + b3*XY + b4*X^2 + b5*Y^2 I believe that a solution to this problem may be of interest to a wider range of scientists because the problem is a derivative of a more general problem, i.e.: how to describe the relationship between one dependent variable and the DIFFERENCE between two
2007 Apr 03
which points within an ellipsoid? Sorting data in 3d
Hello, in a three dimensional coordinate system, I'd like to find all my experimental data points that fall within an ellipsoid around a fixed coordinate. The fixed point is defined by (x.coord.point, y.coord.point, z.coord.point). The coordinates of the ellipsoid are given by the three vectors x,y,z. In a previous version of my code, I simply used a box instead of an ellipsoid to sort
2005 Jun 28
3D ellipsoid confidence region
I am curious if there is code developed to plot confidence regions in 3D. The scatterplot3d function generates the plot I want, but would like an 3D equivalent to the data.ellipse function. Any help in this direction would be appreciated, be it theoretical, graphical, or otherwise. Melanie Edwards Senior Statistician Exponent 15375 SE 30th PL, Suite 250 Bellevue, WA 98007 Tel: (425) 519-8714
2012 Apr 20
lines on persp plot - proper depth ordering
Hello R-help! I am trying to draw series of lines in 3d, and I am not sure how to get the depth set up properly - lines that are in front of other lines appear to be behind and vice versa. I've been doing this by first generating an empty persp plot, then adding lines via the data into trans3d followed by lines (this is probably a bad approach, but it was the first one I could get working).