similar to: factorial Design with a separate control group

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "factorial Design with a separate control group"

2008 Jan 28
sub-plot in a plot
From: lamac_k em hotmail.comTo: r-help-request em r-project.orgSubject: sub-plot in a plotDate: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 15:43:40 +0000 Dear all, how can I do these sub-plots in a plot (see file attached) in R. Best regards. Receba GR?TIS as mensagens do Messenger no seu celular quando voc? estiver offline. Conhe?a o MSN Mobile! Crie j? o seu!
2007 Aug 14
ANOVA: Factorial designs with a separate control
Dear all, I would like to run in R the anova showed in the following pamphlet. For A = 0 and B =0 I have de control group. Best regards. A B replication response 0 0 1 24 0 0 2 27 0 0 3 36 0 0 4 28 0
2003 May 20
De um amigo
INFORMACAO CONFIDENCIAL Prezado(a) Amigo(a): Esta carta/e-mail nada tem de semelhante As muitas "aldrabices" que circulam pela Internet. Ela ? uma mensagem rara que tem um conteUdo que pode modificar a sua vida para melhor. Assim, peco-lhe um pouco de paciencia, e que a leia com atencao, muita atencao, e no final, muito provavelmente, se sentira recompensado(a). Este e um assunto que
2003 Apr 12
De um amigo
INFORMACAO CONFIDENCIAL Prezado(a) Amigo(a): Esta carta/e-mail nada tem de semelhante As muitas "aldrabices" que circulam pela Internet. Ela ? uma mensagem rara que tem um conteUdo que pode modificar a sua vida para melhor. Assim, peCo-lhe um pouco de paciencia, e que a leia com atencao, muita atencao, e no final, muito provavelmente, se sentira recompensado(a). Este e
2003 Jul 30
Lula-Cuba, "bloqueio", patrulhas"...
msz De: Fern?ndez-L?pez, Ambito Iberoamericano, Paseo de la Castellana 223, Madrid. [1]InEnglish - [2]EnEspanol Caros amigos luso-brasileiros, ? de se perguntar se as "patrulhas ideol?gicas" esquerdistas estar?o impedindo que os ?ltimos artigos do ex preso pol?tico e escritor cubano Armando Valladares - que abordam delicados aspetos das rela??es entre o regime
2010 Jun 11
R in Linux: problem with special characters
Hi, I’m working with the 64 bit version of R 2.11.0 for Linux. My session info is: R version 2.11.0 (2010-04-22) x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu locale: [1] C attached base packages: [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base When I try to print words with special characters the result is that the expression printed has some kind of code substituting the special
2007 Mar 06
R and SAS proc format
Dear all, Is there an R equivalent to SAS's proc format? Best regards J. Lamack _________________________________________________________________ O Windows Live Spaces ? seu espa?o na internet com fotos (500 por m?s), blog e agora com rede social
2010 Aug 03
Help on Full Factorial Design
Hi Everyone, I found the doe.base package and the FrF2 package to do nice experimental planning and I'm very happy about this tool I was looking for such a long time. But I still try to find out how to add center points to a full factorial design. The FrF2-package has a center point option but is just supporting fractional designs? Is there a possibility to have center points within the
2000 Dec 13
randomized block design and two-way factorial design
I am still a little unclear in the difference between randomized block design and two-way factorial design after consulting a few books, including John Rice Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis. Both put observations in cells corresponding to two factors of many levels. Both use the same computer program to analyze data. It seems that randomized block design can have only one observation
2007 Jan 25
printing problem
Hi everybody, i have a debian etch with samba 3.0.23c-4 (it's not the latest version) installed. this server is a member server (print server) of windows 2003 active directory domain - i'm using winbind to provide single sign-on. my problem is that i have a network printer HP Color Laserjet 2600n and it doesn't print using landscape orientation, just with portrait orientation. i'm
2008 Nov 07
2^2 factorial design question
Dear R Gurus: How do you put together a 2^2 (or even 2^k) factorial problem, please? Since you have 2 levels for A and B, do you put in "A+" and "A-" as factors, please? Thanks, Edna Bell
2003 Sep 20
factorial design
Hello all, I´m trying to study a factorial design, but I can´t understand why did Df, Sum Sq and Mean Sq of residuals alter when I Split the interaction? I think that Split the interaction must not alter the residuals. Am I doing something wrong? Could anyone help me? My data and functions I tried are: Y<-c(196,213,183, 192,253,199, 251,331,276,
2008 Nov 04
[OT] factorial design
Dear R Gurus: I vaguely remember reading that if interaction was present in a factorial design, then the main effect results were suspect. However, I was reading a text which now uses the tests for main effects even if interaction is present. Which is correct, please? Thanks, Edna Bell
2010 Feb 26
factorial block design with missing data
Hello! I have read somewhere (somehow, I can't seem to find it again, it's been a couple of months) that when analyzing factorial block design, the position where you put the block factor is important, even more when there are missing values. I understand that when using anova.lm, the order is sequential, so that if I want to check for a treatment effect, I should put my blocking factor
2007 Aug 14
Limma - 2x2 factorial design matrix
Hi all, I'm working on microarray and currently analyzing the microrarray data using limmaGUI. Loop design has been applied in this experiment. This is a 2X2 factorial experiment where there are control and treatment at 2 different time points, week 6 and 9. The experimental design is almost the same as the limmaGUI work example: Weaver Data set. I would like to look at the effect of
2010 May 16
two level fraction factorial design: How to input 'defining relation'?
I am trying to find the important factors from a two level fraction factorial design (2^{8-4}) I have studied the companion of vikneswaran but would really like a basic example of how to do this: (adapted to 8 factors): mydata<-read.table("myfile.txt", header=T) summary(aov(resp ~ A*B*C*D*E*F*G*H, data = mydata)) However i can't figure out how the input files are supposed to
2004 Jul 24
Need to block incoming collect calls
Hi everybody,, I need to block incoming collect calls to my Asterisk box but I could not find out where to do that. Went to zaptel.h but I did not see any timing which can be applied to collect calls. Does anybody knows if I can set this up in Asterisk? I'm using an E100P connected to the PSTN and a T100P connected to a Zhone 100. Version: Asterisk CVS-05/30/04-16:28:04 thank you Oz
2010 Nov 23
factorial ANOVA for block/split-plot design
Dear R Help - I am analyzing data from an ecological experiment and am having problems with the ANOVA functions I've tried thus far. The experiment consists of a blocked/split-plot design, with plant biomass as the response. The following is an overview of the treatments applied (nitrogen addition, phosphorus addition, and seeded/not seeded) and at what level (block, main-plot, and sub-plot):
2003 Jun 26
Correct contrast for unreplicated 2K factorial design
Hi all, I have been trying to reproduce an analysis from Douglas Montgomery?s book on design and analysis of experiments. Table 6.10 of example 6.2 on page 246, gives a table as follows: > NPK <- expand.grid(A=mp,B=mp,C=mp,D=mp) > Rate <- c(45,71,48,65,68,60,80,65,43,100,45,104,75,86,70,96) > filtration <- cbind(NPK,Rate) > filtration A B C D Rate 1 - - - - 45 2
2004 Nov 30
2k-factorial design with 10 parameters
Hi, I'd like to apply a 2^k factorial design with k=10 parameters. Obviously this results in a quite long term for the model equation due to the high number of combinations of parameters. How can I specify the equation for the linear model (lm) without writing all combinations explicitly down by hand? Does a R command exist for this problematic? Thanks for your help in advance, Sven