Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Restricted VAR parameter estimation"
2007 Apr 11
Programming Problem (for loop, random # control, 3 dimentional graph)
Dear List,
This is just a programming problem which i cannot seem
to figure out. I am trying to get a set of power from
a test (say, kolmogorov smirnov) out of a distribution
(say, G-K distribution) as follows. I am trying to
reduce to pain of writing the whole set of data points
(p# below) using "for" loop. However, I seem to have
some problem in it as the output "M" does not
2012 Apr 26
PLM package PGGLS strange behavior
When using the PLM package (version 1.2-8), I encounter the probem that
calling the FGLS estimator evokes strange behavior, when choosing the
"random" effects model. After calling the PGGLS function to estimate FGLS,
PLM gives me a warning, stating that the "random" model has been replaced
with the "pooling" model. I would, however, really like to estimate the
2006 Mar 13
Vector Autoregeressive Models: Adequation tests to perform
I am currently testing a Vector AR of dim 3 over not a lot of data (135
* 3 observations) . To test the adequation of my vecot ar, I use the
Schwarz Bayesian Criterion and the classic modified Portmanteau test on
the residuals (it can be found for instance in
http://www.iue.it/PUB/ECO2004-8.pdf , page 15) -> the null hypothesis is
"the residuals process are a vectorila white
2009 Sep 21
Four concurrent Markov chains
I am trying to write a simulation of the movements of four animals between
six patches. The movement between patches is based on a first-order Markov
chain so that the next patch they visit depends on the patch they were in
I have written code that allows me to simulate the movement of one animal
but when I add more there seems to be a problem and all chains come back as
N/A. I can
2007 Aug 21
Partial comparison in string vector
Hi list members
I have a vector of strings
And I want to get a logical vector showing the positions where my search
string "e" matches the elements partially, i.e. is at least the left-hand
part of the target strings, i.e. I want to get a vector FALSE TRUE TRUE.
Any ideas?
Steve Powell
proMENTE social research
research |
2004 Mar 25
S+Finmetrics cointegration functions
Dear all,
S+Finmetrics has a number of very specilised functions. I am
particularly interested in the estimation of cointegrated VARs (chapter
12 of Zivot and Wang). In this context the functions coint() and
VECM() stand out. I looked at package "dse1", but found no comparable
functionality. Are there any other packages you could point me to? In
general, are there efforts for
2009 Jul 30
ask help about boxplot , different list variation into the tick of x-axis?
Hi ,everyone.
I want to draw a boxplot figure, main script shown as below. when I
run the command "boxplot(bjavee~yearname)",it is wrong with the error
information " model.frame.default(formula = bjavee ~ yearname) :
variation 'bjavee' list is wrong".
I want to add the yearname as the x-axis tick. And yearname is a array
with the length 12,while bjavee is a 5*12
2007 Sep 12
vars package, impulse response functions ??
I am fitting a reduced form VAR model using VAR in the vars library. I have
several endogenous variables, and two exogenous variables. I would like to
explore the effects of a shock to one of the exogenous variables on one of
the endogenous variables. Using irf in the vars library only calculates the
irf for the endogenous variables, this is obviously by design, is there some
2011 Mar 31
dfsane arguments
Hi there,
I'm trying to solve 2 nonlinear equations in 2 unknowns using the BB
The first part of my program solves 3 ODEs using the deSolve package. This
part works. The output is used as parameter values in the functions I need
to solve.
The second part is to solve 2 equations in 2 unknowns. This does not work. I
get the error message "unexpected end of input". So what
2011 Jan 20
Regression Testing
I'm new to R and some what new to the world of stats. I got frustrated
with excel and found R. Enough of that already.
I'm trying to test and correct for Heteroskedasticity
I have data in a csv file that I load and store in a dataframe.
> ds <- read.csv("book2.csv")
> df <- data.frame(ds)
I then preform a OLS regression:
> lmfit <- lm(df$y~df$x)
2009 Oct 26
exclude data for boxplot stats using mathematical operator
I have a data set as follows:
I entered this data set using the command 'read.csv'. I want to
exclude values fewer than zero in column 2 so then I tried the
following command:
Error: syntax error, unexpected GT, expecting ',' in
2006 Jun 18
Post Stratification
Dear WizaRds,
having met some of you in person in Vienna, I think even more fondly
of this community and hope to continue on this route. It was great
talking with you and learning from you. Thank you. I am trying to work
through an artificial example in post stratification. This is my dataset:
age <- data.frame(id=1:8, stratum=rep(
2011 Jul 19
Taking all "complete" diagonals of a matrix
Hi R-Help!
I am trying to find a nicer way of extracting all the "complete" diagonals
of a matrix. I am working with very large matrices that have many more rows
than columns. I want to be able to extract each of the diagonals that are
as long as the number of columns in the matrix. I have written a rather
ugly function that presently does the job. It illustrates what I am trying
2007 Jan 02
[PATCH 1/4] add scsi-target and IO_CMD_EPOLL_WAIT patches
This includes two kernel patches, scsi-target and IO_CMD_EPOLL_WAIT.
The former is a modified version of the scsi target infrastructure in
The latter enables applications to handle AIO and non-AIO fds in the
same loop. blktap uses the different patch, AIO event queue patch for
the same aim. The IO_CMD_EPOLL_WAIT patch will be merged into mainline
(and the AIO event queue will not) so
2015 May 14
comportamiento de data.table al hacer calculos por grupos
Estimada comunidad tengo un problema del que no encuentro datos que me
ayuden mucho en la web.
Estoy haciendo calculos por grupos con data,table. Tengo un archivo
(zp.res) con tres columnas que clasifican los datos (sol, con, dia) y
una columna de datos numericos (media), de la siguiente forma:
sol con dia media
1: con 0 1 -22.6
2: con 0 1 -36.6
3: con 0 1 -35.6
2007 Feb 26
Add-up duplicates and merge
a have two matrices of data as below. I would like to add-up the duplicate
in terms of pair of names in rows, and then merge the values in the second
matrix to the pairs as two new variables x3 and x4.
2010 Jul 16
Mixed Conditional Logit with nested data
Hello Everyone,
This is my first attempt to do something in R. As a precursor to a Willingness to Pay analysis, I want to conduct a Mixed Conditional Logit analysis but am unsure how to proceed because of some nesting within my data.
Below is some data and code that illustrate what I’m trying to do. The data are based on responses to a conjoint survey obtained during pilot testing. In the
2010 Jun 30
plain text in Chinese can not be set
Hi there,
According to ?par, 'font' is an integer which specifies which font to
use for text, that 1 corresponds to plain text (the default), 2 to bold
face, 3 to italic and 4 to bold italic.
When I test Chinese character in pdf(), I found that 1 to bold face, 2
to italic, 3 to bold italic, 4 to symbol. and I don't find how to set
plain text. In the following code, the font to use
2009 Jul 23
How to pass a character argument which contains expressions to arg.names in barplot?
Hi all
Can anybody help me with this? I am trying to include in an automatic way
the argument in arg.names in a barplot. I generate the labels I want to
appear below the bars with a for loop, and they contain subscripts, so I
need to use expression
for (i in 1:dim(Ntot)[1])
2008 Jan 16
outer on matrices / arrays
I would like to evaluate a function f(x,y) taking two vectors as
entries on all pairs of X rows and Y rows, where X and Y are n-by-p
and m-by-p matrices respectively. Of course, I would like to avoid
loops if possible, as the dataset I want to process is quite large.
I was not able to find a combination of outer() and apply() to do
this -- note that I am fairly new to R. Below is