similar to: access to 'formula' terms in a user function

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "access to 'formula' terms in a user function"

2006 Dec 08
trouble with cloud output to bmp when in loop
I have some data that I need to view in various 3-D clouds. To better see the cloud structure on a 2-D screen I would like to output a bunch of bmp files with clouds at slightly different angles, then run them through an external program to animate them. But I'm having trouble getting cloud() from the lattice package to output to bmp files. Oddly, this is only a problem when outputting
2005 Aug 17
RODBC and sqlColumns
I have a Postgres database that I am connecting to with the Postgres ODBC driver on Windows XP in R 2.1.0. In the database is a database with two schemas (public and X). With RODBC (1.1-4) , I can connect to the database and get the tables with sqlTables(db). I can query tables in the schema with sqlQuery("SELECT * FROM X.test"). However, I can't get the columns in table X.test
2003 Jan 21
newbie: data frame to vector
Sorry, but I'm very new to R. I'm trying to figure out how to convert a column from a data frame to a vector. More specifically, I have read in a comma separated value table which contains a number of variables in columns, plots in rows... t <- read.table("G:/R/table1.txt", sep=",", header=TRUE) the data comes in just fine. Now I want to do an XY plot of 2
2006 Nov 29
control for frame color in cloud()
I am trying to construct a cloud plot viewable in 3D with the classic 3D glasses (one red lens, one bluish lens). I've figured out how to overlay two printings of cloud() (from the lattice package) with appropriate colors, however the box frame seems to only print in black. Is there any way to control the color for the frame? How about the background color (gray)? See
2010 Jan 13
Formula for normal distribution with know mean and standard error and n terms
Hello, I am searching for a method to calculate a normal distribution. For example this equation is used to calculate the normal curve when the mean and standard deviation are know. p(x) = (1/?*sqrt(2?)) x exp (- (x-?)2/2?2) or (Embedded image moved to file: pic27350.jpg)Normal Probability Distribution Formula However, some of the literature I'm reading (I'm building an ecological
2007 Jun 29
GAM for censored data? (survival analysis)
First let me admit that I am no statistician... rather, an ecologist with just enough statistical knowledge to be dangerous. I've got a dataset with percent ground cover values for species and other entities. The data are left censored at zero, in that percent ground cover cannot be negative. (My data rarely reach 100% cover so I haven't bothered with adding a right censoring at 100).
2004 Aug 25
Censored (Tobit) Regression method
I need to give a quick description of Tobit Regression (TR), including how it differs from ordinary least squares (OLS). I am an ecologist who knows just enough about remote sensing and statistics to be dangerous in both. Now I have found myself doing a remote sensing project where I have used TR: survreg(Surv()). As far as I can tell, no form of Censored Regression has been used in analyzing
2009 Nov 29
Convergence problem with zeroinfl() and hurdle() when interaction term added
Hello, I have a data frame with 1425 observations, 539 of which are zeros. I am trying to fit the following ZINB: f3<-formula(Nbr_Abs~ Zone * Year + Source) ZINB2<-zeroinfl(f3, dist="negbin", link= "logit", data=TheData, offset=log(trans.area), trace=TRUE) Zone is a factor with 4 levels, Year a factor with 27 levels, and Source a factor with 3 levels. Nbr_Abs is counts
2009 Jul 03
The time series analysis functions/packages don't seem to like my data
I have hundreds of megabytes of price data time series, and perl scripts that extract it to tab delimited files (I have C++ programs that must analyse this data too, so I get Perl to extract it rather than have multiple connections to the DB). I can read the data into an R object without any problems. thedata = read.csv("K:\\Work\\SignalTest\\BP.csv", sep = "\t", header =
2018 Jan 24
Geometry delaunayn and deldir results, differing results from Octave due to decimal precision?
The problem: I would like to translate the Octave algorithm in griddata.m to R. Within the griddata algorithm calls are made to the Delaunay function. For the R translation I have found delaunayn within the "geometry" package and also the deldir package. Both do similar things but give slightly different results depending on the input. The question is, what is making the results for the
2009 Apr 28
[macosx] improving quartz & Aqua Tk behaviour outside of RGui
Hello, On Mac OS X, certain Aqua/Quartz UI functionality requires an application to be launched from within an app bundle, or (alternatively) requires a Carbon application with a resource fork. Playing with the wxWidgets distribution, I discovered that it is quite easy and transparent to make such a Carbon app from (I guess) any command line application. When applied to the R executable called
2009 Apr 28
[macosx] improving quartz & Aqua Tk behaviour outside of RGui
Hello, On Mac OS X, certain Aqua/Quartz UI functionality requires an application to be launched from within an app bundle, or (alternatively) requires a Carbon application with a resource fork. Playing with the wxWidgets distribution, I discovered that it is quite easy and transparent to make such a Carbon app from (I guess) any command line application. When applied to the R executable called
2007 Jul 20
Column-mean-values for targeted rows
Hi all, I'm handling massive data.frames and matrices in R (30000 x 400). In the 1st column, say, I have 0s and 1s indicating rows that matter; other columns have probability values. One simple task I would like to do would be to get the column mean values for signaled rows (the ones with 1) As a very fresh "programmer" I have build a simple function in R which should not be very
2006 Mar 11
how to create analog stripchart plots of x vs t (t=mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss)
Hello r-experts, I sure could us a little help. I have an ever updating text file with timestamped data in it. I can reformat in anyway I want if need be but currently I have chosen to make columns of date, time and measuresed value (comma delimeted and with the dates and times in quotes to interpret them as strings). Here is a small section of my text data file:
2012 Jan 04
Adding a vertical line to plot with two overlapping density plots
Hi, A simple question I hope. I wish to add a single vertical line to a plot with several density plots. Here is a simplified example. ############ thedata <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(100,1,1),x2=rnorm(100,3,1)) #create data thedata.m<-melt(thedata) densityplot(~value, thedata.m, groups=variable,auto.key=list(columns=2)) #this gives the two density plots ######### what I wish now is to add a
2008 Jul 16
Problem with mpi.close.Rslaves()
I am running R 2.7.0 on a Suse 9.1 linux cluster with a job scheduler dispatching jobs and openmpi-1.0.1. I have tried running one of the examples at in Rmpi and they seem to be working, except mpi.close.Rslaves() hangs. The slaves are closed, but the master doesn't finish its script. Below is the example script and the call to R. The job is
2008 Nov 07
Rmpi task-pull
Hi, I'm testing the efficiency of the Rmpi package regarding parallelization using a cluster. I've found and tried the task pull programming method, but even if it is described as the best method, it seems to cause deadlock, anyone could help me in using this method? here is the code I've found and tried: # Initialize MPI library("Rmpi") # Notice we just say "give us
2011 Oct 18
Non-linear maximization function in R
Hello, # Full disclosure. I am not sure if my problem is a bug(s) in the code, or a fundamental misunderstanding on my part about what I am trying to do with these statistics. I am not familiar with maximum likelihood tests. # I currently have two vectors Aequipecten<-c(0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
2010 Aug 18
Different way of aggregating
Hi Usually "aggregate" is used to calculate things such as the sum of all data on the first day, the sum next day, and so on. But how can I calculate the mean of the first hour of all days, the mean of the second hour of all days, and so on. ??? That's Most examples: today at 1am + today at 2am + today at 3am +.... -> sum today tomorrow at 1am + tomorrow at
2018 Jan 24
Geometry delaunayn and deldir results, differing results from Octave due to decimal precision?
"The question is, what is making the results for the R packages different from each other?" There are literally thousands of R packages, contributed independently by thousands of people. There should be no expectation of consistency or for that matter, "correctness", among them. Caveat emptor. Only within the base R distribution, maintained and mostly written by the R Core