Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Standard errors of the predicted values from a lme (or lmer)"
2008 Aug 18
lmer and scale parameter in glmm model
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2008 Aug 28
coloured letters in a text
does somebody know how to plot single letters in a text in different
example 1:
I would like to add the word "ABC" to a figure. Thereby each letter should
have a different colour.
text(x,y,"ABC", col=c(1,2,3)) # this does not work
example 2:
I would like to add the name of a parameter p with an index i to a figure.
The index i should be in red, whereas the
2003 Jan 27
survival bug? (PR#2499)
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Type: text/plain;
a possible bug with survival analysis - either in R or in SPSS...
find more details in bug.doc, and the data in bug.txt
Pius Korner
Content-Disposition: attachment
Content-Type: multipart/appledouble;
2007 Feb 15
R book advice
I'm looking for a book for someone completely ignorant of statistics
who wishes to learn both statistics and R. I've found three
possibilities, one by Verzani ("Using R for Introductory Statistics"),
one by Crawley ("Statistics: An Introduction using R"), and one by
Dalgaard ("Introductory Statistics with R"). Do these books have
different emphases,
2009 Jul 16
model.matrix memory problem (PR#13838)
`model.matrix' might kill R with a segfault (on a illposed problem, but anyway):
mydf <- as.data.frame(sapply(1:40, function(i) gl(2, 100)))
f <- as.formula(paste("~ - 1 + ", paste(names(mydf), collapse = ":"), sep = ""))
X <- model.matrix(f, data = mydf)
*** caught segfault ***
address 0x18, cause 'memory not mapped'
Segmentation fault
2007 Apr 16
My First Function: cryptic error message
Dear List,
My first R function is a rip-off bagging algorithm from pg. 138 of
Everitt and Hothorn's "Handbook of Statistical Analyses using R"
(HSAUR). I'm using recursive partitioning to develop a set of useful
variables in diagnosing ADHD.
I'm running this in ESS in XEmacs 21.4.19, R 2.4.1 on Slackware Linux
11.0 with a 2.6 kernel.
This is almost an entire script,
1999 Oct 04
Can anyone give advice how to interactively exchange data between R and
SQL-Databases like DB2, ORACLE, MS-SQL-Server ?
If the answer is: 'currently not', this would be information for me as well.
I will summarize to the list.
Best regards
Dr. Jens Oehlschl?gel-Akiyoshi
Bayerstrasse 21
80335 M?nchen
Tel.: 089 545 28-27
Fax.: 089 545 28-10
2008 May 13
How to get predicted marginal (aka predicted mean) after multinomial logistic?
I tried to use the effect() to get predicted marginals for multinomial
logistic as I did for general logistic regression, but failed. Is there
anyway to do that?
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/How-to-get-predicted-marginal-%28aka-predicted-mean%29-after-multinomial-logistic--tp17200114p17200114.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2010 Dec 13
stepAIC: plot predicted versus observed
stepAIC generic plot function creates useful graphics for the diagnosis of
multiple regressions. To create predicted versus observed plots, I use to
look for the coefficients, copy them by hand, calculate R?, then plot. Is
there a more automated way to plot predicted versus observed with its
associated R? output using stepAIC, or another function?
Kind regards,
S.-?. Parent
2012 May 07
predicted values of coxme model
I need to use a coxme model with my data (survival analysis with
right-censoring and hierarchical nesting), but I cant find a way to get
predicted values from a new data table (or even from the original one).
Has anyone had this problem before? I cant find anything about that
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2008 Nov 07
negative binomial predicted probabilities
I estimated a negative binomial model using zelig.
z.out<- zelig(NEWBHC~ PW80 + CHNGBLK + XBLK,data=data, model="negbin")
How do I calculate predicted probabilities for this model? Is it the same
process as a poisson regression?
Thanks in advance
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2013 Jul 23
percent correctly predicted (PCP) zeros for hurdle model
Hello all,
I am using the hurdle model for fitting my count data using the pscl package
which is working fine. However, I am stuck with the problem of calculating
the percent correctly predicted (PCP) zeros for hurdle model. The method I
am trying to use to achieve this is 'hitmiss' in the pscl package (ref:
When I do:
2011 Dec 22
Finding predicted probabilities
I ran three logit models in R with the Zelig package and I'm trying to
compute the
predicted probabilities for a number of different values on the independent
My dep variable was accepted or decline and my indep variable is bid
amount, and varies.
So for a bid amount of 3, what's the expected probability of winning.
For a bid amount of 5, what's the expected probability of
2007 Feb 09
How to get predicted time from coxph model
** Reply Requested When Convenient **
2012 Sep 25
Extrapolating Cox predicted risk
Dear all
I generated predicted risk of death for each subject in the study by
means of Cox proportional hazards model at 8 year of follow-up, a time
point at which follow-up was more than 90% complete. It is possible to
extrapolate to 10-year the predicted risk of each subjet by assuming
an exponential distribution?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your consideration.
2007 May 04
Predicted Cox survival curves - factor coding problems...
I am trying to use the survfit() function with the newdata argument to
produce predicted survivor curves for a particular covariate profile.
The main purpose of the plot will be to visualise the effect of snp1,
coded 0 and 1. In my Cox model I have stratified by one variable, edu, and
so I know I will automatically get a separate curve for each strata. My
problem is how to deal with the
2008 Mar 14
Equation for the standard error of a predicted score for a cross-classified model
I have several years of longitudinal test scores for students (many who
switch schools at various points in time). I am using a mixed-effects model
with crossed random effects to model student trajectories. The model
includes time at level 1 and students crossed with schools at level 2. When
I run the model I get the posterior variances on the intercepts and slopes
for students and schools,
2013 Jan 29
Finding predicted probabilities and their confidence intervals for a logit model
I want to construct a logit model, plot the probability curve with the
confidence intervals, and then I want to
print out a data frame with the predictor, response value, predicted value,
the low ci predicted value, and the
high ci predicted value. So it should look something like:
value low_ci prob hi_ci
5 0.10 0.12 0.13
6 0.11 0.13 0.16
7 0.13 0.15
2010 Aug 12
DRC: Effective doses versus Predicted values
I want to use the DRC package in order to calculate the IC50 value of an
enzyme inhibition assay.
The problem is that the estimated ED50, is always out of the fitted curve.
In the example below, I had a ED50 value of 2.2896,
But when I predict the response level for this concentration I get a value
of 45.71 instead of the expected value of 50.
This is my data:
#Dose unit is concentration
2007 Dec 08
lm: how to calculate rsquared of the predicted values?
I've built a linear model using multiple linear regression which leads me a
R-squared value of 73.58%.
After that, I used this model to predicted some values based on the test
Now I'm wondering how:
1. can I measure de R-squared value between the predicted(by the model) and
real (observed) values.?
2. Measure the RMSE error .
Example: suppose my data its below: