Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "vertically oriented color key in heatmaps"
2003 Oct 06
vif() from Design and car
I've been generating linear models with lm(). I wanted to look at the
VIF's for the coefficient. Using the vif() function from the package
Design, I would get unusually high VIF's.
However using vif() from the car package I get more reasonable values
(ie in line with the quality of the model).
What is the difference between the two vif functions? (I dont have
access to the
2003 Sep 14
title for plot contain 4 subplots
I'm plotting 4 graphs on one page (2x2 matrix) but I cant seem to get
the title for the whole page right.
I'm doing:
op <- par(mfrow = c(2,2), pty="s")
hist(var$V2, breaks="FD",main="Euclidean Metric", xlab="Sum of 3NN ...
hist(var$V2, breaks="FD",main="Manhattan Metric", xlab="Sum of 3NN ...
2012 Jan 30
Reg : Hello all.. help needed regarding heatmaps
Hello all ,
I am beginner and new to this -R world. I have heard much about R and
started working on it.
I have some data of 20 business applications( y -axis) and Months( x-axis)
and values as their score for every month . I tried to generate a heatmap
with this data and got some good results. Can some one help me on how to
generate the legend next to heatmap please...
can some one send me
2009 May 16
Modificando heatmaps
Hola a todos,
Estoy trabajando con la función heatmap.2() de la libreria ggplots. A
continuación encontrarán un ejemplo de la estructura de mis datos y el
código para generar el gráfico que me gustaría modificar:
# Datos
x <- matrix(rnorm(8*30), ncol = 8)
rownames(x) <- paste(''GM10A'',1:30,sep="")
colnames(x) <-
2007 Nov 20
adding an image to a plot
Hi, I'm writing code to generate a plot, in which I draw a series of
rectangles. So my code is of the form
plot.window( ... )
draw rectangle
draw rectangle
Is there a way for me to insert a PNG or PDF graphic at a specific
position in the plot (ideally in plot coordinates)? I realize that
this might probably be better done in a separate image editor, but if
it could
2012 Jul 27
overlaying a set of 'grouping' lines on a plot from image()
Hi, I have a matrix that I am displaying via image. I would like to
obtain an image where the columns are 'grouped' (I have a grouping
variable). But I am not sure how how I can draw the lines to indicate
the grouping in the margin. I realize this is essentially waht heatmap
does but as I have a set of custom breaks and colors I wanted to
generate this via image. I can see that it is a
2011 Mar 27
comparing heatmaps
Dear all,
I've been trying to find how to compare tow different heatmaps but I'm having trouble getting the colors bar to be the same. I'm doing something like the following:
dat<-cor(matrix(rnorm(100, m=10), nrow=10))
mat<-cor(matrix(rnorm(100), nrow=10))
heatmap.2(mat, Rowv=NA, Colv=NA, col=redgreen(75), symm=TRUE, trace="none",
2009 Aug 24
Saving heatmaps as PDFs
I'm trying to save heatmaps as PDFs. However, the PDF version of the
heatmaps (Heatmap_CAFvsTNF_run2.pdf) is blurred when compared to its
counterpart, which was saved manually by using the software
"Grab" (Heatmap_CAFvsTNF_run2.tiff).
-----R code--------
sample_output <- "stroma_run2"
filename <-
2007 May 14
creating a "list of 3 dataframes" from a "list of 2 dataframes" and a dataframe?
#I wish to create a "list of three dataframes" ("results2") from a "list of two dataframes" (temp) and a dataframe ("c")?
#Please advise.
a <- data.frame(x=c(1,2,3),y=c(5,7,9))
b <- data.frame(x=c(2,4,7,9),y=c(2,3,5,4))
c <- data.frame(x=c(22,34,7,9),y=c(52,63,5,4))
results1 <- list(a,b,c) #what I want
#but this is how I need to get there
2010 Sep 08
saving heatmaps in graphical format that can be edited in graphic editor tool
I generated a heatmap in R using the following commands:
> mydata <- read.csv(file="Data.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",")
> mydata <- mydata[rowSums(mydata[,-1]^2) >0, ]
> rownames(mydata)=mydata$Name
> mydata <- mydata[,2:253]
> mydatamatrix <- data.matrix(mydata)
> mydatascale <- t(scale(t(mydatamatrix)))
> hr <-
2010 Sep 08
saving heatmaps in graphical format that can be edited in graphic editor tools
I generated a heatmap in R using the following commands:
> mydata <- read.csv(file="Data.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",")
> mydata <- mydata[rowSums(mydata[,-1]^2) >0, ]
> rownames(mydata)=mydata$Name
> mydata <- mydata[,2:253]
> mydatamatrix <- data.matrix(mydata)
> mydatascale <- t(scale(t(mydatamatrix)))
> hr <-
2008 Nov 17
using an image as a dendrogram label
Hi, does anybody know if it is possible to use an image (rather than
text) to label the leaves of a dendrogram? I realize that this will
not always lead to a useful on-screen display, but ideally I'd like
to directly go from the dendrogram to a PDF and on-screen viewing is
not to too important for me. Also, my trees are relatively small.
Any pointers would be apreciated
2009 Feb 07
vignettes are installed but not viewable?
Hi, I have a package for which I'm writing a vignette. The vignette
looks fine as indicated by R CMD check. However after installing the
package (in my personal R library location) doing
Warning message:
vignette 'rcdk' *not* found
But I can see the PDF file located under rcdk/doc in the R library
directory. The header of the Rnw file is
2008 Nov 21
rgl lighting question
Hi, I'm using rgl to generate a 3D surface plot and I'm struggling to
get the lighting correct. Currently the surface gets plotted, but is
very 'shiny'. On rotating the view, I get to see parts of the surface
- but overall I don't see much detail because of the spotlight like
I've played around with the specular, ambient and diffuse but I can't
2012 May 02
strange differences in vector operation versus manual calculation
Hi, I'm running a calculation in two ways. The first way is to employ
vectors and evaluate a function in one go. The second way is to break
down the function into pieces and combine the pieces to the final
Algebraically, they should give me the same result. But the final
vector differs significantly. I must be missing something very
obvious, but I just cannot see it
xx <-
2010 Oct 08
Heatmap/Color Selection(Key)
I made heatmap of QTL based on Lod score. Where I have traits in columns and
marker data (rows). I can not cluster both column and rows as I need the
right order for marker data.
Can someone suggest me better way of generating heatmaps especially the
colour key I want to select to visualize the results which are more
interesting to look at.
> library(gplots)
2007 Aug 09
S4 based package giving strange error at install time, but not at check time
Hi, I have a S4 based package package that was loading fine on R
2.5.0 on both OS X and
Linux. I was checking the package against 2.5.1 and doing R CMD check
does not give any warnings. So I next built the package and installed
it. Though the package installed fine I noticed the following message:
Loading required package: methods
Error in loadNamespace(package, c(which.lib.loc, lib.loc),
2009 Nov 19
problem post request with RCurl
Hi, I am trying to use a CGI service (Pubchem PUG) via RCurl and am
running into a problem where the data must be supplied via POST - but
I don't know the keyword for the argument.
The data to be sent is an XML fragment. I can do this via the command
line using curl: I save the XML string to a file called query.xml and
then do
curl -d @query.xml
2006 Feb 22
heatmap.2 in gplots package
Hello all,
I am using the heatmap.2 function in the gplots package. I want to supress the reordering of the columns of the data matrix i pass to the function. I used the statement,
where z, is the matrix of data. The output i want should have the rows reordered along with the dendrogram and the columns should be in the original
2010 Sep 18
Drawing Heatmap using gplots
I am using heatmap.2 of gplots to make heatmaps of my the attached file. I
am giving my code for the same ..
x=read.table("1.txt", header=TRUE)
heatmap.2(mat, col=greenred(75),
distfun = dist,
hclustfun = hclust,
dendrogram = c("both"),
scale = c("row"),