Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "factanal AIC?"
2006 Mar 15
Help on factanal.fit.mle
Can anybody please suggest me about the documentation of "factanal.fit.mle()"
(Not factanal()------ searching factanal.fit.mle() in R always leads to
Is there any function for doing principal component factor analysis in R.
Souvik Bandyopadhyay
Dept Of Statistics
Calcutta University
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2004 Jul 13
Help with factanal and missing values
Hi list,
I'm performing a series of confirmatory factor analysis on different
groupings of items from data collected with questionnaires. There are some
missing values.
For those sets with no missing values I call
where datamatrix is a table of all observations for the items under
This call fails when there are missing values.
2007 Jul 09
factanal frustration!
It seems that nearly every time I try to use factanal I get the following
Error in factanal(mretdb1, factors = 2, method = "mle", control =
list(nstart = 25)) :
unable to optimize from these starting value(s)
In the case cited above, mretdb1 is synthetic data created
2007 Feb 06
How-To construct a cov list to use a covariance matrix in factanal?
I have a set of covariance matrices but not the original data. I want to carry out some exploratory factor analysis. So, I am trying to construct a covariance matrix list as the input for factanal. I can construct a list which includes the cov, the centers, and the n.obs. But it doesn't work. I get an error that says "Error in sqrt(diag(cv)) : Non-numeric argument to mathematical
2001 Nov 22
factanal {mva} question
I have a question about the factanal function.
This function returns at the end test statistics like this:
Test of the hypothesis that 4 factors are sufficient.
The chi square statistic is 4.63 on 2 degrees of freedom.
The p-value is 0.0988
Is it possible to get the chi square statistic and the p-value as variables,
not the text on the screen? An object of class "factanal"
2008 Dec 01
factanal question
Dear R users:
I'm wondering if it's possible to get the residual correlation matrix when using factanal.
Since factanal assumes that the errors are normally distributed and independent (provided the factor model fits the data) this would be useful. Of course you would need to submit the data to the function to get the residuals (not just their correlation matrix), but it should be possible
2009 Aug 25
adding factor scores back to an incomplete dataset...
I am sure there is a simple way to do the following, but i haven't been
able to find it. I am hoping a merciful soul on R-help could point me in
the right direction.
I am doing a factor analysis on survey data with missing values. to do
this, I run:
FA1<-factanal(na.omit(DATA), factors = X, rotation = 'oblimin', scores =
Now that I have my factors and
2009 Aug 08
Factor Analysis in R
Hi I am trying to run Factor Analysis using R...I am using the syntax
factanal(m1, factors=3) but it's giving me an message Error in cov.wt(z) :
'x' must contain finite values only
...I am using a data set which is having only numeric variables and have
some NA's also in it..What should I do next..Someone please help me out with
the syntax..Thanks in advance
2011 Jun 11
Factor Analysis/Inputting Correlation Matrix
Can someone please direct me to how to run a factor analysis in R by first inputting a correlation matrix? Does the function "factanal" allow one to read a correlation matrix instead of data vectors?
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2009 Jan 30
princomp - varimax - factanal
I am trying to analyse with R a database that I have previously analysed
with SPSS.
Steps with SPSS:
Factorial analysis
Extraction options : I select = Principal component analysis
Rotation: varimax
Steps with R:
I have tried it with varimax function with factanal or with princomp...and
the results are different of what I have with SPSS. I think that varimax
function is incorporated in
2003 May 08
Returning the p-value of a factor analysis
Hi there,
Does anyone know how to explicitly refer to the p-value of thet test that
the chosen number of factors is significant in a factor analysis.
It's not in the list of values for the factanal command output yet it is
printed out with the results.
Thanks in advance.
Dr Wayne R. Jones
Statistician / Research Analyst
KSS Group plc
St James's Buildings
79 Oxford Street
2009 Jan 30
Factor Analysis-factanal function
Dear friends,
I'm using R to produce the following Factor Analysis:
> matriz.cor<-hetcor(matrix(as.factor(data), ncol=variables,
> factanal(x=data, factors=2, covmat=matriz.cor, scores='regression')
Then the screen output shows the following message:
Error en factanal(x = data, factors = 2, covmat = matrix, :
requested scores without
2009 Nov 03
Passing Command to Optim in factanal
I am currently trying to execute the following command:
but keep getting the error: L-BFGS-B needs finite values of 'fn'
I can't figure out what I am doing wrong here, why isn't optim being told to use BFGS instead of L-BFGS-B...
2024 Aug 22
Make factanal accept functions for rotation parameter
Dear R developers,
Would it be possible to make `factanal` to also accept functions and
not just function names for its `rotation` parameter? If I understand
correctly, `do.call` also supports this.
Best greetings,
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2007 May 13
Ein eingebundener Text mit undefiniertem Zeichensatz wurde abgetrennt.
Name: nicht verf?gbar
URL: https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/attachments/20070513/f07553e9/attachment.pl
2012 May 28
Factanal fits
Greetings, all:
I am using factanal in R.
When I enter a matrix or a formula, the print method winds up with something like this:
Test of the hypothesis that 6 factors are sufficient.
The chi square statistic is 28.1 on 22 degrees of freedom.
The p-value is 0.172
But when I enter a covmat, the print method winds up with something like this:
The degrees of freedom for the model is 22 and the
2006 Feb 24
Extracting information from factanal()
Dear list members,
I apologize for putting this (probably) very basic question on the
mailing list. I have scanned through the R website (using search) but
did not found an answer.
(code included below)
A factor matrix is simply extracted (which can then subsequently be
exported using write.table) by FACT$loadings[1:6,].
I would also like to specifically extract and export
2008 Jan 06
how to get residuals in factanal
In R factanal output, I can't find a function to give me residuals e.
I mannually got it by using x -lamda1*f1 -lamda2*f2 - ... -lamdan*fn, but the e
I got are not uncorrelated with all the f's.
What did I do wrong? Please help.
Be a better friend, newshound, and
2009 Aug 11
loadings function (PR#13886)
Full_Name: Mike Ulrich
Version: 2.9
Submission from: (NULL) (
The help documentation for loadings() lists more then one parameter. The
function call only expects one parameter. The digits, cutoff, and sort
parameters are not used in the function.
## S3 method for class 'loadings':
print(x, digits = 3, cutoff = 0.1, sort = FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class
2008 Sep 09
Addendum to wishlist bug report #10931 (factanal) (PR#12754)
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on March 10 I filed a wishlist bug report asking for the inclusion of
some changes to factanal() and the associated print method. The changes
were originally proposed by John Fox in 2005; they make print.factanal()
display factor correlations if factanal() is called with rotation =