similar to: for loop doesn't stop with upper loop value

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "for loop doesn't stop with upper loop value"

2006 Nov 27
[R-sig-Geo] plot() and Jpeg() increase font size and resolution
Thanks to Edzer and Roger, I can now plot with increased font sizes. However, jpeg still does not reproduce these, nor does it show up in high quality. What I would like to do is produce some highresolution jpegs. Any help would be appreciated Thanx Herry R2.4 on Mandriva 10.2 linux. Dr Alexander Herr Spatial and statistical analyst CSIRO, Sustainable Ecosystems Davies Laboratory, University
2007 Jun 14
blotched y-axis text in plot function
Hi List, I have recently upgraded to opensuse10.2 and R 2.5 (compiled from source). Now, whenever I use plot the y-axis and labels are black blotches while x-axis and labels are fine. Using demo(graphics) this occurs with plot/boxplot/hist/pairs/coplot but not in the pie graphs and in the "The level of Interest in R" plot, which uses axis to define the y-axis. I presume this has to
2007 May 18
error: GLX extension missing on server
Hi List, when loading library(rgl) I get error "RGL: GLX extension missing on server". I have Mesa and xgl installed, but xgl info sais its an highly experimental code. Does this mean I shouldn't bother for a while with opengl or are there alternatives? Any help appreciated Thanx Herry R 2.4.1 on x86_64 opensuse 10.2 Dr Alexander Herr - Herry Spatial and statistical analyst
2006 Nov 24
plot() and Jpeg() increase font size and resolution
Dear list, I am having troubles increasing the fontize when plotting a variogram{gstat} and its model (vgm) with plot and using jpeg(). Also the resolution in the jpeg call does not work. I am using R2.4 on Mandriva 10.2 linux. I can change fontsize with cex.axis in a normal plot, so I presume it has to do with plotting the variogram model. Any help on how to increase the font size and
2003 Jan 13
summarizing dataframe
Hi Listers, Surely, I just have a mental block and there is a more elegant way of creating a summary count (other than extracing it from ftable). I''d like to create a new data.frame containing counts of spell by loc ie have three columns showing spell,loc,count. Below the data.frame... Any help appreciated Thanks Herry spell loc 101 Parts 1 102 Overall 2 105 Parts 1 106
2002 Dec 18
summary stats including NA's into new dataframe
List, I am trying to extract summary statistics from a data frame with several variables (and NAs) into a dataframe with the columns: Variablename (ie the colnames of original data), mean, stdev, max, min, Valid N, Missing Values. Extracting the statistics is straightforward using stack and aggregate. However, I haven''t succeeded in obtaining the number of Missing Values. I can extract
2007 Jul 06
?replace characters within vector data
Hi List, I want replace characters within a vector. Outside R I could use sed, but I'd like to automate it in R. For example vectorx xxxyyz xxxyyza xxxyyzzb I want to change to: vectorx aaayyz aaayyza aaayyzzb The obvious replace command only deals with whole data entries? Any hints would be appreciated. Thanks Herry
2007 Sep 19
fontsize in mosaic plot lables
Hi List, I am trying unsucessfully to modify the fontsize of lables in mosaic: require(vcd) mosaic(Titanic, pop=FALSE, labeling_args=list(rot_labels=c(bottom=90,top=90), set_varnames = c(Sex = "Gender"), gp_text=gpar(fontsize=20))) #can't get it to resize text tab <- ifelse(Titanic < 6, NA, Titanic) # it works for labeling_cells labeling_cells(text = tab,
2006 Dec 18
surface3d grid from xyz dataframe
Hi List, I am trying to plot a grid with an overlayed height. I have a dataframe with four variables: x,y,gridvalue,height. The dataframe has 2.5mio observations (ie grid points), I assign colors through the gridvalue using map_color_gradient thus producing: x,y,gridvalue,height,gridcol as variables of the dataframe. The grid dimensions are 1253 x 2001 (=2507253 data points). My attempts with
2018 Mar 05
raster time series statistics
Hi List, The following code returns an "Error in as.POSIXlt.character(x, tz, ...) : character string is not in a standard unambiguous format" require(raster) require(rts) require(stringi) r <- raster(ncol=100, nrow=100) values(r) <- runif(ncell(r)) list(ID=seq(1:24),month=rep(str_pad(1:12, pad = 0,width = 2 , "left"),2),year=sort(rep(2016:2017,12)))->dt
2005 Nov 28
Looking for constrained optimisation code
_______________________________________________________________________________________ Hi, I was just wondering if there was any available R code that could handle general constrained optimisation problems. At the moment I'm using nlminb and optim, both of which allow box constraints on the parameters, but ideally I'd like to be able to specify more general constraints on the solution
2018 Mar 06
raster time series statistics
Hi Herry, This is probably due to a call to strptime (or similar). No, it doesn't accept %Y-%m as a valid format. Maybe add a constant day to all the dates as that will work: dt<-list(ID=seq(1:24),month=rep(formatC(1:12,flag=0,width=2),2), year=sort(rep(2016:2017,12))) timelst<-paste(unlist(dt['year']),unlist(dt['month']),"01",sep="-")
2018 Feb 15
using cat to log to file with sapply
Hi List, I am trying to write unsuccessfully to a logfile with cat. Here my example code: letters[1:5]->x logf<-"test.txt" cat('%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n',file=logf) catf<-function(x,...,logfile='log.txt', append=TRUE){ cat(x,'\n', file=logfile, append=append)} testit<-function(x,...){ paste0('this is x: ',x)->y return(y)
2005 Dec 14
Glitch when creating online help
_______________________________________________________________________________________ Hi, I'm writing up the online help for a package I'm developing (in-house only, sorry), and I've come across an odd glitch when trying to nest a list inside the "arguments" section of the .Rd file. I was just wondering if anyone could provide some insights. I'm using R 2.2.0 on
2004 Apr 29
R-crash using read.shape (maptools)
Hi List, I am trying to read a large shapefile (~37,000 polys) using read.shape [winxp, 1gig ram, dellbox). I receive the following error: AppName: rgui.exe AppVer: 1.90.30412.0 ModName: maptools.dll ModVer: 1.90.30412.0 Offset: 0000309d The getinfo.shape returns info, and the shapefile is readable in arcmap. Any ideas on how to overcome this? Thanks Herry
2018 Mar 06
raster time series statistics
> On Mar 5, 2018, at 3:28 PM, <Alexander.Herr at> <Alexander.Herr at> wrote: > > Hi List, > > The following code returns an "Error in as.POSIXlt.character(x, tz, ...) : character string is not in a standard unambiguous format" I'm unable to produce that error. Which function was being evaluated to produce the error? I don't see
2003 Apr 04
trellis.graphic in for-loop
Hi list, I am unsuccessfully trying to produce a serious of trellis barcharts from within a for-loop. The barcharts work outside the loop. What am I missing? Example attached. Thanks Herry #XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX trellis.device(bg="white") trellis.par.get("fontsize")->fontsize fontsize$default<-16 trellis.par.set("fontsize",fontsize)
2018 Mar 06
raster time series statistics
Last line in the following (updated) code produces the error require(raster) require(rts) require(stringr) r <- raster(ncol=100, nrow=100) values(r) <- runif(ncell(r)) stack(r)->s r->rs for(i in 1:23){ rs[]<-r[]*i addLayer(s,rs)->s print(nlayers(s)) } dt<-list(ID=seq(1:24),month=rep(formatC(1:12,flag=0,width=2),2), year=sort(rep(2016:2017,12)))
2007 Aug 09
plot table with sapply - labeling problems
Hi List, I am trying to label a barplot group with variable names when using sapply unsucessfully. I can't seem to extract the names for the indiviual plots: test<,0,5)),round(runif(50,0,3)),roun d(runif(50,0,4)))) sapply(test, table)->vardist sapply(test, function(x) round(table(x)/sum(table(x))*100,1) )->vardist1 par(mfrow=c(1,3))
2005 Nov 16
Unexpected result of names<-
_______________________________________________________________________________________ Note: This e-mail is subject to the disclaimer contained at the bottom of this message. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Hi, I came across some rather unexpected behaviour the other day with assigning names and lists. Here's an example. > z